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Cornelius Coburn

Is it possible that the conscious thoughts and feelings of the Scribe might arouse the interest of non-terrestrial entities, or, perhaps it was planned this way. It's a decades long game of experience and exploration, and it ain't over yet.


But ultimately in the end, all we are left with is experience. Which continuously must be renewed to avoid becoming subject to a stale eternity.


- deja vu

Cornelius Coburn Oct 27 '21 · Comments: 4 · Tags: eternity
Cornelius Coburn

If the cause never ceases to exist then neither its effects, whatever happens, will again, or would not have at all...

Eventually ALL finite things will end, but their RETURN is inevitable. The grains of sand that move through the hourglass of time are not infinite. Although they may appear ephemeral and isolated, indeed they are not in eyes of eternity.

When, yet again, time has run its course and all the finite specks of creation find themselves at the BOTTOM of the hourglass, (Chronos) the finite linear aspect of the infinite one shall invert it, again, and again, and again, for all eternity. This is the return, the eternal return, of EVERY single finite speck of individuality, of existence.

For eternity is a BEAST that will forever consume and renew ALL of existence, ABSOLUTELY!


Cornelius Coburn
OCULUS Aeternitas




And its' microcosmic reflection


Cornelius Coburn Aug 6 '21 · Comments: 5 · Tags: eternity, eye
Cornelius Coburn

The typical mundane will not question the above, if for no other reason, than the simple fact that it would be counterproductive to fantasy.

However, in all fairness, it may be inquired as to what it is exactly that places one absurdity above another, since in the end, it is all one is truly left with, an ultimate truth concealed via paradoxes, or, a 'veil' so to speak.

Ultimate truth to be for those only who are able to disregard its' implications and elevate themselves to a higher standard of reasoning.

Although in lieu of the living forever facade the task at hand will be evaluating the compatibility of infinite linearity with eternity which serves to encapsulate the former.

The emergence of a beginning, without end, appropriately referred 'infinitely linear' where a distinction is made in comparison with the eternal as it does in fact have a beginning, ergo, there be finite linear, infinite linear, and of course circular(eternal) time, with the latter also serving as negation of time.

So which one of these is right within this labyrinth of indecision, which will remain once the waters of transcendental reasoning have cleansed the mind of all the clutter, staring into the Abyss, to see nothing, and nothing, from which even the Abyss itself has emerged.



 - Occams' Razor

Cornelius Coburn Jul 29 '21 · Comments: 12 · Tags: finity, eternity
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