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The Glamour of Self-Confidence:


“Blessed are the arrogant who walk like kings, for the earth knows its master.”


Any of the “Bad Attitudes” from WOLFISM XIX can form the nucleus of a catharsis ritual, but only if it speaks to you and only if you’re able to have fun with it. If the one identified above meets those criteria for you, then make it the core of a cathartic ritual for yourself, and perform it. The effect of repeated performances, over as long a time as feels right to you, will be to kill the part of your Superego that functions as the jailer for your natural self-confidence.


I use the word “glamour” in its archaic sense, and I use the British spelling because it’s more likely (at least for us Americans) to conjure up archaic connotations. Vampires were said to have the power of glamour.


Self-confidence bewitches the observer. A job applicant who is self-confident in an interview is more likely to get hired. A hopeful lover in pursuit, who is self-confident, is more likely to get a “yes” to a question like, “Can I buy you a drink?” – or, “Want to get out of here?” A manager who is self-confident in meetings is more likely to get promoted. A con artist who is self-confident is more likely to be believed. A salesperson who is self-confident is more likely to make the sale. A boxer who is self-confident is more likely to intimidate his or her opponent. A long-time lover who is self-confident is more likely to get a “yes” to a question like, “Will you marry me?” A stage performer who is self-confident is more likely to command an audience.


Why is self-confidence so powerful? Evolution. Our natural instincts evolved over tens of millions of years to favor self-confidence in lovers, leaders, and even followers, and to distrust and disdain self-doubt, diffidence, nervousness, and timidity.


If you want to succeed in life, self-confidence is mandatory. You have to learn it. Simple as that. No excuses. Anything that helps you to learn it, or to unlearn self-doubt, diffidence, nervousness, and timidity – Do. Do it now and keep doing it. Cathartic ritual can help you with the unlearning. As for the learning, the best technique is to roleplay (out in the real world, with real people, in real situations where you're pursuing real goals) what you think self-confidence looks like. Just go for it. Do your best. Fake it till you make it. Practice makes perfect. You’ll eventually, maybe immediately, see positive results, and these will have the psychological effect of watering the roots of your natural self-confidence, which will sprout, flower, and bear fruit.


Also, here’s a little trick: When you feel nervous in a public situation, tap your hand rapidly against your thigh - out of sight if possible, but either way, just do it - because even in plain view, your hand tapping your thigh is unlikely to draw attention, especially if, while doing it, you’re boldly maintaining eye contact. This technique unobtrusively dissipates the nervous energy. I’ve been doing this for over 40 years. It’s one of the most effective techniques I’ve ever found.



Wolfie Jul 26 '21 · Rate: 3 · Comments: 2 · Tags: ischyros diavolos!, wolfism, glamour, self-confidence

Quelling misconceptions:


Group ritual is pointless and for many (such as myself) it is counter-productive. I don’t do it. I wouldn’t do it, even if invited. Most people who do group ritual are laboring under the delusion that a ritual can affect external reality. Given that (utterly false) assumption, it makes sense to think multiple people doing the same ritual would be able to “combine their power” and make external reality their bitch! Utter nonsense. Other people would simply distract me.


Belief is not necessary for ritual. Usually this notion of belief has to do with believing discorporate entities exist in external reality (they don’t) or believing ritual can affect external reality (it can’t). Cathartic ritual is psychodrama undertaken to put the Ego temporarily in submission to the Id. It lets the Id run the show. This serves to break the chains which have been placed on the Id by the Superego. It’s how we say to the Id, “It’s OK, go ahead, I give you permission.” It requires a temporary suspension of disbelief, but only about as much as we employ when we watch television.


Performing cathartic rituals created by other people is a waste of time. The goal of cathartic ritual is to temporarily put your own Ego (not someone else’s) in submission to your own Id (not someone else’s). The only way to do this is with words you wrote for yourself, expressive of your own Id, dismissive of your own Superego, and designed to be compelling to your own Ego. No one else can do this for you. No one can read your mind, and reading your mind is the only way someone could write a cathartic ritual that would work for you.


There are no rules around designing a ritual. You can wear a cool costume, or not, your choice. You can use props or not, your choice. You can play music or not, your choice. You can use old-fashioned language or not, your choice. You can make things rhyme or not, your choice. You can call upon fictitious entities or not, your choice. You can speak in your native language, or in a made-up language like Enochian or Elvish, or in a classical language like Latin or Greek, your choice. Anything that feels ridiculous to you, don’t do. If you can’t think of anything that doesn’t feel ridiculous to you, then drop the whole thing, cathartic ritual isn’t for you. Cathartic ritual is supposed to be FUN! If you can’t have fun with it, then drop it.


Up with the Id and down with the Superego! ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 25 '21 · Tags: ischyros diavolos!, wolfism

I am adamant on these two principles:


1. Discorporate entities exist only in the mind, and represent aspects of the self.

2. Ritual affects only the practitioner, and only mentally.


To claim anything else is self-deceit, a vice born of weakness and stupidity. The strong and the cunning guard the citadel of beliefs in their head. Nothing is allowed to enter except the empirically verified, the logically necessary, or the word of sources reliable enough to survive the interrogation of inquisitive and demanding skeptics. An accurate picture of reality can be a matter of life and death, or at least success or failure. The strong and the cunning keep their eye on the ball, and the gate to their citadel locked, with sentries posted and bearing arms.


Intellectual honesty is pragmatic, yes, but it is also a matter of pride. To be weak and stupid is revolting. To be strong and cunning is the highest nobility, conducive of the most resilient vanity and the most commanding arrogance. No attribute is better proof of strength and cunning than intellectual honesty.


Be strong enough to bear the weight of cold, hard fact, and resist the honey-dripping temptation of falsehood. Be cunning enough to discern which is which. Lie to anyone you wish – except yourself. Falsehood is a trap. Truth is freedom.


External reality does not include discorporate entities and is not vulnerable to the power of ritual. No one who claims otherwise can support their claims with empirical verification, logical necessity, or the word of sources reliable enough to survive the interrogation of inquisitive and demanding skeptics. Simple as that. Case closed.


Ritual is mind-work. The Great Work is mind-work. Ritual is the Great Work. Do it with that understanding. And then, when your mind is right and the time is right: Act. Out in the real world where there are real consequences. Act. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!        

Wolfie Jul 25 '21 · Comments: 2 · Tags: ischyros diavolos!, wolfism
Cornelius Coburn
Okay, Here's mine.


S : Smart

A : Adventurous

T : Theistic

A : Above

N : Nothing

I  : Instinctive

S : Solitary

T : Tetragrammaton(the ineffable)

Cornelius Coburn Jul 24 '21 · Tags: word games

We will now tarry in the Luciferian dimension of my philosophy.


Here’s the bumper sticker: Sorcery helps those who help themselves.


Doing ritual does not relieve me of the need to take action in the real world. I do ritual to get my mind right so I can then turn around and confront the real world more effectively. Ritual is mind-work. Athletes do mind-work before competing, and warriors do mind-work before engaging in battle. Performers do mind-work before going on stage, and politicians do mind-work before giving a speech. Hopeful lovers in pursuit do mind-work before asking someone out, and accusers do mind-work before confronting a miscreant. Ritual is a sophisticated example of this and it works. But it is always a precursor to real world action. I never, ever do ritual in lieu of taking real world action. If I did, nothing would happen in the real world.


The mind has three aspects: emotion, intellect, and instinct. Think of them as three swords which ritual hones. Honing myself mentally is what I think of as the Great Work. It is accomplished by accessing three profound centers in the mind: the deep emotional, deep intellectual, and instinctive centers. These are accessed by entering into altered states of consciousness.


What the Great Work is aiming at are three infernal attainments. The first, strength, emerges out of the deep emotional center. The second, cunning, emerges out of the deep intellectual center. And the third, physical competence, emerges out of the instinctive center. These attainments become formidable when we step out into the world and engage with life.


The deep emotional center is accessed via the sorts of rituals that are commonly thought of as Satanic, with their bombast and pageantry. The deep intellectual center is accessed via more complex and arcane sorts of rituals, often involving ancient systems, for example Kabala. The instinctive center is accessed via mind-clearing exercises such as Zazen. All of these aim at altered states of consciousness.


In closing, a word about the instinctive center. It has to do with the senses, the body in general, attention, reflex, dexterity, precision, and grace. Most people who practice Zazen have no idea what it's actually for. In Japan, Zazen was part of a Samurai's training. In China, Zazen was a part of kung-fu training. Forget satori and Nirvana and other mystical nonsense. Zazen makes you better at physically engaging with the world, in all the myriad varieties of what that looks like, from knitting to sex to knife fights to driving to scuba diving. Western Buddhists are often blind to this because they're not in touch with their bodies. As the Gestalt psychologist Fritz Perls famously said, "Lose your mind and come to your senses."




