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Tag search results for: "california"
Wicked Resistor
   My name is Chloe, I'm 21 and live in the Sacramento valley in California. I'm a transgender female who is just beginning my transition and i want to share my experiences, struggles and successes throughout my journey. And another reason i want to make this is so that i have something to look back on and track my mindset and progress. And as a satanist I'm inclined to believe that most satanists on this site share my view of being yourself and value personal happiness above all else. And that's what I'm doing. I know there's plenty of assholes everywhere, even here. But even so i feel like this is a safer environment than most to talk about and share my experiences. I will also occasionally rant about random things. I am horrible with keeping a schedule or dates, so this will most likely be spur of the moment and not regular.. But i will try!
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