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Zach Black Owner

I could be wrong. I know I am damn near to perfection in every since of the word but occasionally I do make a mistake. Usually having to do with women though . Nevertheless this did catch my eye. Seems like a jab at SIN to me. Mainly becaue of the intentional capitalization of words that should not be capitalized to make the abbreviation S.I.N.

Taken from the Church of Satan website ' Satanic Buncho' .

Now I do recall reading this a long time ago and it appears as if it has been revised  and updated. I do not recall if the original one from the 70's included this part. I do not think the term network really had the same meaning back then either.

CoS had a long standing policy not to mention any other Satanic organization. Not because they wanted to be above shit talking but because they want to give the impression they are the only show in town. Kinda like their ' you can not call yourself a Satanist if you are not part of the CoS ' attitude they only recently started to shy away from saying.

I did notice Gilmore taking shots at the Satanic Temple a few times. Likely cause we took shots at him. I say we referring to when I was a chapter head back in 2015.

Village Voice - Trolling Hi Hell

Seems if a organization gets enough attention like say ..... ten times more than the CoS ever got they make an exception.

If indeed it was a shot at SIN I say ' to shay ' you little evil garden gnome.

i was wonder how long you were gonna let me keep slapping you around publicly  before you put your gloves on. Clever way of doing so to not mentioning directly so that it could be denied and if I accused otherwise then I would be perceived as being ' full of myself ' ect ect.

Either way I will continue to promote the CoS as I have been for rthe last decade. My YouTube videos about the CoS have collectively hundreds of thousands of views. That is more than ALL their videos put together. Can not beat free advertising especially when they are unable to drum up the attention even though the tried. And for this I point to as true indication that Gilmore and company are clever, crafty, intelligent even after CoS crumbled following LaVey death.

That being said I will say it once again .... CoS died with its fonder the great Anton LaVey. The CoS is irrelevant and simply stands as a historical monument and Legacy of Dr. LaVey. In the mist of their internal thumb wresting over the estate they simply ignored the internet boom and technology got away from them. Only after I mentioned in a interview Gilmore was on as a live caller that their website looked like it was built on windows 95 did they finally pay someone to update it only a few weeks later.

Guys you coulda just asked me when I was a member to handle your advertising, YouTube and networking. :)

But I will give the CoS this. I have met some interesting and cool people from within the organization. It is a shame some of them though will not allow their picture to be taken with me for fear of being seen with someone on the ' black list' and being booted or demoted. Also the ' originality ' and authentic aesthetics will always be their own.

Zach Black Owner
Nine years ago on this day 02-09-10. I launched SIN solo and was the very first user. I think the only user for a couple days. I no clue what i was doing having little computer skills and no networking skills to speak of. In fact, I did not even know what a network forum really was. I remember moving some stuff from one side of the room to the other and that was progress. Luckily I sounded the horn on YouTube and a couple dozen people showed up. Thankfully Beastxeno saw that I was in trouble and offered his assistance. He was the first in a series of admin to help sail the ship. 

At first SIN blew up huge within the first year. I guess because it was the new thing on the block. back then I was known on YouTube as another Satanist making videos but had not yet really begun to grow in popularity yet. I used what few thousand subscribers I had and fanned the flames as much as I could. 

I simply started SIN for the same reason I got on YouTube. I spent about a year and observed. After a while I saw what I liked and what I thought I could do better. So I did. I created SIN to be the premier Satanic Network just like I set out to dominate YouTube and become the most subscribed to and viewed Satanist on YouTube. And I did. I did in spades with more subs and video views that all Satanists combined. 

SIN started off to be a better version of the few networks I knew of. I remember MySatan, ICOS, Goat of Mendes and a couple others. Each of those networks had their pros and cons just like SIN does. Well I wanted to be better that all of them .... together. And within a few years SIN did just that. 

So nine years later where are we? I look around and I Tell you what I see. I see a few other networks sinking into oblivion. Bouncing around in a barrel like a bunch of wounded ducks. I see the haters who have betrayed my trust and set this place on fire hiding in the distance in the shadows. With no honor and to cowardly to raise a hand and take credit for being a back stabbing spineless weasel. I laugh at you as we still stand strong. Stronger than all the few left put together and I smile thinking to myself ...  ' what a bunch of pathetic weakling pussies. Is that really the best you got ' ?  Where are you all now? And does anyone notice or even care?  

Does anyone know what happened to that fat goofy looking flat chested ugly chick that you use to hang out with in real life? You know, the one who would go to your house and and chill with you. That one who went all the way up to Northern California to visit you at the winery wearing Jason Sorrell SIN shirt. What was her name again ? .. .. Exactly. 

I could go on about a few more but why bother. Nobody remembers you or cares. Nobody missed you for more than a month either. 

So those cowboys and cowgirls that are still left. Pull up a chair. Order yourself a drink. This could possibly be the last carnival to pass through this town again. This world is growing harder and harder for this type of engagement. Like the traveling sideshow freaks our time is coming and I can see the horizon. So lets order a round of drinks, toss your chips in and all bets are in. 

   I told you naysayers once nine years ago and I will say it again....

                      '' SIN aint going nowhere . I am all in ''. 

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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