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Zach Black Owner
Something I wrote like back in 2010. It is about peoples need to believe and have faith in ' God ' or entities. Some of this can be applied to Theistic Satanist too. But it was not intended for that. 

This essay was also used in a book called ' the satanic bible- new testament.

The Need to Believe – Zach Black | 

     I learned a long time ago it is not worth arguing with religious folk. You can’t hope to achieve much trying to enlighten mystical superstitious weak minded people. Why use logic and reason to argue or debate someone who has a deep rooted psychological need to resist it? It is like arguing the shape of a cloud with a blind man? People have a NEED to BELIEVE. I cant help but to see their “faith” for what it is. A Neurotic coping Mechanism deeply anchored in the character and emotional structure of a delusional and crippled victim.A even sadder fact is these righteous,pious pursuers of heaven will probably never recover.Their entire lives, security, thought process,  logic, reasoning, longing and general impression of the world around them is built on these fairy tales .

These very people push into the trusting and delicate minds of children their very own fears and delusions. If faith based mentality was replaced over night with a rational objective approach to reality, Most of these peoples emotional and mental health would crumble in days.

Faith is rooted in fear. A fear of the unknown. The unpredictable. And most of all the fear of living a life free of their conflicting neurotic mechanisms. That they now are entirely dependent on as a permanent copping mechanism.A delicate house of cards to repress guilt, rage, fear, lust, ect..

If you doubt that it is the fear of losing ‘control’  and letting go that fuels religious fever and devotion consider this question…
Why would Organized Religion launch crusades to exterminate entire cultures, population and races?

They claim they are doing Gods work by ridding the world of savages, heathens, beastly, course, perverse and deviant people. It was to much for the holy to see free and unrestrained happy people half naked not ashamed of their own passions. These ‘primitive’, ‘Godless’  free loving living people threatened to expose the fear and inherent irrational contradictions that their culture, religion and faith rest and depend on.

It was necessary to rid the world of people who reminded them of what it is like to not live in a world based on fear, control, rigidity and repression. The righteous will not tolerate being reminded of what they gave up in the way of life, love and happiness to pursue their faith. Ironically ….They gave up the one thing they claim they value above anything else. The only thing they hope to reunite in some mystical intangible everlasting bless with their Lord. Their very essence, their soul.

It was necessary to burn countless thousands of woman alive simply because they reminded these miserable, impotent men that they themselves once felt alive in their groins. And what could be more murderously provoking than to arouse the last bit lust in some miserable, resigned, hateful shell of a man who longs for death?

The righteous and holy will always attempt to remove and exterminate others who think differently and do not reinforce their delusions. Even others that are equally crippled holy men of a different cloth. After all , what if the other religion is right? There was no clause for that in the gospels? So if they are right, that would make you wrong. And a cloud of anxiety and horror will surely await. There is no other reason or explanation to make light of how even intelligent, educated, worldly and presumably logical well adjusted people could ignore scientifically proven facts that are in sharp contradictions to their faith?

Even Scientist themselves are still spending their entire lives trying to prove evolution is false. That carbon dating and the known age of the universe around us is grossly inaccurate. In the opposition of all evidence and reason they still will not let go of their delusions. They can not. It is simply something they are incapable of doing. It would mean an end to the fictions they have grown depended on to cope and function. A dissolving of the very deep emotional layers of repression and rigidity they have spent a life time building.

Not to mention for the first time in their lives they are unsure of what lies beyond.

If a man of average intelligence reviews the idea of God with a rational objective approach he will come to one conclusion.
God is possible, but highly unlikely.

And one more Agnostic is born. God is nothing but an imaginary friend for adults.

The universal need to believe should be looked at as a mass induced psychosis. A protective mechanism early man evolved after the horror, uncertainty and isolation he must of felt leaving the comfort of the jungle for the open fields towards the unknown.

Zach Black Owner
I decided to re-post my reply in a different forum as new forums get more replies. Also I get asked this all the time. 

Luxes orginal is this  


Sep 5

What's a "purist" Satanist believe?

By "purist" Satanist, I mean one who doesn't get their ideas and beliefs from other religions.

Strictly staying within the precinct of each of the major schools if Satanism (LaVeyan, Theistic, Self-described, ONA) is their an afterlife of any kind?

The ONA does teach of a "beforelife" which is the Acausal, to which we return when we sacrifice a male human to Satan, or committed acts of terrorism to kill a lot of mundanes in public. 

Zach Black -
Zach Black5 minutes agoWell coming from a self-styled Satanist what I personally believe that there is no actual afterlife. I believe that we and all living things have a life force. Kinda like Yoda when he talks about the force. 

I believe that or ' life force ' leaves us at death and gets put back into the whole to be redistributed back into the ' one '.. 

Although I also realize I can not prove this so....I could be wrong. Which is why I live my life as if this is the only life I will ever have. I DON'T believe in a afterlife or that our consciousness exists after the flesh dies.