The love of money is the beginning of wisdom.


The fear of God is the root of the poisonous tree.


Blessed are the rich, for they stand at the helm.


Blessed are the greedy, for they would possess the earth.


Blessed are they who take the biggest portion, for because of them, the meek will go without.


Blessed are they who laugh, for they know the great truth.


Blessed are they who lust, for their senses are alive.


Blessed are they who love food, for the world is their oyster.


Blessed are they who work smarter, not harder, for by sloth they conquer.


Blessed are the vain, for they adorn the best subject.


Blessed are they whose arrogance makes them walk like kings, for the earth knows its master.


Blessed are they whose envy elevates their ambitions, for they will have the last laugh.


Blessed are they who make their own meaning, for they prove they have no need of God.


Blessed are they who are laws unto themselves, for they shall be called Lords of Order.


Blessed are the strong, for they can bear the brunt of an attack.


Blessed are the cunning, for they set traps their prey will not escape.


Blessed are they whose malice is a thing of beauty, for theirs is the highest art.


Blessed are the buyers and sellers, for they make the world go round.

Blessed are they who take ACTION out in the world, for the world is vulnerable to them.


Blessed are the selfish, for they have their hands on the throat of God.


Blessed are they who stand alone, for Leviathan has a place for them.


Blessed are they who honor the name of Mammon, for they prove they are fearless of God.


Wolfie Jul 23 '21 · Comments: 4 · Tags: ischyros diavolos!, leviathan, mammon, wolfism
Cornelius Coburn
With the YouTube videos I've been watching lately, and Chloes' new sexy and intelligent blog entry. I won't go for the : I wanna fuck your brain with a chess board, but ever so subtly, and nonetheless : how appealing the concept of erotic chess.


Cornelius Coburn Jul 22 '21 · Tags: chess, erotica
S: Smart

A: And

T: Trustworthy

A: And

N: Nice

I: Intelligent

S: Sexy
T: Terrific 

Phil_Lopian Jul 22 '21 · Rate: 3



I’m not sure if this will interest anybody here, but I recently tracked this down on Youtube.


I discovered the 4 part: ‘Occult History of the Third Reich’ on the Temple of Set reading list years ago. I bought the series on DVD, and then leant it to someone and never got it back.


This is pretty good viewing for those interested in Nazi Germany, though the info may be regarded, by some, as rather simple and introductory. I am not a National Socialist or fascist, as I don’t like having to goosestep, in line, in any sort of formation.


Having said that though – I am interested in this idea that Nazi Germany was based on occult or black magical principles – this 4 part series really explores that and gives people a starting point for research if they want to flesh that out. I remember Nikolas Schreck and Michael Aquino both expressing the view that Adolf Hitler was a great black magician.


The other interesting thing I have recently found on Youtube is this.


It is a long 10 part documentary called ‘Russia’s War: Blood upon the Snow.’ This documentary examines the years of the Soviet Union under Stalin’s regime, and looks at the conflict between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union during World War Two.


I don’t think the Soviet Union was necessarily built on occult or magical principles. Marxist/Leninist Communism was supposed to be essentially materialist, i.e. it drove any form of idealism or mystification out into the margins or excluded it all together. It hence implies a thoroughly disenchanted worldview, with a supposedly real basis in material history – mode of production, labor relations, and social classes, etc.


Anyway, for anyone who is looking to examine so called “dark history,” this stuff is quite interesting.



MatthewJ1 Jul 21 '21

“Greed is the subconscious of the super-beast.”


How can we exploit the third great Mammon-truth?


First, we must understand that there is only a subconscious in relation to an ego. The entire function of the subconscious is to press against the ego. Yet I've said the super-beast's ego hasn't yet emerged, and this is true. It's in the process of coalescing out of unconscious chaos. All we have right now are pockets of pre-ego or proto-ego, the most obvious being the central banks. Notice I didn’t say governments. The ego is the reality principle in an organism, and governments are decidedly not in the realty business. In fact we specifically want to look at central banks that function independently of governments and their bullshit.


The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States. It wasn’t always as independent as it is today, but in recent times, the Federal Reserve has flat out refused to become politicized, and has managed to stick to its guns and yield nothing of its power. For that very reason, the economy of the United States has proven far more resilient than many expected it to. It has had its ups and down, but it hasn’t collapsed or spun out of control, and we have the Federal Reserve to thank for that. What’s more, the politicians know it. President-elect George W. Bush, in the year 2000, had this to say: “One of the things I'm certain that I should not do as president-elect is to try to put words in the mouth of Alan Greenspan.”


This, then, is what we as a species can do at the present time to hasten the emergence of the ego of the super-beast: We can push for the creation and preservation of independent central banks in every country.


As the macroscopic ego continues to coalesce, so too does the macroscopic subconscious. They're each pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, from out of the chaotic miasma they currently float in. They're doing this in tandem, like two lovers awakening the life force in one another. The rhythm of their lovemaking is the intricate percussion of the global economy. Money changing hands, goods and services being bought and sold, this is the one thing, the only thing, that unites our species across oceans and continents, and that's why the macroscopic ego will perceive reality through an economic lens, and the macroscopic subconscious will press hardest from the perspective of greed.


When macroscopic greed has fully emerged, humanity will have finally put Plato and his cerebral values to death. Will have finally (again and for good) put Christ and his “Blessed are the poor” to death. Finally put the Buddha and his “Suffering is caused by desire” to death. Finally (again and for good) put John Lennon and his “All you need is love” to death. Finally put Billy Bob Butkus and his “It’s OK if I’m poor if niggers are poorer” to death. Love of money – not fear of God – will be seen as the beginning of wisdom. Spiritual pipedreams – not love of money – will be seen as the root of all evil. The great motto of the Planetary Federation will be, “In Greed We Trust.”


Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, I name thee Antichrist, in whom I am well pleased. This is the last of my second wave of writings. I have fully expressed my viewpoint as of July 20, 2021. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 20 '21 · Comments: 1 · Tags: ischyros diavolos!, leviathan, mammon, wolfism

“Money is the blood of the super-beast.”


How can we exploit the second great Mammon-truth?


One way is by applying this wisdom to the stock market.


First, we must ask ourselves: What is the super-beast doing? Answer: It is growing. In four dimensions – human population, the global computer network, physical territory, and economic territory – it is growing, and so it makes diabolical sense for us to invest in these four areas. Leviathan’s relentless advance and expansion is the Dao, what some might call an “invisible hand,” which is not a metaphysical concept, but rather, is a macroeconomic statistical hypothesis which can be tested quantifiably by experts. Leviathan is the Übermensch, the ultimate aim of all power, and make no mistake, money is power.


The way to invest in human population growth is to invest in all forms of infrastructure, for without the latter, the former is doomed either to failure or to the useless multiplication of useless human bodies. Roads, bridges, sewers, electricity, natural gas, potable water, food, telephony, the internet, education, medicine, cars and trucks, and mass transit are all essential to a growing human population that isn’t going to just wallow in miserable poverty. Companies that contribute to the advance and expansion of infrastructure will ride the current of the Dao. Consider investing in them.    


The way to invest in the growth of the global computer network is to invest in (a) those companies who are building or improving the internet backbone and (b) those companies who are exploiting the internet backbone in new, innovative ways. The latter category includes streaming companies, gaming companies, and the makers of smart cars and smart homes. Companies in both categories are riding the current of the Dao. Consider investing in them. In particular look for companies who are pushing the frontiers of artificial intelligence.


The way to invest in the growth of physical territory is to invest in (a) undersea colonization and (b) outer space colonization. These are not pipedreams, nor are they boondoggles. The will to power is the will to eat, reproduce, and colonize. Living things have been conquering new territories from the dawn of intentional locomotion in the invertebrate kingdom. Vertebrates doubled down on this imperative. Mighty indeed was the will to power in the first proto-amphibians who boldly went where no animal had gone before: dry land. Humanity, meanwhile, has invaded every terrestrial niche we laid our eyes on. The bottom of the ocean beckons, as does the surface of the moon, and of Mars. Companies engaged in these grand expeditions are riding the current of the Dao. Consider investing in them.


The way to invest in the growth of economic territory is to invest in companies who are creating whole new markets. The cell phone was an example of this, and the smart phone took it a step further. Anti-perspirant was a supreme example. Before advertisers taught them to, consumers didn’t fear the stink of their underarms. Superhero movies have been a triumphant example. Companies who teach consumers to want things they never wanted before, or to fear things they never feared before, ride the current of the Dao. Consider investing in them.


