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I can't ignore what I see as an encroachment of pleb politics within Satanism. I see it more and more, the social justice warriors are setting up shop in our garage without permission. Some are already in the house somehow. Sure, I like the TST's sense of humor, and nothing particularly damning has been done that makes us look like morons. But look at the pieces of work they let in there.

It's inevitable they will have a bad influence. I can prove it.

Satanism is not a safe space
As a rule, every satanist is (or should be) a free thinker. Satanism is a thing because of the closed minded attitude on both sides of the spectrum in the US, that created a group of people who actually identify with the fucking devil in some way. I do not claim any expertise, rank, or intelligence. I am writing this in an informal style, because It's easier to not heavily edit things, if you want to police people's grammar go back to Reddit.

With the large influx of a new generation of satanists, those that have come before have the responsibility to be slightly helpful. Before we steal the freshman's lunch money and dunk their head in the toilet for being lame, Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. I put forward satanism is not a safe space, allow me to explain it as kindly as I can bring myself to. My ego says verbal abuse is a better idea but I'm going to try as hard as I can to not be "Toxic". I think I already failed

Does the SJW even follow the nine tenants?
1: Indulgence over abstinence
The Sjw ideology promotes abstinence from many things for moral reasons, including language censorship. It also promotes the over indulgence in whatever you want.
2:Vital existence
The Sjw believes in unproven and subjective new age spiritualism Including the use of crystals, and a mix match of any eastern philosophy that feels good to them.
3:Undefiled wisdom not self deciet
The sjw does not think critically. The Sjw believes what makes them feel better. This one is being directly violated.
4:Kindness to those who deserve it, Do not waste love on ingrates
The Sjw practices love to only their own group, The Sjw is a racist and a sexist. We should not waste our love on them, They just react to our hospitality by trying to censor our speech.
5:vengeance not turning the other cheek
The Sjw plays the victim, instead of attacking their opponents. They do not take revenge they simply complain and expect somebody to fix their problems.
6: give responsibility to the responsible
Leadership is earned not gotten freely in satanism. Sjws have no leaders most times, and the ones they have are inept.
7:Man is just another animal.
Many social justice groups still believe in the sanctity of humanity.
8:The celebration of sin
The sjw tries to shame others for commiting imaginary acts of moral impurity. They do not celebrate rejecting moral codes, but author them.
9:They are the church's best freinds because they are just like them, Not because they keep them in business.
So they don't follow any of them. Why are we letting these people hijack our brand? they aren't satanists. They go against what we teach and drag the name of our religion through political dirt for shock value.
I present to you brothers AND sisters, The SJW is exactly the same as the evangelical christian. I can prove it with a simple comparison:
SJW                                                            Fundementalist evangelical
believes naughty words hurt people             same
believes they are right no matter what        same
Follows leaders and needs them                   same
believes the ridiculous with no proof           same
Needs a group to feel validated                    same

This list could go on for another 40 lines. But the one line that is important more so than the others is the last one. Needs group validation.

As satanists, free thought needs to be our highest priority. We don't gather to feel validated. We don't group together because we want to all agree with each other and hold hands. We meet to challenge each other, to learn from each other and grow from constructive critisism. We aren't a herd, we are the pack. SJWs are the herd of this world. We are the people that dictate to them, because they are too mentally weak to make good decisions. But wait you just said "reeee freedom of speech" shouldn't they be included?

No. not in this forum. There is simply nothing for them to offer here. We have come to a level of awareness where most of what they could contribute we either already know, or blatantly disagree with. We simply aren't concerned with the same things most of the time.

Just like other groups they may be well meaning and even right at times. Much of what they believe is in line with what we do concerning christians for example. But our methods, our discussions, Are different from theirs. The SJW is a pleb. We should not allow plebs amongst our midst. What is a pleb?

Pleb (noun) meaning a person connected to the mainstream hivemind, not taking authority in their own life. IE members of curtain fandoms, SJWs and religious people. What I call "Tethered thinkers". We CAN work as a team, but we also work as individuals. The SJW rejects individuality while thinking she promotes it. The aggressive support of political parties is an act of collectivism, and it does damage to our cause. We are not here to invest our time and resources into political parties, they do not give back their support in a public way, therefore they have no place among our priorities.

The goals satanism seeks are personal, professional, and cultural. But not political. We are outside politics.

Satanists are indivualist, not collectivist. The satanist is constantly evolving in a hedonistic, humanist frame of thinking. We simply don't have time for the Pleb. The SJW pleb can't handle sex, drugs, or rock and roll without somebody holding their hand and guiding them through it. I am tired of seeing these people at our events, just as much as the neo nazis. They all make us look like idiots.

Satanists for example should never care about race or gender. Race or gender has never mattered to satanists, because it (actually) Doesn't Matter. The Pleb cares about these things because government propaganda and personal jealousy compels the Pleb to care. The satanist does not take mental direction from the media, or from the pleb. Therefore, the pleb is not and can never be a true satanist or enjoy the benefits of satanism while being a pleb.

The satanist can be anyone, but the satanist is in open rebellion against the destructive scam that IS religion and politics. If the satanist indugles in religious belief and political dogma, they are not practicing satanism. We teach that these things are bad, and are hurting society.

If your a satanist, you don't give two shits what color your fellow satanist is. All you should care about is how much this person has to devote to the group and their own abilities. Satanism is a selfish religion. We say that being selfish is not bad, but in fact wise at times. Why should we care about racial issues? As I said, the pleb will always find a way to divide himself and any organization they bumble into. We should not promote this crap. Not because the pleb ideology is damaging them and we are concerned, but because it damages our credibility as an organization.

TheblackestBart Apr 12 '19 · Rate: 4.25 · Comments: 35 · Tags: tst, anger, rant, articles, fuckreligion
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