Zach Black Owner
This is not a macabre suicide note or a passive aggressive cry for help. But, death comes at anytime for any reason. Everything is killing everything. If you start from the bottom bacteria and micro viruses are killing us. A bear will kill you to. Or acts of ' God ' like wild fires of a lightning strike to your balls. Insects are trying to eat you alive. And we breed and slaughter animals to survive. Everything is trying to kill everything else. 

Just know when I go I lived my life the way I wanted. I made some mistakes sure. Few of us have not. I enjoyed my time for the most part and the friends and loved ones I had. I have lived a full life... probably enough for several lives. 

When it comes time to drift off into the great beyond I will be back bigger and better than before to haunt you fucks all over again. 

I have met some great people and had some great experiences through out this journey. I would like to think that I added to push the wheel of Satanism forward if even a few inches. 

Hail Satan     ZB 

Zach Black Owner

Dread -

I have this weird feeling. A feeling that something bad is going to happen at anytime. Strange feeling. Not a pleasant on either. It is that feeling that ' something is in the air ' . I can not put my finger on it.

i could be picking up ' vibes ' from someone else close to me. I thinking I need t make my rounds and check in with everyone close. My older brother just got outta pycheward today. He was having suicidal thoughts. That could be it.

All I really know is I have only had a few glasses of wine. That is not enough to sound the alarm. I can feel the pressure physically to. Something, somewhere is about to go down that will affect me in a drastic way.... that is the feeling I have.

Zach Black May 9 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: satanic international network, zach black
Hello Sinners

As the title suggests, this is the first volume of the SIN quarterly journal. The term journal is here used in the broadest possible sense. If you would like to contribute to the journal, I'll suggest a few different methods. It should go without saying that the preferred way to publish is by carving your article into your flesh using a rusty and dull butter knife.

The first method is simply to write a blog post and post it today, with an ALL CAPS TITLE SAYING SIN QUARTERLY JOURNAL VOL. 1 (I think) FOLLOWED BY "The Title of Your Insignificant Yet Grandiose Article". Of course you can always post on May 23, the next time I plan to take a stab at this.

Alternatively, you could also post your articles in the comments section of this article, thereby collecting everything in the same spot so interested folks can read it all in the same place. All commentators and trolls will of course be welcome to post in the comments, but they will not earn the lofty made up by me title "Journal Contributor" unless they follow the following formatting as the first line of their comment ALL CAPS TITLE SAYING SIN QUARTERLY JOURNAL VOL. 1 (I think) FOLLOWED BY "The Title of Your Insignificant Yet Grandiose Article".

Now that I've got that most boring element of this article written, on to something less boring, but still not all that sexy. The reason I'm writing this article and suggesting that all you lovely SINners with an inclination to write, record, discuss, and experiment in a textual way do so in this journal. 

I was mincing about the house one day wearing nothing but plastic Halloween devil horns when I thought to myself, "Golly gee, I haven't checked out SIN in a while. I wonder if there is anything cool going on there right now?" Never mind the many discussions I've had with myself in the mirror about what exactly cool means, and what could possibly be going on on a social networking website that could be anything other than a way to divert myself from thinking about my impending doom at the hands of an ancient orangutan dressed in a fancy (yet still trashy) blue business suit (with white cuffs).

So I logged on to SIN and messaged a bunch of random people who I'd talked to since I joined in September. When most of them (But not you Crystal :)) didn't reply I just trolled the newsfeed until I found a forum topic about the passionate, yet tragically impotent idea of a SIN quarterly journal. I like writing random shit on SIN, but I felt that I was creatively reaching the end of the road when it came to writing here. The idea of a journal set my mind alight, and here I am, cranking out more shit from my laptop to an ungrateful, elitist horde of at least dozens of cheeto dusted nerds. AT LEAST.

I also thought that three months would give me enough time to write and do the research for something really expansive and high quality, and the deadline would be close enough that I would take it semi-seriously, and actually focus for roughly half the hours spent writing it. Such an article is coming on May 23, should this whole quarterly journal thing gain any traction, and my ego is summarily satisfied by enough stroking in the form of views, comments, and high ratings.

Now on to my third, final, and sexy topic. Cyber Magick baby. The most obvious representation of it is this website. Surely good ol' Mr. Black either explicitly or implicitly called upon principles and practices of greater magick in the LaVeyan sense when he created this website. Whenever magick interacts with Cyberspace, I would call that Cyber Magick. Now, what Zach intended, and whether that has come to fruition, or is still a fruit waiting for enough water and sunshine to bud is a question to which only he knows the answer. But through this portal, I see the possibility of a lot of interesting Magick being done.

My first idea would be to coordinate a bunch of people in different parts of the world to do some ritual where if you drew a line from each of them to the other on a map, it would trace out a sigil, then do some sort of ritual. Pretty nifty huh?