I, of course, am not a financial adviser, and this post is for entertainment purposes only. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 20 '21 · Comments: 4 · Tags: ischyros diavolos!, leviathan, mammon, übermensch, wolfism, dao

“Money makes the world go round.”

How can we exploit the first great Mammon-truth?


What immediately comes to mind are the applications to law enforcement. Even if none of us are in that field, the thought process will be illustrative.


First, there’s the famous dictum that guides detectives who are trying to solve a crime. “Follow the money.” Get access to bank records and analyze them. Money coming in could be a clue, as could money going out. Where (or from whom) did it come in from? In exchange for what? Where (or to whom) did it go out to? In exchange for what? Detectives have caught many a perpetrator by asking these questions.


Next, there’s a ploy often used by the FBI: If you can’t prove murder, look for tax fraud. The famous gangster Al Capone went to prison not for any of his other crimes, but for tax fraud. Indicted on 22 counts, he was sentenced to eleven years. This works pretty often because those of a criminal mindset are rubbed the wrong way by having to give their money away, but they aren’t always financial mavens. Some of them will clumsily hoist themselves “with their own petard” as the saying goes.


Finally, there’s a highly effective anti-terrorist tactic: Freeze the financial assets of suspected bad actors. This is a way of getting at perpetrators who can’t otherwise be reached because they’re hiding in another country, generally a hostile one. These miscreants will often keep their money in international bank accounts, which are accessible to international law enforcement. They do this because the banks in their own countries can’t be trusted, often because of widespread corruption and thievery at every level of society in those countries.


All of this is why police detectives and federal agents will often get degrees in Accounting or Finance. They understand the first great Mammon-truth. May we all be as wise. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!


Here is the third great truth, which, as I did with the first and second, I name Mammon: “Greed is the subconscious of the super-beast.” (Read my blog post numbered X to get grounded in this concept.)


You may have noticed I employ elephantine images when I post about Leviathan. Isn’t he a sea serpent? I made the decision to subsume Behemoth into the concept of Leviathan. Behemoth is widely thought to be a hippopotamus, but Egypt, in biblical times, did have elephants, and since I find their faces less comical than that of the hippo, I went with the pachyderm with the prehensile proboscis. But I haven’t discarded the sea serpent archetype. Take a look at the image at the bottom of this post.


What you’re looking at is one of William Blake’s masterpieces, which the famous mystic created in 1825. There’s a definite yin/yang structure to the image, which Blake titled, “Behemoth and Leviathan.” I’ve decided to perceive the two beasts as heads and tails of the same coin, so for me, the title would simply be, “Leviathan.” I choose to perceive the land creature as holding the yang position, which makes it the light of day, activating, ego aspect. I choose to perceive the sea serpent as holding the yin position, which makes it the dark of night, reactive, subconscious aspect.


Leviathan, in this symbol, is the Dao, the sum of day and night, action and reaction, ego and subconscious, land creature and sea serpent.


The sea serpent is the reactive subconscious of the super-beast. It’s the will to power of all the individual members of Homo economicus: the sum of all human greed. The land creature, whose approximation in real world zoology is for me an elephant, is the activating ego of the super-beast. It has not yet awakened. It will continue to slumber until something momentous happens, perhaps the Singularity. Remember: the global computer network has been completely coopted by the forces of human greed. The Singularity, if it emerges, will be Machina economicus. Its design will be founded on economic imperatives.


If Machina economicus emerges in our lifetimes, the sensible question for us to ask about it will be: How can we exploit it? ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!


Here is a second great truth, which, as I did with the first, I name Mammon: “Money is the blood of the super-beast.” (Read my blog post numbered X to better understand this concept.)


What is blood? Blood is a constantly circulating fluid that provides the body with nutrition, oxygen, and waste removal. Consider money. Does it constantly circulate? Yes. Does it provide the body of the super-beast with nutrition, oxygen, and waste removal? Yes, as potentials to be actualized. Nothing constructive gets done in human civilization except via the medium of money. Nothing gets built, nothing runs, nothing gets pushed out of sight and out of mind so building and running can continue, except by the stupendous power of filthy lucre.


I have called the super-beast Übermensch, toward which the will to power relentlessly climbs. Now you’ll get a better understanding of what that means. In Homo economicus (economic man) the will to power manifests as greed: greed in all its forms and all the permutations into which it enters. Homo economicus (together with its global network of computers) is the nervous system of the super-beast, even as money is the blood. As each individual member of Homo economicus pursues its will to power, which is greed, it inevitably contributes to the growth and maintenance of the Übermensch, which is the super-beast, whom I have also named Leviathan. Even theft keeps the money flowing, as what was stolen will either be spent or sold, or, if it’s some sort of collectible, it will appreciate in value so that someday it can be sold. Meanwhile, most likely the victim of the theft was insured, and the insurance company will have to pay out. Even black-market transactions, such as the drug trade, or human trafficking, keep the money flowing, enabling potentials within the body of the super-beast, which grows, and grows, and grows, until one day it will stretch out its leg and place its titanic foot on Mars.


This is reality, and reality is everyone’s higher power. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!


When I call Mammon forth into consciousness by uttering the great truth of macroscopic human relations – “Money makes the world go round” – I blaspheme, and wantonly.


For if money makes the world go round, then God does not. There is no right hand of Providence. There is only the left hand of commerce and finance. There is no heavenly grace. There is only supply and demand. And to Abraham’s three flocks of bleating sheep, this is blasphemy most foul.


Furthermore – and this is a more subtle point – if money makes the world go round, then neither the rise of the capitalists nor the rise of the proletariat has the final claim on history’s trajectory, for the two are the heads and tails of the same coin (a particularly apt metaphor). Money is the master. Capitalists and the proletariat are merely vassals. Let them tussle all they will, at the end of the day they bend the knee to the same lord. And to Adam Smith’s disciples as well as to Karl Marx’s zealots, this stinks with the stench of blasphemy.


Additionally, if money makes the world go round, then political systems do not. So-called democracies have no defense against the hegemony of money. Nor do dictatorships. Nor do single-party technocracies like China or oligarchic thugocracies like Russia or repressive theocracies like Iran or corrupt kleptocracies like Somalia. Money rules them all and with an iron fist. All of them throw their vaunted principles or megalomaniacal ambitions out the window when the laws of supply and demand come knocking at their doors. But don’t say this out loud on the streets (of at least some) of these countries. It’s blasphemy!


Finally, if money makes the world go round, then culture does not. Literature is a commodity to be bought and sold. Philosophy is a market for college textbooks and professorial tenure. Music is a vehicle for selling ads. Art is a collectible. Theater is for putting butts in seats with buckets of popcorn on laps. All of these can only really be understood from the perspective of supply and demand. Let the historians of literature, of philosophy, of music, of art, of theater, ground all their treatises in economics, or else spout lies. Oh, to say this in the halls of academia! Such exquisite blasphemy.


Money, money, money, money, money. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!


Whether you think so or not, whether you like it or not, reality is your higher power. Reality is everyone’s higher power. It sets the rules for every minute of our lives.


This higher power can’t be served, because it has no agenda. It can’t be worshipped in any meaningful way, because it has no self-awareness. It can be ignored, but only at our peril. It can’t be opposed, because everything we do is part of it. But take note: it very much CAN be exploited.


What’s the reality of human social relations? At the macro level, it’s this: “Money makes the world go round.”


I give great truths demonic names. This may seem odd at first, but the more you do it, the more natural and even obvious it begins to seem. To the great truth in the previous paragraph, I give the name you’d expect: Mammon.


Demons don’t exist except in our minds. Yet in our minds their existence is potent. Attaching them to great truths enhances their potency while simultaneously giving dimension and color to the great truths.


Old time occultists had the right idea regarding demons. They didn’t want to serve or worship them. They wanted to exploit them. They cast their circles and spoke their magic words to bring the demons under heel and master them. This is the attitude we should hold toward any great truth. In modern parlance, we should be looking to make that great truth our bitch.


Mammon was never a Goetic demon, so he had no seal. In modern times a few people have proposed their own designs for a seal of Mammon. Instead of adopting theirs, I’ve designed my own. It adorns this post. You can use it as a visual focus for meditation. If you do, your mantra can be the great truth to which I’ve given Mammon’s name: “Money makes the world go round.” This will open your consciousness (“your third eye” if you like that imagery) to all the subtleties of money’s role in every facet of our lives. This is wisdom, and by this wisdom we can begin to exploit the latent possibilities all around us.


