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Tag search results for: "30 hits of acid guy"
Zach Black Owner
One of the best interviews I have done in years. It is 50 minutes long all off the cuff in one take. Tops range form Satanism, Music, art Magic the occult and a lot more. There is a good amount of extra clips from other Satanists and other news clips about other organizations. Its close to a interview / semi documentary with all the extra clips. Well worth the watch from a historical and sociological reflection of the last 20 years of Satanism and Satanic influences in the media. This is taken from Mouthing off a UK based magazine who feature underground and counterculture artists.

Zach Black Owner

There are some perks that I must say I will take full advantage of. And no no its not the hippy teenage girls it is the free drugs and beer. Yep. I wish I woulda started doing this a long time ago but it never occurred to me that I could pull it off. 

I was looking to get some psychedelics mainly LSD or DMT. Well I only know were to get mushrooms. I am fucking super Mario shroomed out. So, I was told buy some teenage kids on Reddit to jam down to Ocean Beach where the hippies and traveling beatnik folks hang out and I will find some. Well, I do not really like asking strangers for drugs especially hippies who I do not know for a drug I have no real way of testing until they are long gone. But the teenagers swore I would not need to ask that they would recognize me as ' 30 hits guy' . Well I was skeptical but occasionally someone does recognize me on the street so I figured fuck it. But, I wanted to make sure . 

So I had a couple shirts made for the 10th anniversary of the video and I decided to wear one to the beach. I had only wore one once and that was new years eve to the pub . I did get to drink most of the night for free so I went for it,.

Now, it is hard to describe the foolishness you feel walking around with your face on your shirt. It is embarrassing. Because even if people do not get the reference even kids look at you like you are retarded for having your face on your shirt. So I felt like a tool but as I walked down to the board walk I decided to sit down and watch the sunset. Sure as shit those teenagers were right. Within 5 minutes a few younger hippies walked up and asked me if that was really me and I confirmed. After answering a few questions about the video they were asking me if I would trip with them rigth there right now. 

I explained to them I was looking for a to go order and had this much money . They came back with a older hippie who said if I take drop acid with him right now for every hit I do he will give me three to go. now... this was tempting . But I passed. He ended up giving me a few and selling me a bunch at like half of what they go for so I was happy. 

If anyone is in the mode for some LSD or DMT in the San Diego area ( DE) I am your huckleberry. 

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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