So there's my idea folks, use this website for ritual magick, and presto, you're doing cybermagick, which if nothing else sounds cool, and that's enough for me.

SamaelSwine Feb 23 '17 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 6 · Tags: cybermagick, zach black, sin, lavey, sin quarterly journal
Zach Black Owner
As you see we have a PDF library. I encourage users to add links to their favorite books in PDF format. The books do not have to be specifically occult related. But, bare in mind this is a site designed for Satanist. So, please no Harry Potter books, auto-biographies of pop stars ect. 

So please think about a good book that others might find interesting and add it. At the top of this box on the left you will see a string of small boxes with icons in them. Click the link button. It is very simple. 

Zach Black Owner
You all may have noticed the site keeps moving back and forth in time. We tried to update the site and it went down. We have back up files but some got over ridden by other back up files. Long story short everything post after the 21st of July is gone up until today. So EVERYTHING between July 21st- Aug 2nd was erased. We are all good now though. 
Zach Black Aug 2 '16 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 1 · Tags: satanic international network, satanism, zach black, community, online
Just wanted to make a blog on Zach's 40th B-Day. Happy birthday bro.

Glad you where able to clean up and get sober from the drink. As long as you stay away from that Satanic water, maybe you'll hit 50!

Just wanted to say Thanks for all the motivational and educational videos on YouTube. If it weren't for you, i would have never picked up the Satanic Bible. I have been watching your videos for 2 years now. Congrats on hitting 40, and hopefully there is 10 more years left in the tank!

Xaroxeum May 25 '16 · Tags: zach black, birthday
Zach Black Owner

It was brought to my attention that the Church of Satan took a pot shot at Satanic International Network ( S.I.N.) .

They said ' Don’t be fooled by unauthorized Grottos, phony Orders of the Trapezoid, Silly Intercommunication Networks' .

Noticed the Capitalize ' Silly Intercommunication Networks ' which is a jab at Satanic International Network ( SIN ).

Seems like Gilmore and company are breaking protocol about not acknowledging other Satanic organizations. First the Satanic Temple now SIN?

I will say I am flattered that the Church of Satan is highly aware of us to take jabs. I will say I do deserve it for all the shit I talked about them over the years. I smell on them fear. They know they are defunct and in their death throws.

Satanism is being refaced by new blood and they are not pleased about it. Church of Satan died with LaVey. And yes they can sit back fat and lazy and pretend that they are the only relevant organization. They are in for a surprise.

Many of us are doing our own thing and making headway within Satanism. Which is how it should be.

Here is the link . SIN comes in on the number sixth paragraph...

Zach Black Apr 23 '16 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 6 · Tags: church of satan, satanic international network, zach black
Zach Black Owner
   Well I made it and gave my presentation which you can find on my facebook. Once I figure out how to get it on youtube I then can post it here. Here is a link to it on facebook. 

Zach Black Presentation

The event was great. Some bumps in the road which is to be expected. Lots of egos colliding. Was great meeting everyone. Some of you it was a long time in the making. 

For more pictures check out the photo gallery. I will make a album with all the pictures. 

Zach Black Apr 16 '16 · Comments: 2 · Tags: satanic international network, zach black
Zach Black Owner
Never thought I would make a go fund me for anything. But this came up and I have to do it. Please take the time to read. Anything helps. And if you can not I understand. I can not the entire amount. Which is why I am turning to fund raising. 

Here is the go fund me link . 

go fund me link

Here is what happened. 

On 01/08/16 I was involved in a auto accident. More specifically I was cut off when the other car clipped the front of the car and I hit a curb then ran into a ditch.  I was coming home from work around midnight. The other drive never stop they just drove off. I was not able to get a license number. 

Herein is the problem. The car I was driving that night was my mothers. She is 67 and in a wheel chair. The car is set up with hand controls for someone who can not use their feet. The car is a 96 Monte Carlo. It’s worth about half of the estimated repairs. But, because of her disability she MUST have a 2 door sedan with bench seats ( not bucket ) . Very few models after 2000 offer this option, which is why this car has had two engines and two transmissions. She needs either this car or one very similar, and there are few left on the road today. 

The damages to the car are extensive but fixable. The car needs three rims, 4 tires, a new CV axle ( drive axle ) , one control arm, driver side strut assembly, broken door window and some damage to the bumper and front end. . We are not looking to fix the cosmetic damages. We just need the car to run. 

She only had state liability on the car, so insurance is not going to help. Both are credits are poor, so we can not get a loan to fix it. Otherwise I would just apply for a credit card and pay for it that way. Finding a used car that is a two door sedan with buckets seats is going to be tough. I have looked. And similar Monte Carlos they are asking about 3,000 for. So we are stuck fixing this one or spending about the same to get another used one IF we can find one. 