As the Beatles originally wrote but the Flying Lizards refined, “The best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds and bees, I want money.” ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!


So yesterday, I came across a youtube video on "Satanism as a religion?" This thing of calling Satanism a "religion," has been something I've pondered for a while. Now, I am not here to bash anyone that would adhere to any kind of religions. The point of my blog post is to simply cut through the vines towards the logic and reasoning on this subject.

A few people might call Satanism a religion, but what is a religion? If you look at most religions(I kind've mean it centered around on Christianity), it misses the concepts of having the critical thinking, skepticism, logic/reasoning. What I am trying to say is, religions such as Christianity does not get deeper on the surface's of reality. What do I mean by reality? The real world where god and Jesus cannot help you in your situations that you encounter in your own life. Now I am not saying their are stupid illogical people in every religion, as a matter of fact I am sure you have certain intelligent/logical individuals in every religion. But religion's such as Christianity miss those three key concepts (as I have stated earlier). Now take a look at Satanism, what do you see? Do you see it as a religion, or a philosophy? Take a look at the things that LaVey combined as his influences by applying it in Satanism. And tell me the logic if it is a religion?

So I find it funny that you might have a small percentage of people that would consider the Satanism incorporated by LaVey as a religion. The difference between a philosophy and a religion is pretty simple, in which I can bet every person knows it. A philosophy is a logical analysis/skepticism of life and the things that surround everyday life. A religion is one that does not have any logic or skepticism of an analysis towards life and everyday life. Christianity of course is that example. Instead it focuses on blindness towards belief without questioning it. Satan being "the one who questions," is that common antithesis. To the few percentage of people who actually choose to take Satanism like a regular church going person without any logical reasoning or critical thinking, I want you to take a look at these influences of LaVey, and try to compare it with the title "religion." Doesn't make any sense right? The simple theory that comes about, is perhaps LaVey simply used the term "religion" for pr purposes. Another thing to take a look at, read the satanic bible again and tell me if it makes sense to add magic rituals related towards a whole book that gets to the point of the here and now? To those who foolishly believe in it as some literal bible, I have no interest in hearing your argumental justifications as a "religion."

AlexTheTerrible Jul 16 '21 · Rate: 4 · Comments: 4 · Tags: satanism, lhp

The Devil Inside invariably blasphemes, first because it enjoys it, and second because it detests being hemmed in by the thorny thickets of groupthink.


Religionists: Fuck your tribe. Fuck its avatar. Fuck its folklore. Fuck you.


Christ and Buddha: Fuck your monks. Fuck their prudery. Fuck their asceticism. Fuck their penitence. Fuck you if you have ears to hear and holes to penetrate.


Bleeding Hearts: Fuck your tolerance for the weak and stupid. Fuck your heroic protection of them. Fuck your insistence on their equal rights. Fuck you.


Bleeding Hearts: Fuck your tolerance for freeloaders and parasites. Fuck your heroic protection of them. Fuck your insistence on their equal rights. Fuck you.


Platonists: Fuck your preference for abstraction over carnality. Fuck your veneration of spiritual love. Fuck your denigration of the senses. Fuck your atrophying muscles. Fuck you.


I-Theists: Fuck your ritualized megalomania. Fuck your pompous pseudo-enlightenment. Fuck your ludicrous expectations of apotheosis. Fuck you.


Corporate Fatheads: Fuck your mission statements. Fuck your insistence that either we marry the company or we stagnate. Fuck your glorification of the CEO. Fuck your toeing of the company line. Fuck your preaching of the company gospel. Fuck you.


Blasphemy is a great way to eject all the poisons from your system.


This marks the culmination of my first wave of writings. I’ve fully expressed my viewpoint as of July 15, 2021. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!


Mankind is a super-beast, straddling the earth like a colossus, ingesting and excreting in metric tons measured in the billions, and awaiting the day it can stretch out its leg and place its titanic foot on a new world.


The Devil Inside does not deceive itself, and therefore it sees the super-beast, looks it in its Cyclopean eye, perceives its Gogmagogian appetite and its ever-pressing need to empty its Brobdingnagian bowels – and then the Devil Inside decides for itself how to respond. Don’t jump to conclusions as to what that response will be.


I call the super-beast Leviathan. What better name for it? But if you think me blasphemous, I thank you for the compliment.


“Mankind, I name thee Leviathan! Woe unto your enemies. Woe even unto your friends. For you must devour all things and shit it all out in the end.”


Leviathan is the Übermensch. I know a thousand neo-Nietzscheans will rise up to dispute me, but I tell you, Leviathan is the Übermensch. Those who deny this are choosing to handwave away all the parts of Nietzsche that played into the hands of the Nazis. I don’t handwave anything away. I see Nietzsche for what he was: the herald of the dawn of Leviathan’s awakening. The Third Reich was also the herald of this same thing.  


What else would the will to power ever have been aiming at? Remember, Nietzsche saw it in all living things. What do all living things, from the bacterium to the baseball player, have in common? Very little, except this: They all are driven to eat, and then to reproduce, so their offspring can eat, and then reproduce, ad infinitum, and the better they are at it, the larger the territory they grab. Eat, fuck, eat, fuck, colonize. That’s the will to power, if we’re going to say it exists in both the fruit fly and the frog. It exists in Leviathan supremely. Now we’re just waiting for the super-beast, mankind, to stop denying its true nature. In the meantime, other heralds will rise up.


How will I respond to this? In whatever way is most suited to my appetites and pressing needs. Will I serve Leviathan? I serve nothing and no one by choice, but it’s difficult to do much of anything that doesn’t serve the super-beast. Will I worship Leviathan? I worship nothing and no one. Will I ignore Leviathan? I will if I deem it irrelevant to my appetites and pressing needs, but this is unlikely. Will I exploit Leviathan? I will if I see a way that I can. Will I oppose Leviathan? I will if I want some territory for myself and the damn thing won’t let me have it.


Working and taking a paycheck is a two-edged sword, for even as working serves the super-beast, taking a paycheck exploits it. To come out ahead, one must receive the largest amount of money for doing the least amount of work. Thus do greed and sloth emerge as a Devilish response to the Übermensch.


See things for what they are. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Everytime I log  on this site it's deader then dead fuck. A retirement home for 80yr olds is more  active then this. I Guest S.I needs some geritol to get the satanic flame back 
Demonai Jul 14 '21 · Comments: 15

The Devil Inside exhibits infernal hubris, my term for the claiming of divine prerogative on the part of a mortal. This definition tracks pretty well with how ancient Greek playwrights understood hubris, though the Greeks saw it as a vice which the Immortals will punish, whereas I see it, and promote it, as a virtue which life on earth rewards.


I reject phrasing like, “I am my own God,” or, “the goal of the Great Work is auto-deification,” as utter bullshit. I’m obviously not a God and will never be one. Practitioners who employ such phrasing don’t mean what they say. They’re either exaggerating, or else they’re referring to the imaginary selves they hold in their consciousness during ritual. Some of them are deluded enough to believe that if they hold their imaginary selves in consciousness long enough and intensely enough, they’ll eventually become what they imagine themselves to be. This could work if they’re imagining themselves to be strong or wise. It will fail miserably if they’re imagining themselves to be Zeus.


Infernal hubris is very different from all of that. There are two divine prerogatives I actually do have the ability to claim for myself, despite my mortality. The first is the prerogative of decreeing the meaning of my life. The second is the prerogative of decreeing the tenets of my self-respect.


Consider Christians. Psychologically speaking, what do they use God for? First, they use him as a reason to hope for a miracle. I can’t claim that prerogative because it’s not a real thing. Second, they use him as a reason to hope for heaven. I can’t claim that prerogative because it’s not a real thing. Third, they use him as a basis for believing their life has meaning. THAT prerogative I can claim. My life has meaning because it means something to me. Fourth, they use him as a basis for setting right apart from wrong. THAT prerogative I can claim. I set right apart from wrong on the basis of the aesthetic to which I’ve committed my deepest passions.


The Immortals won’t punish me for my infernal hubris. I know this because Immortals don’t exist. Life on earth rewards me for my infernal hubris. I know this because claiming the aforementioned divine prerogatives gives me satisfaction, psychological resilience, and heightened personal power.


I am the maker of meaning and the justifier of judgment. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!


The Devil Inside, its predator’s instincts awakened, indulges noble envy and noble arrogance, not vile envy or vile arrogance.


I will define two terms: a “cur” is someone weak and stupid; an “apex” is someone strong and wise.


I will also state my assumption: All have the right to compete for the prize. None have the inalienable right to win it.




