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As we all know, when you meet a person in public at any event or gathering place, you are not meeting them usually. You are meeting who they want people to think they are. With the advent of the internet, people can now indulge wholesale in anything that they enjoy in nearly complete privacy from others within the community they physically live. As a satanist, I see no problem in this. I love debauchery and sin. But I also understand it is my responsibility to police my own degeneracy so that it does not do damage to others. With this in mind, it's time we talk about IAFs, or internet acquired fetishes. Suffice to say, I believe there is injustice here. For the sake of reference I will describe Each IAF in it's own section.

As most people with a solid upbrining know, it is wrong to have sex with animals, rather its consentual or not. Many have heard of, for example, furries. Now it can be said that not all furries are zoophiles, and not all zoophiles are furries. It is however, a cold fact that some do engage in it. This is completely a product of the internet age, as fandoms never really had the potential for rapid expansion as they do now. This is one of the several very disturbing ones. I've met many furs and for the most part have always found them absolutely insufferable.
There is also the issue of girls having sex with male dogs. Now I'm sure this was around before the internet was, but many girls started doing it after likely hearing about it on tumblr or reddit. Think it's not a big issue? guess again. This can lead to disease, infection, and other things. After all how clean is dog dick? I certainly wouldn't want to pound a hole that a dog had been in. 

2. pedophilia
We all know about this one, but I don't think most understand the magnitude the problem has reached. Loli/shota/futaba/other anime related porn material creates a new pedo every day, and little can be done to stop it, as it is not illegal for some reason. Not only are groups in the US actively pushing for pedo acceptance, But they also are forming online communities around the issue.
Acceptance groups are a problem in my view, because instead of people who just think a 20 year old shouldn't get the book thrown at them for diddling a highschooler who lied about their age, They want ALL pedophilic acts to become legal and accepted. Sexual manipulation/exploitation is wrong to do to anybody, but especially children because of the damage it does to them later in life. Literally throwing the baby out with the bath water will not fix this issue. I was a victim of a pedo growing up and it caused a lot of psychological damage, somehow luckily I'm pretty normal and sane these days but that took effort.
The internet is a breeding ground for all sorts of perversion. IAF pedophilia is exactly the same/worse than regular pedophilia. 

In conclusion I suppose it is up to you to decide what you think is right and wrong. What is healthy, and what is unhealthy. I left out some other IAFs I know about because they weren't as bad/cringey but I am of the belief they ar ALL bad. Sex is ment to be a much more personal thing than what is provided by pornagraphy. It could even be said the "incel threat" meme was created by this filth. These people know full well that they are being targeted based on genetics/race with this garbage, and yes it makes them mad. From the smart ones I've talked to, they say the most frustrating thing is that although they can plainly see what's being done to them, the outside world sees them in a framed narrative and does not pour out the affection and acceptence they do for other much worse people. In fact, it only seeks to corrupt them more and more until they can be held up and used a justification for further evils, and then unceremoniously dumped in a hole and forgotten.


When will we, as a society, take action against the menace of internet porn? When will we stand up and say, "If you can censor us but we can't censor you, that is WRONG? Just because you can fap to something doesn't mean you should. "

I'm no puritan, or christian. I just see porn addiction causing all the same problems religion does to our culture and society. Porn is just as manipulative as religion. I choose to indulge with respect and caution, but I'm in a sea of people who never took care in their indulgence, or understood the results of it.

TheblackestBart Jan 19 '20 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: porn, psychology, sex, the internet, politics
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