Although the accident was not my fault I still am responsible for fixing this. I was the one behind the wheel. Which , ironically I rarely drive the car. It is hard to drive because it is set up for someone who uses hand controls. And although I could pay for the repair if they were to set me up on a payment plan , they will not. Not even with a high interest. I just do not have that type of money in my savings. I can invest about 500 of my own money. Which I am. I am hoping to be able to use that money to fix the window and the front end damage, which is not critical for the car to run.  The main issue is the money needs to be raised now before they start charging us to store it at the shop. 

Thank you all. I really appreciate it. And I know my mother does to. 


The car is sitting at Perfection auto body. They have done affordable work before on a different vehicle, I trust that they are honest. 

Zach Black Jan 14 '16 · Comments: 1 · Tags: zach black
Zach Black Owner
Possibly the largest gathering of Left Hand Path Practitioners in modern history will be held in Atlanta, GA on 04-08-16 to 04-10-16 at the Sheraton Atlanta Airport Hotel
1900 Sullivan Road. Atlanta, GA 30337

Nearly 50k was spent to reserve the top two floors, nearly 200 rooms, the ball room, the conference room and the penthouse. 

Over 20 presenters and entertainers will be present. With expected 400 in attendance overall. There will be a masquerade ball and stage performers from musicians to entertainers of all types. Including live rituals. 

The presenters will range from Satanists, Luciferians, Pagans, Wiccans, voodoo witch doctors, Magicians and all sorts of eclectic esoteric practitioners of all types related to the occult. 

Admission is 200 dollars for the three day event. Rooms start at 120 a night should you wish to reserve one on the top two floors of the Sheraton Atlanta Airport Hotel
1900 Sullivan Road. Atlanta, GA 30337, with the rest of us. Cheaper rooms can be had across the street for about 70-80 a night. But, from what I hear the after hours parties is worth the extra money to book a room with the rest of us. 

I will be a presenter. And I also will be there for the entire event. I know others from the 600 club and Satanic International Network will be there. There will likely be media coverage as well. 

Here are a couple of links to give you more detailed information about this historical event. 

Left Hand Path Consortium . 

You can buy rooms and book tickets directly through the website. Rooms are already discounted and added into the block of rooms already purchased. 

Any questions feel free to contact me in private at ..

Zach Black Owner
Most of you are pretty good at following site policy. We appreciate it. The policies are in place for a reason. And the moderators here are not janitors. Gets annoying real quick when people blatantly disregard site policy. Either they are fools or did not bother to read the policy, even though when they registered they have to agree to it. Either way those people are no loss should they get deleted. So, here is the policy again. 


Welcome to Satanic International Network. The premier satanic network. Please take the time to read our policy. 

When it comes to posting content, you need to use decent grammar and punctuation. This is a forum not a cell phone. 

Please limit your photo uploads to 10. And only upload pictures of yourself or your art work. No google images. 

When posting videos please no music videos unless it is your own original music. Videos need to be relevant to Satanism. 

The groups are intended for geographical locations. They are intended for meeting others in your area. Some exceptions will be allowed. Please ask Zach Black. 

Do not spam, troll or attack others. Challenging and debate is welcome. Personal attacks and quarrels should take place in private messages. 

When using our live chat sign in with the user name you registered with or you might get banned. Should you get banned contact Zach Black. 

Enjoy your stay. We look forward towards your participation.

Zach Black Owner

Hey folks. I need your help with something. I need to speak with Anton LaVey son Satan Xerxes Carnaki LaVey. The rightful inheritor to the church of Satan. Last I heard he lives in southern California, where I live. I wish to light a fire under his ass . He will be turning 25 in a couple years. That is the age LaVey wanted him to be high priest. 

Maybe he does not care. IDK. But, I am willing to find out. I heard he is involved with I need his contact info. Or even his mothers Blanche Barton... although I am pretty sure she will not talk to me. Worth a shot. ..

Zach Black Owner

Coexistence? No. We are Satanist. Although we do not promote religious bigotry or unneeded violence, should you choose to align yourself with a religion that is responsible for the murder and repression of millions under the false pretense of this or that God you ARE MY ENEMY.

I will not white knight around preaching coexistence. Nor will I question ' why can't we all get along' . We Satanists are not looking for acceptance or ' equality '. Make no mistake. I want nothing more than to see your religion of fear and hatred that is responsible for the deaths of millions destroyed. As long as I am alive this will be a goal of mine. 

Zach Black Nov 22 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 1 · Tags: satanic international network, satanism, satanist, zach black
Zach Black Owner

We have a radio show. Next episode will be at 11/09/15 8pm PST. It is live. you can call in. This show will be about depression and addiction from a Satanist perspective. Zach Black will be hosting. Co-hosting is Joseph Joseph L Hall who works in the mental health field. You can also download this show and previous ones on the channel Satanic International radio on blog talk radio.

Here is the next up and coming show...