On losing to an apex, noble envy will seek to increase in strength and wisdom and compete again with renewed vigor. Vile envy will lash out like a little bitch or else wallow in misery and despair.


On losing to a cur, noble envy will investigate the flaws in the game that allowed such a topsy-turvy outcome, and then will devise a new strategy, as ruthless and crafty as befits the situation. Vile envy will lash out like a little bitch or else wallow in misery and despair.


On defeating an apex, noble arrogance will instruct the bystanders, by word and example, in the proper etiquette of never shaming an apex. Vile arrogance will mock the apex to whatever extent it can get away with.


On defeating a cur, noble arrogance will take pleasure in all being right with the world, and then will set the matter aside, not to be thought of again. Vile arrogance will bully the cur.


Win or lose, be noble, not vile. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS! 

Wolfie Jul 14 '21 · Rate: 1 · Tags: devil, ischyros diavolos!, wolfism

The Devil Inside wants to feel alive in its flesh.


Death is coming for you. When it arrives, you in your entirety will feed (metaphorically) Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. But until then, your blood is pumping, your lungs are filling and emptying, your intestines are conducting their relentless chemical and zoological experiments, and your brain is producing a holographic, multi-sensual movie in the theater of your skull, for no audience at all except itself. Why let all of this go to waste? Find the activities that make you feel alive in your flesh – and do them!


You have five senses, hopefully all functional. To the extent you can - Drink the world of phenomena like a fine elixir! Feast your eyes on all the world’s splendor. Treat your ears to all that is musical. Indulge your sense of touch with every shape and texture. Exhilarate your tongue with every delicacy. Breathe into your nose all the fragrances of life. And get out from under your own roof! The chaos of crowds is a sensual kaleidoscope. Boardwalks, bazaars, malls, avenues, museums, zoos – seek out the commotion of living things in motion! Even if part of you doesn’t want to. Even if it’s hard. I promise you – You’ll come to enjoy it. I did. And I was always the bookiest of worms.


I dearly hope you have functioning arms and legs. If you don’t, I hope you have other ways to navigate the world, perhaps by the gifts of technology. Try to make time each day to move around! Do whatever you can do that gets your pulse rate up. Don’t do it as a punishment or a self-flagellation. Find a physical activity you can accomplish and tailor to your own enjoyment – and do it! Even if you have to do it in a wheelchair. You evolved from creatures who survived through agility and strength. Your biological legacy is one of movement. Make dynamism a centerpiece of your day! Movement is life. I promise you – You’ll come to enjoy it. I did. And I was always the couchiest of potatoes.


Incorporate sexuality into your existence. You might be surprised at how many on the Left Hand Path are basically celibate. If you’re one of them – as I am myself – then you may choose to make use of what has long been the internet’s killer app: porn. Or you may choose to engage in very casual hook-ups. Or frequent the local go-go bar or strip club. Or take part in some fetish scene. Find what works for you, be mindful of your safety, avoid unwanted consequences, protect your health – and get frisky! Every cell in your nervous system wants you to.


Live until you die! ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 13 '21 · Rate: 1 · Tags: wolfism, ischyros diavolos!, devil

The Devil Inside lives by jungle justice.


First, whatever dares to interfere with me, must be interfered with. Even that which is more powerful than me, must be brought to heel. I once became convinced an executive was preparing to scapegoat me. I immediately began talking to key individuals about how this executive was making himself an obstacle to the success of a major initiative. In short order, the executive was transitioned out of the program, rendering him irrelevant to me from that day forward. He never saw the hand that dealt the blow. He didn’t even know a blow had been struck. One day he was there, and the next he was gone, one of those random mysteries of life.


Second, I give my help only to those who acknowledge debts of gratitude. I actually look for opportunities to help such people. I see it as planting seeds for future harvesting. Nor do I limit myself to helping the rich and powerful. Many’s the poor man who has his finger on a lever in some mechanism that keeps the world running. All that matters is that the poor man be the type to remember his debt to me. Meanwhile, the rich man who wants something for nothing will get precisely nothing if he comes to me for help, as will the poor man who tries to manipulate me with guilt.  


Third, I acknowledge my own debts of gratitude and pay them. This is how ecosystems remain balanced. What takes must also give when its turn rolls around, else the food chain, at its weakest link, will snap. But also there’s my reputation to think of. If I become known as an ingrate, those who might have helped me in the future will turn away from me. Better to be known as one who never forgets a kindness. And then there’s pride, one of the primal appetites of the Devil Inside. The ape man feels as tough and regal as a silverback when he repays a favor.


Fourth, I don’t allow so-called family or so-called friends to mooch off me or otherwise take advantage of me. A long-term relationship can certainly serve as legitimate currency for procuring time or resources, but only on occasion and within reason, and only if what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. The plundering hand of the freeloader must be bitten. The parasite must be made to flee for its life. I don’t live for the sake of others. Not even for family or friends. My time and my resources are mine, not theirs, and no relationship is sufficient currency to procure my slave labor or turn my kitchen into someone else’s food pantry.


For every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 13 '21 · Rate: 1 · Tags: devil, ischyros diavolos!, wolfism

The weak and the stupid smell like prey to the Devil Inside.


Consider the pack of wolves giving chase to a herd of deer. Invariably the hunters will zero in on the weakest or stupidest of the fleeing animals. These canine instincts have evolved over millions of years. Simian instincts are no different. What sets humans apart from many other beasts is that we aggress not only toward other species but also toward our own, though in the case of our own we aren’t generally motivated by cannibalism, but rather, territory, resources, or status. Also our aggression toward one another is usually indirect: we normally aren’t trying to kill or even rob our adversaries, but rather, to outcompete them. (Of course killing and robbing aren’t entirely unheard of.) Unsurprisingly, we choose as our targets the weakest and stupidest among us. This is especially true when we are in fact looking to rob, swindle, blackmail or exploit someone. It is always open season on weaklings and cretins.


In the jungle it’s commonplace for the lion, when no longer hungry, to pay no attention to creatures it would otherwise make a meal of. The creatures themselves are actually aware of this, and will venture much nearer to the king of the jungle than they would ever otherwise dare to. This indifference on the part of the carnivore does not progress into any sort of congeniality. The lion, even a satiated one, has absolutely no desire to lie down with the lamb. The predatory Devil inside the simian is equally indifferent to the weak and the stupid when they have nothing it wants. But if pushed into proximity to them, or dragged into interacting with them, the Devil’s indifference will devolve into disgust, irritation, and spite. This is the misanthropic impulse. The Devil does not, by any means, suffer fools gladly, or let mice make a nest in its beard. Prey belong on the dinner plate or else out from underfoot.


Most intolerable of all, to the Devil, is the realization that it, itself, has exhibited weakness or stupidity. This of course will happen from time to time, as no one is perfect, but when it does, the Devil’s disgust and irritation with itself will far outstrip what it feels toward others. What could be more humiliating to the lion than to look in the mirror and see a lamb? Its gorge will rise. Its spite toward itself will veer to the murderous. Pride is an appetite and humiliation is rancid meat. For this reason, the Devil, and especially the Devil in coitus with ego, will take pains to train itself in strength and intelligence. Much of the Great Work is the never-ending battle to grow stronger and wiser.


Finally, there is the flip side of misanthropy: the mutual respect of fellow predators. This is the “little more to the story” that was alluded to in the previous writing. This is the closest thing to moral restraint the Devil ever experiences. You are strong and you are wise, a tiger to my lion, and therefore I will respect your territory, your resources, and your status. I will restrain my appetites. I will look elsewhere for other prizes. I do this not because I fear you, but because I respect you. Even though I might legally target your share of the world’s good potentials, I will not. You may keep what is yours. I smell your markings on the trail and I do not venture past them, though I know I could safely do so. This is the true meaning of honor among thieves. This is the Robber’s Code. Be forewarned: it does not apply to weaklings and cretins, for on them it is always open season. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 12 '21 · Rate: 1 · Tags: devil, ischyros diavolos!, wolfism

All treats and treasures in my sight, I claim by right of appetite.


Prudes, ascetics, and penitents smell like prey to the Devil Inside. No social sanction is authoritative. No self-denial leads to power or glory in heaven. No cosmic guilt demands joylessness as recompense. No pope or potentate, in gaudy robes of church or state, can induce the Devil to foreswear its insatiable nature.


Now within you is also the ego, which, when operating as natural selection has bred it to, applies a sensible degree of prudence in the face of unyielding force, strategic checkmate, dwindling resources, or unsustainable losses. The ego, uncorrupted by neurosis, is not the Devil’s adversary, but rather, is the Devil’s trusted consigliere. As the song says, “Just call me Lucifer, ‘cause I’m in need of some restraint.”


