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Kortnie Creamer

Sucks that I can't outwardly express my opinions.

Sure, I have that ability and no one is stopping me but myself but, the fact of the matter is, I have opinions that aren't exactly what people want to hear. Not things the masses would agree with. Especially since tolerance and acceptance seem to be trending lately.

What's ironic is that people that fought for the right to have a voice, an opinion, a choice.., they'll be the first ones to tell me to shut the fuck up. It almost seems as though the people that were once considered the 'mass' are now the 'minority' and those who were the minority, despite knowing what it's like not having a voice, get a kick out of disregarding the opinions of others and shutting them down.

Is that what politics have turned into? One fucking childish game of "I can't hear you, I can't hear you! La la la la la la!"?

Kortnie Creamer Nov 16 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7 · Tags: america, politics, rant, thoughts, double-standards, sardonic, apathetic, vent, unpopular
In the 17th century, America's first "Satanic Panic" occured in Massachusetts known as The Salem Witch Trials, mass hysteria circulated of devil worshippers, witches & warlocks. Because of extreme religious beliefs, anyone accused of witchcraft was either burned or brought to the gallows to be hung. Those who accused these so-called witches claimed to incite "righteous murder" in the name of God.
Now fast forward time to the 1960's the formation of Anton LaVey's Satanic philosophy, people were contrasting him with the likes of Jim Jones, David Koresh & Charles Manson with fears of another cult. Mixed emotions of fear & anger came forward.
Then in the 1980's America's second "Satanic Panic" took place. Preschools, musicians, movies & television where caught in the storm of paranoia, as well as the serial killings of Richard Ramirez would only fan the flames of this panic. Churches were generating as much profit as possible from those frightened by the idea of Satanists amongst American society.
The year is now 2016 & Satanism has never been stronger in America. With our andvances in technology & science, it has generated more atheists & more people to spend time in front of their phones & tablets instead of attending church. America now takes part in all 7 deadly sins without worry of God's wrath & without knowledge of this. Lust, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath & Pride are everywhere you look. Your family, your friends, our music, our movies, television, video games, even the internet. All taking part in the new Satanic order constructed by Anton LaVey. Although most people are unaware of this & still assume Satanism is related to blood worship, ritualistic rape, murder, mass suicide or some other deluted vision of this philosophy, the bottom line is this, America was founded as a Christian nation with a strict god fearing order, has now evolved into a free thinking, atheistic nation with the love for sex, money, food & relaxation. The U.S.A. is now Under Satan's Authority.

"We are heading into a new Satanic age, the evidence is all around us, all we have to do is look at it"
-Anton Szandor LaVey, "The Black Mass", 1960
sectheother Dec 2 '16 · Rate: 4 · Comments: 5 · Tags: under satan's authority, usa, satanism, satanic, america, 666
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