Zach Black Owner
I have been invited to be a special special guest  at the Left Hand Path Consortium this coming April in Atlanta Georgia. I am humbled at the invitation. To be part of one of the largest gatherings of Occultists in modern history is truly thrilling. 

Although there is no script I know the expectation is that I talk about modern Satanism and the online Satanic communities. Which I am a ideal person to have doing so. 

I will talk about that which I am known best for and have chiseled out a name for myself in. But I will only spend so much time doing so. All of my thoughts and opinions on the topic have been put out there in videos, blogs, forums ect. Nothing new. 

I am going to spend most of my time talking about something far more important than Satanism or online satanic communities. Something that has destroyed great souls and crushes life from everyone that stands against it. 

The name was coined by Wilhelm Reich in 1930's. He called it the emotional plague. We are all infected. I am going to point it out and ways I think might be counter to it. 

Other than what I have mentioned is there anything you would want to here me speak about? I would like some suggestions. And I appreciate them in advance. 

Joining me at the consortium are many from SIN. Also prominent figures in their respective fields. Ranging from Luciferians, Pagans, Wiccans, Dark Buddist mons, Shamans, Witch doctors ect ect ect .. Live music, dinner parties, rituals and much more. 

They have rented the top two floors of the Sheridan Hotel in Atlanta including the ballroom. For a entire weekend. 200 rooms have been paid for the guest and presenters/entertainers/ect. This will be off the hook. I will be there. Join us. 

SIN members attending thus far that I know of other than I is Laurie ( host ), Typhon ( host ) , Tessa ( presenter ) Johnny Watts, Mel, Shea Bile ( entertainer ) and several more. 

Here is Shea Bile spoken word.. 

More info can be found on the right sidebar in white on this network. 

Zach Black Owner
Contact me privately for more info and shipping details.

Come out and join us Halloween night at di piazza. Sunday night vital remains plays in los Angeles. S I N chapters will be there too.chilling right now with the singer and SIN member Brian Werner. 
Troll Member
For years and years now i have used Facebook. While chatting in IRC we would review the latest social media sites, receive visits from those who were making them, including a couple from the projects by Cult of Cthulhu folks, one or two from SIN as it was conceived and then came into being, a number familiar with the 600 Club, the Modern Church of Satan, a variety of boards which were temporary using some service which eventually changed their policies and charged money, driving out all users, etc.

Facebook seemed somehow different than the rest in a couple of ways in that they 1) appeared to require the use of legal names, and 2) were apparently implementing a diverse set of interaction applications interior to their network. I was satisfied watching the Satanists come and go, occasionally create a temporary account i rarely used once learning that such things wouldn't be immediately stomped, and unifiedly emphasizing my online projects in an overt fashion.

At some point a few of us who were using IRC in a very small, yet tight-knit, group decided that Facebook might offer an opportunity in that it accommodated chat there in groups, and this might get more traffic than we were seeing in Dalnet. We created a joint account none of us were concerned with losing and shared a login and password amongst us.

Through time this seemed to yield potential. Chat seemed possible and might attract 15-20 or more people simultaneously with only a few technical glitches. At times people were added without providing permission, and the technical idiocy of Facebook provided for absolutely zero (0) moderation or expulsion, making it extremely tentative and restricted to the mature. Gaining group members we soon found out that the only groups *capable* of sustaining the chat feature were those with less than 30 or 40 members maximum. This immediately killed the possibility of using the same group and chatting using it.

Once the chat feature became problematic, enthusiasm for the project began to wane amongst participants. As the weeks and months wore on internecine squabbles erupted and from what we could tell there were reports to Facebook and these compromised a series of accounts of those who became the targets. We could never tell, initially or eventually, from the outside whether someone was having problems with their account due to technical limitations and who was receiving a challenge to their account from Facebook admin, asking for identification or proof of being "Samael Deathbringer" or whatever pseudonym the person was using.

By slow and incremental portions almost everyone began to either resurface with a new, legal name, or simply reappear with a new account and a new, or the same, nickname they had been using before. The technical means of keeping people together as friends or group members or whatnot while all this was happening was somewhat tenuous, and people became more and more quiet within Facebook as a result. Fewer and fewer of our group continued to use the shared account, until pretty much i was left with it.

At that point i decided to see what i might do with it. I had my legal name account, and was exploring the ins and outs of that to good effect. I re-assigned the name of the group Satanist account and quickly learned that there were only so many *times* that this could be done (maybe once or twice more after exploring). Not only this, it wouldn't even ALLOW my Satanic initiated name (either "Troll" or "Towelhead"), so i was stuck with trying to get a variation on my title, winding up with 'Grand Mufti Satanist', all of which apparently passed their mechanical filters.