Ego and Devil in coitus give birth to a newborn self both voracious and wise, a combination to be feared and respected. When opposing forces may still be induced to yield; when strategic options are still available; when resources are still abundant; when losses are still sustainable; let prey run for their lives, for the hunter is on the prowl, licking its lips in anticipation, sniffing the wind for news it can use. Flee! Gaping jaws approach.


There’s a little more to this story, but it’s best told in the next writing. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 12 '21 · Rate: 1 · Tags: wolfism, ischyros diavolos!, devil

Faith, religious belief, the Devil Inside cannot abide. What it can’t hold in its hands or put in its mouth is alien to its reality. It relates to what it can slay, eat, fuck, possess.   


Not for the Devil are religion’s castles in the air, built of abstract imaginings. Bone and blood are what the Devil relates to. Iron and oak, breast and buttock, fish and fowl, fist and elbow, sapphire and gold, linen and silk. Guns and knives, the Devil knows. Cars and boats, highways and bridges. The real world of stone and dirt.


Nor is the Devil itself anything other than portions of the brain. Look not in some imaginary Hell for the Devil. Look instead in the cerebrum, the cerebellum, the thalamus and pituitary and pons, and the medulla oblongata.


Nor was the Devil put on earth by anything other than evolution. Look not to scripture or myth for the origins of the Devil. Look instead to the fossil record and the analysis of genomes. Look to the dinosaurs and their Mesozoic contemporaries.


Not one drop of self-deceit is promoted by Wolfism. Not one speck of unreality. ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 11 '21 · Rate: 1 · Comments: 1 · Tags: devil, ischyros diavolos!, wolfism

Psychology, philosophy, and poetry are the three pillars of personal power.


The Devil Inside lusts after the ego. To submit and surrender is to activate integration and achieve the unification of your mental powers. The legion of forces in your brain unite under one general and mount a coordinated assault on life.


The technique I use to bring Devil and ego into coitus is basic ritual, for example a curse like this one.


Alone in a dark room at night, light two red candles.




“[Name]! Hated One!

The ruin of your reality cannot be fled.

The reign of my wrath is in your head.

Order, sanity – dead.

Cthulhu! Cthulhu is in your head.

Dread dread dread dread dread.”


(Repeat as many times as desired.)


Extinguish the candles.


The Devil Inside lusts after the ego. Ritual is how the ego “spreads its legs.” ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!

Wolfie Jul 11 '21 · Rate: 3 · Tags: devil, ischyros diavolos!, wolfism
The Devil Inside rejects all faith or religious belief, insists on indulgence as an inalienable right, despises weakness or stupidity in self or others, and wants to integrate with the ego.

That's Wolfism in a nutshell. I've stopped calling it "Satanism" because I'm tired of debating the meaning and history of that term. Wolfism is what I say it is because I say so. If you align with it, feel free to join me in it.

Each of us has a Devil Inside. I don’t know why or whence it comes, but it never fails to be present in the psyche. Some of us just bury it under a ton of excrement. You can call it the ape man, the dark force, the shadow, or the Id. It’s too concrete for abstractions like religion to find purchase in it. It’s too ornery to let anything stand between it and what it wants. Its predatory instincts see the weak and the stupid as natural prey. And it lusts after the ego the way a rooster lusts after a hen.  ISCHYROS DIAVOLOS!
Wolfie Jul 10 '21 · Rate: 3 · Comments: 2 · Tags: devil, wolfism, ischyros diavolos!
In many cultures you have differing ideologies that claim to practice "individualism," that is for the "free thinkers" or "social outcasts."  These so called individualist ideologies can especially be founded through music, including religious organizations.  But is this true individualism that is being practiced?  The reason why I am bringing this up, is because the Left Hand Path is that of individualism.  Music subcultures, "occult" organizations, including certain politics outside of mainstream politics, all preach on being the rebel against society or tyranny.  An angry kid, or a person who is interested in the dark corners outside of society would take a liking to what one says and "practices."  You being that person will simply comply to what a political ideology, music subculture, or an "occult organization" would say and do.  Naturally you feel as though the individualism that you are believing in, is actually separating you from the herd.

But it isn't.  The group, or community, all creates a herd of its own under its political/occult banner of ideologies.  To those who have left the Abrahamic religions and think that they got rid of their master, you are simply wrong.  All you have done is replaced a master with a different master.  Their is no critical thinking involved in any of these organizations/political ideologies/music.  Instead you all become cows, instead of one who can walk on his own two feet alone.  What makes us different on the Left Hand Path, is we each only center upon ourselves, and choose our own destiny by shaping it under our own wills.  Yes, you can make the logical argument saying, "well isn't fake individualism everywhere?  I mean you guys are all doing the same thing."  Yes, we have our own organizations/communities, but what makes us separate from groups that preach fake individualism, is the fact that each of us on the path do not have any common mission's, nor are we all in the same boat with the same ideas.

The Left Hand Path is for one who can either choose to win or loose, It is a Social Darwinist system.  Those who claim to be on the path and choose to preach or practice the SJW "Woke" mentality are not on the path at all.  Instead the path has weeded them out.  This path is for the strong who strive towards their own future, it is not for the weak who would share the same collective intellectual ideas.  Personally, I don't have a problem having a brotherhood with comradery that comes to it.  But what it all comes down to, is each is on its own when it comes to practicing the Left Hand Path.  Their is no having a Satanic group bible study, this path is a path with differing ideas that we choose under our own separate wills.  A true individualist does not wish to belong with a group of creatures, instead a true individualist is a lone wolf. 

AlexTheTerrible Jul 3 '21 · Comments: 1 · Tags: individualism, lhp

I find it cringy encountering "Thiest Satanists" who would randomly post things, saying things like "work with Satan,"  "He will guide you and offer you succession," or something along these lines.  I also find it funny that critical thinking lacks in those who run left hand path communities, or who are even "practicing it," or not.  If you cannot critically think, or be skeptical on what you find and approach, then you are one of these people who have been weeded out of the left hand path.  As one who believes in the literal existence of the Gods of darkness, I do not use these conscious entities as an opiate to my everyday life.

As a matter of fact I might not really strike a person observing me to be a thiest at all, but someone who is smarter than your average religious American.  You see even though I may believe in the existence of gods/goddesses, that does not mean that I choose to be blind by my own beliefs.  If you on the left hand path want to be on the path, then its about time that you straighten yourself out.  Yes, I believe that the practice of Magick does exist.  But at the same time I know that practicing Magick, is not something that you can be dependent on.  What I am trying to say, is this path is not your office secretary or assistant.  Some people who claim they "practice" it, might have an entirely different take. 

But they are simply wrong on that.  In order to be on this path for all eternity, you have to accept yourself.  By that I do not mean on hugging yourself, but by accepting that you are simply ready to walk on the path, and that their is no turning back.  You see the reason why I like to call the left hand path a Social Darwinist system, its because it is one.  As I may repeat this many times, those who choose to go on this path but remain spiritually and intellectually stupid as a whistle, will simply remain outside of the path.

Let me try to explain what it means to be a critical thiest on the left hand path: I believe that Satan, Odin, and Lilith exist.  But even though I believe that these beings exist, I know that they do intervene with the practitioner himself, but in a different sense.  Even though the prince of darkness is able to communicate with you, that does not mean that he or she could make your everyday life work 24/7.  You as an individual are ultimately responsible in how you will yourself and your own life.  No gods cannot will it for you.  They can evolve you as a different person, but they can't evolve your life all the time.  As a critical thiest I believe in educating myself with different philosophies, whether it is atheistic or not.  In order to strive on the left hand path is to have an open mind by accepting ideas or disagreeing with them, which is the basis of being a critical thiest.  This is not the only basis, at all.  As a matter of fact their are more to consider upon yourself.

Cornelius Coburn
Zeros and ones, hills and mountains, fractal patterns, infinite tapestries, zeros and ones from the beginning 'til the end, zeros and ones, Yin And Yang, zeros and ones, eternal polarity, zeros and ones, ten is a reflection of one, zeros and ones, from nothing to something, zeros and ones, static and dynamic, zeros and ones, the architect, zero then one, zeros and ones, zeros and ones...

Cornelius Coburn Jun 29 '21 · Rate: 1 · Tags: binary, zeros, ones



I thought you might be interested in this. Below is an excerpt taken from Stephen Flowers’ book ‘Lords of the Left Hand Path.’ It was re-quoted by Michael Aquino and I think it also appears in the Underground version of LaVey’s TSB. Below is the original TSB Dedication Page with comments by Flowers. It is great stuff.


