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Zach Black Owner

White trash cook book..

Chili -

Get you some beans.Three cans of em.. I get you some pinto, kidney and fucking black beans.. Gotta be three different beans. I know,some of you dont lime black beans... pick a color you okay with and toss this shit in a crock pot. Your neighbor never returned that shit? Or you cooking meth in it still? No problem..

Get you a skillet cause its faster. I know you got 4 kids crawling up on your ass like kittens... Better yet get you a wok... those the Chinese use for .... no not kittens for ....wok stuff.

Put all them beans in there with a can of CRUSHED tomatos...

So far if you shopping a Wal-mart( I know you are ) you invested about 4 bucks in your food stamps.. Do NOT drain this shit.... adds ... flavor and shit.

Here is where we beg to differ... get you 8 oz of sirlon...or if you a cheap bastard OR sold your stamps for crack... ground beef.... get the 80% one with 20% cow fat ass in there. Unless your kids are tubby....IDK your call.

Cook that beef seperately .. drain it..toss that shit in on the beans... let that simmer for about as much time as it takes you to beat the fuck outta your neighbor for stealing your crock pot to cook meth, Check the tires on your trailer and change some diapers . So a couple hours or maybe 6 if you high.

Oh I forgot put some chili mix ..comes in a lil envelop cost a buck at Food for less.. put that shit in there when you add the meat.

Here is where you get fucking special.. unless you are a pussy . Add you some siracha...roaster sauce for those that dont speak Asian. You got no balls or kids....a couple squirts. You got one ball.... or small balls...a teaspoons. You got big giant goat me.. two teaspoons roaster sauce , diced onion,those crushed red peppers you stole from pizza hut you fucking fuck ( and didnt tip).. and call that shit fucking done.

Sprinkle some cheese on top even a spoon full of white sour cream for color... toss a side of saltine crackers, call your Mexican friends over tell em you trade for fucking Tecate ... now you got a party!

If your worried about farts and shits... stop being a pussy! Dont worry about stupid shit! Thats why you are single or addicted to Xanax!

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