I then set about issuing friend requests to dozens and dozens of people: anyone with the name 'LaVey', anyone with 'Satan' in their name, etc., and it was only after about the first 40 or 50 that i began to get challenges via the Facebook system that i "might not be using the account as was intended". I discontinued and tried the same thing the next day or a few days later and had similar effect. I built it up to something like 1400 Friends and then it began giving me regular captchas, so i stopped that and instead began to explore its chat feature.

I began to add hundreds of people to chat without asking them and seeing what would happen. There were many who simply remove themselves from the "discussion", some who were very happy to be there and commenced to chatting away, and some who bitterly complained at being dumped there without asking. Some made noise, others began to converse in very interesting ways amongst us.

Eventually it became obvious that chats like this didn't last long and, while we could have a sustained engagement of this type, inevitably a bunch of us would be compromised and our accounts removed and so those who knew one another couldn't really sustain being members of it. The chat was truly a bust, and this after i had abandoned IRC and Dalnet to devote a bunch of time to analyzing and exploring Facebook.

Meanwhile SIN and other boards were going through upheavals and revolutions, and we would occasionally get word from Zach about it. In Aug of last year i heard from him and had to re-sign-up because he'd lost control or the whole thing had been hacked. I dutifully and loyally re-created the Troll account after all that history which had gone before, and posted the 'Triumphant Return' essay which had become my herald upon again returning (prior after having again received a booting from the board, now upon the board itself returning!).

After months i was pretty much the lone standing of us who hadn't been relegated to a legal name account or departed to realms elsewhere. I had joined numerous groups, wrestled with a batch of interested Satanists and quasi-Satanists, Dark Pagans, etc., creating numerous groups, taking over some after they'd been abandoned, seeing some of them set from Public to Closed and from Closed to Secret heavily restricting the likelihood of being found without advertizing.

After some 2-3 years at least of this kind of activity (almost entirely separate from my first account), Facebook finally caught up with me and challenged the Grand Mufti Satanist name, requesting it be changed, and i changed it to 'Satanist Grand Mufti' and wondered how they would possibly leave it untouched. For another 6 months or so i bolstered the groups and pages that i owned with that account by co-owning them with my original account, just in case, watching numerous of my friends lose accounts because of their pseudonyms (mostly Satanists and Neopagans) and sure that that account would be doomed but i'd make my best effort to retain it.

Sure enough some 3.5-4 years into its use i finally got the challenge i was expecting demanding an ID. I examined their rules, which stated that if you had a piece of correspondence and a business card with your name on them, then this would be acceptable proof of identity. I spent the $15 to have a minimal set of business cards with 'Satanist Grand Mufti' on them with my photo and email address, sent myself some mail which arrived without a very heavy cancellation, scanned them both and sent them in for proof.

Perhaps needless to say, despite their rules including this, they did NOT accept this as a name, and froze the account. I then set into the next phase of my plan (which i had only barely prepared to implement -- my efforts were somewhat half-hearted). I designed a means of recreating an account using a RTF file with links to all the friends that i cared to reproduce, plus links to all groups to which i wished to belong, and then used this with different email addresses successively to recreate the Satanist Grand Mufti named account. I got this down to a 15 minute process!

So then i proceeded to watch as the Facebook folks put my IP on a more and more brief watch and hand-refroze the account with less and less intervening time until the last couple were 2 days and about 4 hours. At that point (May of 2015) i gave the whole project up and re-set the pages of Troll Towelhead to operate as my Satanist outlet, noticing a huge decrease in my involvement amongst actual Satanists. I just got the repeat Christians wanting to sell their souls.

Since then i've been busy, and intended to once again set out into the internet to find out whether any of these boards were alive. I did find SIN immediately (someone posted a Facebook ad for the New Testament Satanic Bible with a foreward by Zach Black which drew my interest in looking him and SIN up). That gave me incentive.

So here i have returned, and just in the last few days have resumed IRC Dalnet #satanity involvement as well, letting Venus and other regular denizens of it that this was the intention.

So hello again! :)

Troll Towelhead, Grand Mufti of Satanism

(even pages couldn't contain 'troll' or 'towelhead'! only with zeros!!)

Zach Black Owner

This is to funny. Normally I would just chuckle but for your amusement I will share.

So, this user ' Charles ' left this message and then deleted his account. I guess  he wants to meet behind the school yard after school and fight. Talk about some serious butthurt. But, if that is not funny enough it is what he is butthurt about. And his reaction to it.

I had to get on him about posting broken links in the shout box and posting cut and past links as a blog. He commented that I was being excessive about giving him two strikes over it. My reply was ' I never said anything about strikes, but your batting average sucks ' .

So I get this message from him. And then he deletes his account. First off the invitation still stands? I did not get a first invitation? And then you delete your account? Why to hide your butthurtery ? I have no idea who you are, what you look like or where you live. Yeah man, let me book a ticket to parts unknown, to fight some dude I have no clue what he even looks like, for a invitation I never got over giving you strikes I never gave.