‘Essential to the nature of the myth of any figure such as Anton LaVey are the influences which shaped that figure’s thought and action. LaVey himself provided a core list of such influences on his thought on the dedication page of the original printings of his Satanic Bible. It is telling that in more recent printings of the book this page has been omitted.


On that list appear 19 primary personages, with 20 more given a sort of “honorable mention”. There is also one animal, Togare, LaVey’s famous pet lion, and the Nine Unknown Men. [Almost 70 other names appeared in a similar list in his Satanic Rituals book. These too have been removed in recent printings.]


Space does not permit me to discuss each one of these personages in any detail, but the primary list is extremely important to understanding LaVey’s Satanic philosophy.


The 19 primary men are (in the order he listed them): Bernardino Logara, Karl Haushofer, Grigory Yefimovitch Rasputin, Sir Basil Zaharoff, Allesandro Cagliostro, Barnabas Saul, Ragnar Redbeard, William Mortensen, Hans Brick, Max Reinhardt, Orrin Klapp, Fritz Lang, Friedrich Nietzsche, William Claude Dukinfield, Phineas Taylor Barnum, Hans Poelzig, Reginald Marsh, Wilhelm Reich, and Mark Twain. After the names of each of these, LaVey characterizes them with a dedicatory phrase. These are given in quotation marks in the discussions below.


Bernadino Logara, “who knew the value of money”, unidentified, presumably a manipulative banker or financier.


Karl Haushofer (1869-1946), “a teacher without a classroom”, was the founder of the theory of “geopolitics” and a professor of geography at the University of Munich. He was sympathetic with National Socialism and exerted influence on its ideology, especially through one of his students, Rudolf Hess. However LaVey’s image and admiration of him comes through the modem mythologizing contained in The Morning of the Magicians, in which the authors have Haushofer involved in various occult goings-on in Tibet and with the infamous Thule Gesellschaft of Rudolf von Sebottendorf. There is, however, no evidence for these more “occultnik” connections.


Rasputin (1872-1916), “who knew the magic of a child”, was much admired by LaVey because he saw the Russian “mad monk” as a lusty manipulator of people (especially women) and power - all traits pursued by LaVey himself. But Rasputin was not likely to have had anything really “Satanic” about him. LaVey was most certainly inspired by more lurid accounts of Rasputin - and by the film Rasputin: The Mad Monk (Hammer, 1965).


Sir Basil Zaharoff (1850-1936), “a gentleman”, was an arms merchant who sold weaponry and encouraged his customers to use their purchases - all while not only becoming wealthy but being knighted by the King of England too!


The “secondary” dedication names: Howard Hughes, James Moody (CS member), Marcello Cagliostro (1743-1791), “a rogue”, was the assumed name of an Italian magician and alchemist named Guiseppe Balsamo. He billed himself as a “Count” and the “Grand Kophta of the Egyptian Lodge”, but what was less known was that he had been expelled from several countries due to his fraudulent dealings. He was popular with the people and a supporter of revolution, but ended his life in the dungeons of Pope Pius VI.


Barnabas Saul was the first “scryer”, or medium, employed by the Elizabethan mage John Dee (1527-1608). After leaving Dee’s service, Saul disavowed his visions.


Ragnar Redbeard (18427-1926?), “whose might is right”, is a story unto himself. “Redbeard” was perhaps the pseudonym of Arthur Desmond, an atheist and social Darwinist street-philosopher from whose book, entitled Might is Right LaVey lifted whole sections to create the “Book of Satan” portion of the Satanic Bible.


William Mortensen, “who looked ... and saw”, wrote a photographers’ manual entitled The Command to Look (1937). The psycho-optical theories contained in it greatly influenced LaVey’s approach to art and to images and the way they can influence the human mind. It must be considered a keystone to LaVey and Satanism.


Hans Brick, “who knows the law”, wrote a book entitled The Nature of the Beast (1960) which was a formative influence on the formulation of LaVey’s social philosophy, especially as contained in the Lex Talonis or “Eleven Rules of the Earth”.


Max Reinhardt (1873-1943), “a builder of dreams”, was born Max Goldman in Austria and became famous as a theatrical director who specialized in staging huge spectacles.


Orrin Klapp (b. 1915), “the walking man”, is a sociologist whose works Heroes, Villains and Fools (1962) and The Collective Search for Identity (1969) were greatly influential on LaVey’s ideas of social movements and change.


Fritz Lang (1890-1976), “who made moving blueprints”, was an Austrian film director who made such classics as Metropolis (1926) and M (1930).


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), “a realist”, was a German philosopher and forerunner to the existentialists. His ideas of the overman (or “superman”) and the “will to power”, as well as his ideas concerning the existence of natural “masters” and ’’slaves”, are greatly admired by modern philosophical Satanists.


W.C. Fields (1880-1946), “who saved me a journey to Tibet”, was the stage-name of William C. Dukinfield.          


P.T. Barnum (1810-1891), “another great guru”, was the American showman famous for his exhibits of freaks and establishment of circuses. Barnum’s supposed basic philosophy - “There’s a sucker born every minute” - was taken to heart by LaVey and used as a mainstay of his worldview.


Hans Poelzig (1869-1936), “who knew all the angles”, was a German architect who specialized in grandiose and imaginative structures. An example is the Grand Theater in Berlin, also called the Max Reinhardt Theater (1919). He was also the set designer for The Golem (Deutsche Bioscop, 1914).



Reginald Marsh (1898-1954), “a great artist”, was an illustrator, scene designer, and painter of gritty street scenes, greatly admired by LaVey, who is himself a painter of unusual subjects.


Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), “who knew more than cabinet making”, was a German psychologist who held that there was a material force called “orgone” which worked in conjunction with the human orgasm. This force could also be collected in “cabinets” called “orgone accumulators”.


Mark Twain (1835-1910), “a very brave man”, was the pen name of Samuel Langhorn Clemens, the great American writer. LaVey much admires Twain for his works Letters from the Earth (1962) and The Mysterious Stranger (1969). In an early Church ofSatan document, LaVey praises Twain as “one of the greatest of the Devil’s advocates in history” and as “the most noble embodiment of the Satanist”.


This list of influences provides invaluable insight into the formation of LaVey’s philosophy and outlook on life. Of the 16 identifiable men fully half of them are artists of one kind or another. Of these, five dealt with the creation of visual imagery and two, W.C. Fields and P.T. Barnum, were best known as “trickster” figures. The idealization of image makers should provide some clue as to the true nature of LaVey’s philosophy and magic.’


MatthewJ1 Jun 12 '21 · Rate: 5
Cornelius Coburn

Reiteration : Zero Volume : Nothing : Emergence of the first reflected in the sixth the beauty that is securely fixed in that which follows...

Green goddess of beauty whose number is seven and whose title is Victory, glittering splendor.

Cornelius Coburn Jun 1 '21 · Tags: venus

I have got just the fifty percent of your heart

our lives are indeed divided

as if they weren't already by the brutality of life

I feel like a prisoner

maybe men made life into a prison

they arrested their soul

I feel like I have lost something

I feel like true happiness is impossible

because of them

I feel like this world isn't made for free spirits

I feel like under the law of a powerful universal tyrant

that rule everything

I feel like I'm a cathedral in the desert

and I have just wilderness

and they have everything

except what I have

and so they are unhappy, having everything

and I resist, having nothing

but I still am in this wasteland

in this arid wilderness

alone, I'm indeed an hermit

against the world

with a message who could free them all

but I know very well the fate of prophets

and I don't accept it

I am a giant and noble rebellion

I condemn this stupid world

May it fall, may it collapse

may be destroyed, this unjust world

Fire, hidden in the darkest night

hidden from every powerful man

unknown, under the ground

it resists

facing a world of terrifying darkness

it is the fire of Hell

the fire of justice

we still here, after centuries of genocide

burning for truth

burning in the name of nature

against an ugly and unjust world

burn this world


with the fire of philosophy

die, transform, overcome, destroy, create, fight!


a deadly curse upon God

you will never have my unique soul

I will fight against the whole world

and if I will die you won't survive me

a challenge, a noble duel

unequal fight, but what is equal?

Conquer your might! Defeat who is superior!

Take his heart, eat it for Mars!

Blessed be the crazy ones

Cursed be the idiots

crazy like a true revolutionary

one, who, with a sentence, issue a sentence of death!

Who is afraid of words?

I know who! These words are a knife

a noble knife of someone screaming


a knife that frightens the evil men

a knife of justice!

deadly, bloody words, you may be hurt

and they are meant to that

words are swords that hurt

a poem can be a true duel

I'm a warrior, and I challenge

cursed be who doesn't fight

is already a slave

nothing you will get

without struggle

nothing you will achieve

without true hate

death to the dead

cries nature

death to this dead world!

