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Kortnie Creamer

Sucks that I can't outwardly express my opinions.

Sure, I have that ability and no one is stopping me but myself but, the fact of the matter is, I have opinions that aren't exactly what people want to hear. Not things the masses would agree with. Especially since tolerance and acceptance seem to be trending lately.

What's ironic is that people that fought for the right to have a voice, an opinion, a choice.., they'll be the first ones to tell me to shut the fuck up. It almost seems as though the people that were once considered the 'mass' are now the 'minority' and those who were the minority, despite knowing what it's like not having a voice, get a kick out of disregarding the opinions of others and shutting them down.

Is that what politics have turned into? One fucking childish game of "I can't hear you, I can't hear you! La la la la la la!"?

Kortnie Creamer Nov 16 '19 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 7 · Tags: america, politics, rant, thoughts, double-standards, sardonic, apathetic, vent, unpopular
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