Okay, I need a secretary for this type of stupidity. Will someone please take the internet away from mentally ill people. Or, at least just limit them to playing candy crush or some shit.

This reminds me of the time a user named MindFux pawned and butthurt Jason King so bad that Jason asked MindFux to buy him a ticked so he could go kick his ass..... ZING!    Oops, sorry that was very immature of me.

A blog is  not cut and paste shit you found on the internet. Unless you are using that for reference. If so in your own words tell us why this is important to you or something.

A blog is not a youtube video. Unless you are adding commentary or using it as a reference. We have a video section for videos.

A blog is  not a sentence asking guys to text you. This should be done in the forums. Preferably in the introductions. Or perhaps in the ' Satanic Romance ' forum. That would be a good place to cyber whore yourself out. That reminds me. I have not checked my post over there in a while.

 Or best would be in the ' who gives a fuck ' section.

In fact, let me give you a good example of how this can easily be done.

Hello guys. My name is Ms.X. I want as many guys to text me as I can get. You see I am insecure and really need your attention to make me feel pretty and wanted. Hit me up in a private message. Thanks. Mrs. X.

There you go Mrs X. I wrote your introduction for you. Just cut and paste this and edit your name in it. I am sure you will get a lot of comments.
A blog isnot cut and paste shit you found on the internet. Unless you are using that for reference. If so in your own words tell us why this is important to you or something.

A blog is not a youtube video. Unless you are adding commentary or using it as a reference. We have a video section for videos.

A blog isnot a sentence asking guys to text you. This should be done in the forums. Preferably in the introductions. Or best would be in the ' who gives a fuck ' section.

In fact, let me give you a good example of how this can easily be done.

Hello guys. My name is Ms.X. I want as many guys to text me as I can get. You see I am insecure and really need your attention to make me feel pretty and wanted. Hit me up in a private message. Thanks. Mrs. X.

There you go Mrs X. I wrote your introduction for you.

Even this blog barely passes as a blog.
Zach Black Owner

I wish this life on no one.But, until you have lived this life it is hard to understand. When you are surrounded by hopeless and misery you will realize what is important. Only when you have lost everything can you appreciate the small pleasures in life. When your only hope and light is yourself and the one you love, you will know strength. And despair.

Zach Black Aug 25 '15 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 3 · Tags: zach black, satanic international netwrok
Zach Black Owner

SIN medallion are here. Gold plated steel. 1.75 inches. Baked on glossy enamel. Limited edition. Only 40 for sale. 20 US dollars. Plus shipping. 3 dollars in the states. Any other country 5 dollars shipping. Send payment to my PayPal at with shipping info. Leave info in the PayPal description. Cheers. I mail batches out every Friday .

*** note *** The pics did not come out so well. And this medallion is someones personal one. Yours should not have nicks or any imperfections.

Users now have the ability to customize their profiles. You can add HTML.

First go to your profile and click customize. Up top you will see a box that says HTML and one that says RSS.  Drag the HTML box down into your profile. Drop it where you want. Click the gear looking button top right of the box and drop the HTML code into box. Save. You can also embed stuff in the box like youtube videos, music players and pictures.


So-Cal chapter head meetup in San Diego 8/02/2015 - Zach Black (San Diego,CA) and Shea Bilé ( Los Angeles CA) in San Diego. Thanks for coming down Shea and for the O'Douls . Great conversation and fun. I will hit you up next time I am up in L.A for sure.
Okay if you have not made a meetup for your area please do so. Check to make sure there already is not one.If there is join it. If not make one. If you are looking to meet others in your area this is the best way to do it. But, it only works if people use it. Even if you are not interested in meeting others, if you live close to a major city make one for others to join. I have met several people from my S0-CAL / San Diego group.

It does not matter if you are the only one in the meetup/group. SIN is averaging about 7-10 new users a day. They will come.
Welcome new registered members of Satanic International Network.

Blacklemuria - (Basstec)

This Saturday June 25th we are having  a meetup in San Diego ( Hillcrest) CA. It starts at 3pm. All are invited. This is a chapter meeting but it is open to those that are non-members of Satanic International Organization.

We will meet at the Vons grocery store at 515 west Washington st , San Diego CA 92103 at 3pm. From there we will pick out our food and drink and walk to the location ( 2 blocks ) to grill. The location is at my place so I am not gonna say exactly where it is. But, it is in Hillcrest.

After we grub we will hang out in our recreational center for discussion on varies topics related to the occult, Satanism and LHP. Even if you are not a Satanist or LHP you are still welcome to come. This is a lighthearted meetup. Kinda a meet and greet.

Private message me if you wish to attend.


Official SIN shirts are in! They come in Man M,L.XL.2XL and women medium. They are high quality silk screen and shirt. I have washed mine from the first batch for over a year and still no fading or peeling.