Cornelius Coburn
There really does appear to be some creationary parallels between the cosms that are of a sexually explicit mechanical nature.

Cornelius Coburn May 31 '21 · Tags: sex, orgasm
My time in New York City is coming to an end. In a week I'll be Upstate and by the winter I plan being somewhere down by the Southwest if I don't end up with my friend in Europe. So much has happened these past two years I'm still wrapping my head around it, even as I write it all down in my journal. 

When I go Upstate, first thing I plan on doing is getting my guitar and pedals and amp and locking myself in the attic. Afterwards I plan on taking a canoe down the old river, probably will be that way for a whole week, a whole month. Trips plenty.

The big apple is lonesome, but not the good kind. I am one who is always fine alone. But in the big city, being surrounded by the machine, being stared at with those dumb grins and the bewildered eyes, I am resorted to keeping my head down when I go out, even just to have a cigarette. 

The lockdown is only going to make it worse, no major city is exempt from what is to come. The people want more time in their life at the expense of their ability to enjoy it in its fruits and discontents. Every time a person goes to ring the doorbell on the entrance, I look at this stranger with an immense anger like I've never felt before. Time and circumstance aways knows how to push me, now it's time to see where I'll land!

Clyde_Sotch May 29 '21 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 12 · Tags: friends, guitar, nyc, usa, writing, moving, state, craziness, catharsis, lovers, weirdness, wander, wanderer, author
Hy im new. Croatia someone??
Beky420 May 12 '21 · Comments: 3
Aborior Translatione
It's OK, It's OK, don't hurry, don't hurry.
OK, mellow it out, mellow it out.
Uh.. where are we.
Skipper's shot!  We've been shot. I was trying to help.
Watch it!
We're finished!
Hey, what's happening here?
There he is .. look at him!  Goddamn that son-of-a-bitch is coming! Get off!
Ah here we go.
We’re going to do it right here.
Charlie, Charlie get it up.
Actually, these conditions don't look very good at all, do they?
No need for that, we are okay, no problem, no problem.
Hang on. What the hell is this?
That's weird with no lights.
Aaaaaa! Allah Akbar!
That's it I'm dead.
Goodnight, Goodbye, We Perish!
Aborior Translatione May 9 '21 · Rate: 1
Cornelius Coburn
- Prologue -

Girlfriends parents gave us an unneeded HDTV accompanied with universal remote(not a good sign).

Now have two spare older TVs so why not use one to hook-up one of those new gaming systems in a spare room.

- Problem One -

TV is a piece of shit and cannot acquire ANY video signal regardless of configuration; problems are compounded by not having the original remote that came with the TV.

- Solution -

Fuck that TV(and fuck the spare room) and hook-up the PS4 to (my) TV that she is already using for ROKU in the living room.

- Configuration -

PS4 HDMI to HDTV(1080i max); audio out to Onkyo TX-8511.

- Problem Two -

When using HDMI, audio is not output from TV via any composite or optical connection on back of TV.

- Conclusion - 

A quick, dirty, and workable solution to be done with this fucking project for the day :

HDMI to RCA adapter; everything works, finally. Had a choice of either using a low quality(yellow)composite video cable or a high quality audio cable for video connection and went with the latter.

Cornelius Coburn May 5 '21 · Tags: ps4, hdmi to rca

Heil Satan! 666

 Ich möchte, dass Sie sich von einigen nicht unterscheiden, was sich gehört. Ich übe ONA mit dem Necronomicon. Vor vielen Jahren war ich stark gehört. Also lebe ich als Hüter des Kreises. Grüße von allen, Brüdern und Schwestern. Wenn jemand von O9A hier ist, Kontakte Sie mich bitte. Ich suche nach einer Verbindung, weil ich nicht viel arbeiten kann. Wenn jemand Tarotkarten oder Bücher hat, bin ich entschieden sehr wichtig. Ich möchte Sie warnen: Wenn jemand Wahnsinn kennt, kennt Sie, dass es Gifte gibt, die Sie wissen und krank machen. Lassen Sie sich nicht von politischen und Psychosen vergiften. Denken Sie nicht schlecht über psychisch Kranke nach, Christen opfern auch Frösche.Alles Gute für Sie und die Familie.

Caducifer May 4 '21 · Comments: 2 · Tags: o9a
Aborior Translatione
Q - Why do bad things happen?

A - We live in a world of pain and suffering. There is no one who is not affected by the harsh realities of life, and the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” is one of the most difficult questions in all of theology. God is sovereign, so all that happens must have at least been allowed by Him, if not directly caused by Him. At the outset, we must acknowledge that human beings, who are not eternal, infinite, or omniscient, cannot expect to fully understand God’s purposes and ways.

The book of Job deals with the issue of why God allows bad things to happen to good people. Job was a righteous man (Job 1:1), yet he suffered in ways that are almost beyond belief. God allowed Satan to do everything he wanted to Job except kill him, and Satan did his worst. What was Job’s reaction? “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him” (Job 13:15). “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised” (Job 1:21). Job did not understand why God had allowed the things He did, but he knew God was good and therefore continued to trust in Him. Ultimately, that should be our reaction as well.


Why is that sadistic parable always the go to? 

Job couldn't know, but it seems god is a sadistic fucking twat making bets with his archrival like L Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons if they were freinemies 

That aside, what the fuck?

You can't know god's plan? What a fucking cop out. You can't know the plan because there is no plan and you're using a false belief in cosmic importance as a coping mechanism.

Once again the answers are in the stars.

What about the first thing you said and just stop there? Universe is hostile. Needs no explanation. 

Further Muddling up why the world is fucked up is the rationalizing of self-serving behavior as original sin. I feel "shit is fucked" still works fine. 

 And though shit is fucked you want to thrive. You want to ascend in some way. Whether that is through social acquiescence and reward or will to power, all creatures seek security in some way.

You can bargain mammalian instincts away as a corruption of evil all you want, but you'd simultaneously have to apply this to every creature with domineering, territorial, or aggressive self-serving behavior.

The world is cruel because there is no inherent design. You have to choose a path that benefits you first and foremost. So does everyone else. Some have less respect than others. Some animals steal food and defy the pecking order, some circumvent it scavenging off the dead.

Is it evil? Or is it just a less cooperative approach exhibited by an animal within a species? A mutation to be a manipulative user of resources irrelevant to the benefits of the species? The solitary vs. pack animal. 

You have to watch out for others. Fight others. Fight the many thinking whatever they want about why they have to fight. But at the end of the day you still gotta survive and compete with other people doing the same, whatever rung of existence you reside on..

We are all ultimately meaningless mites crawling on a ball of dirt that could easily be wiped out by electromagnetism.  The omnipotent statistical chance to being hit by a GRB. 

A disaster away from a whole new range of adversity and other animals to battle with, if still applicable. 
Aborior Translatione Apr 22 '21 · Comments: 6
Aborior Translatione

For this blog series I am asking a Christian website to answer my questions... and then arguing it.

Q - What is the most important part of Christianity?

A - Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. - Some Bible Verse


Love Is corrupted by faith within RHP attainment. You see the compulsory belief in something nebulous here. How can one use love in its abstract form? How do love a bullshit idea (god) using another bullshit idea? (soul)

For example: if you were emotionally trashed could you find comfort with the thought, "Something (or even someone I don't know yet) loves me with all their heart."  Can that provide physical comfort? Change the outcome beyond changing the actions you choose to take?

Love is corrupted by ideology and delusions of destiny. It gets corrupted with commanded faith towards ideas as YOUR way to live. 

Love is compationate possession of a person, place, or thing. A partner, family member, or even bad-ass possession.  Most importantly, love is possession of your own life. 

It is latent animal survival instincts manifesting to preserve oneself, which includes several kindred bonds and pride of ownership. Love is primarily territorial. 

By giving love to a manifestation of an idea (like god) you strip it of its visceral human manifested existence and viable use in ultimate survival.  "God's love", as seen in Christianity, actually makes the human species less prepared, because it relies on social delusion and herd behavior therein to make its detriment less noticeable.  

It would fall apart outside the slave morality and protection of social code. 

Aborior Translatione Apr 21 '21 · Comments: 2
Cornelius Coburn
(O) : Osiris : A New Beginning

Cornelius Coburn Apr 18 '21 · Comments: 6 · Tags: osiris
Cornelius Coburn
(A) : Apophis : Destruction

Cornelius Coburn Apr 18 '21 · Comments: 1 · Tags: apophis
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