This batch I got 30. The first batch I had 25 and they sold out in less than a month. I am selling them for 19.95 plus 4 dollars shipping in handling in the USA. People out side the USA 7 dollars shipping.

For registered members of Satanic International Organization ( not network users ) just 19.95 flat. Regardless of where you live.

They look the same as the ones in the pics, nothing on the back. 3X3 inch inverted pentagram that says SIN in it that I personally designed. Some of the pics are a little blurry. The pentagram is crisp and detailed. As you will see.

Mens are high quality 100% cotton. Womens are 100% cotton but kinda stretchy. Mens are regular T-shirts. Womens are fitted, tapered sleeves and V-necks.

Thanks again Danny Boss...

For those of you that pre- ordered a shirt please send me your shipping info again. Thanks.

There is only about 50 of these shirts floating around.

Zach Black Owner

Alright. Myself and other Satanists are doing a documentary about Satanism, Satanists couples and online satanic networks. This is a professional documentary that will be sold to history channel, CNN or MSNBC. I need to find a GF for the filming. The one I had lined up flaked. And when I say GF I say that loosely. This is acting. Minor acting but still acting. No strings attached.

Requirements are that you will get to Portland OR from the 14th-19th. You are attractive woman and not a dumbass . You are okay with being on TV as my GF for the filming. Mild physical affect such as hugging,holding hands ect is required to make this believable. Once you get to Portland I will provide living arrangements should you be comfortable staying at my place. Or you can get a hotel. I will provide food, drink and entertainment.

There is no financial compensation. I wish there was. I might be able to get the producer to cover the cost of getting you out here. But, unlikely.

So, bottom line if you wanna be on TV with us and can get to Portland on the 14th to the 19th ( 15th to 18th will work to ) hit me up. You will be on TV. You need not use your real name. But there will be a film crew in your face. The clock is ticking. We are gonna do this very soon. And I am gonna do it solo if need be. But, I would prefer to have a woman with me to do this. Same producer who got me on comedy central.. see video.

Zach Black Owner

So a friend of mine works for a moving company. He asked me if I wanted to make some cash as a mover, Well, I did. What I did not realize is that it was a 5 story house two levers. Stairs going up to the house and stairs in the house.

This family had two kinds and two dogs that kept getting in the way.It was a well to do family and they had lots of very nice and very heavy shit. Holy shit it sucked balls. It took 3 movers from 830am till 2am to mover their stuff.

I was so fucking tired and exhausted But 10pm I had to stop. I could not take anymore abuse. The other two movers were not happy but understood. Heavy shit up and down stairs aint fun. 700lbs piano,washer/dryer,600lbs refridgerator. shitloads of heavy dresser draws and tables,

Never again. This is not like helping your friend move. Slowly over a beer. Totally different. I do not think even when I was younger and in better shape I could do that shit. Certainly not regularly. On top of it, I made less money than I expected. Although that was my fault. I did not realize that depends on the job and if the customer times you.

I certainly I am not as strong as I was in my 20's. But, I am not a pussy either. What got me was not moving heavy shit. That sucked, but what got me is the stamina. Doing it for 13 hours..

Oh well, hope my job interview goes well at a sushi bar on Monday. I get paid more and it is easy, well for me it is. Also you get to drink. That was another thing that pissed me off. My friend is a drunk to. I figured we would stop and get some drink and hide it. Nope.. fucking sucked.

Zach Black Oct 12 '14 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: satanic international, satanic international network, zach black
Zach Black Owner
Proud to announce three new members !

Lucian Greaves ( Satanic Temple founder )

Brian Werner ( Satanic Temple founder & singer of Vital Remains )



Zach Black Owner
You may have  noticed the new library. Feel free to add to it. Make a link to a PDF file like I did.
Zach Black Sep 16 '14 · Comments: 1 · Tags: satanic international network, zach black
Zach Black Owner
I have a sushi chef interview tomorrow. I am hoping for the job. But, I am not gonna hold my breath. Japanese owned. And my experience is not all that great with Japanese chefs. For many reasons. Japanese chefs tend to be racist. Many turn their nose up to white chefs. Some Jap chefs feel that white chefs have Americanized sushi. Which is true we did. Although I am trained in both traditional and American style. Also I am left handed. Which is frowned upon. Left handed people in Japan are largely consider to be evil and or retarded. And my strike three is my tattoos. In Japan people with tattoos are usually criminals. So, I am a white, evil, retarded criminal in the mind of many Japanese chefs. Oh well.

Zach Black Aug 5 '14 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 15 · Tags: zach black, satanic international network
Zach Black Owner
Well lets go! Welcome back everyone. As you see SIN had to start over. So lets start generating content. Forums, blogs ect. SIN is about to blow up. The Satanic Temple and others are about to promote us. We will be sharing a forum with the Satanic Temple in the near future. So, it would be ideal if we start generating content.

We are legion.

Thanks, Zach Black

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Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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