Still is the time that is forlorn
Still the spirit to be adorned
Still the night 'fore the day
Still as eternal still as it lay
Still as away
come again
'nother day
'nother way
Still to be born
from the still
'tis the way
'twas born
From the still
it was
Burden of Time
Bark at the Moon
Congrads, at least you're in a proper context now as opposed to the excessive reaching and bending over backwards to play the "faith" and angel wing card bullshit, but when left to the devices of a semi ambiguous and metaphorical Rorschach inkblot interpretation your subconscious nudges you to see "angel wings" so you'll have something to 'bark' at, so...
I downloaded a shitload of music by both those bands at least a decade ago. I'm really in desperate need of new music. The Nightwish has stuck with me and served fairly well, but the other one not so much.
I did think maybe you were pulling my peg when positing and possibly pretending partiality to "Polish disco"; perhaps possibly not. I'm not always privy in precisely knowing what to ponder here.
Baphomets' Goatwhore track was a nice addition though, but the musical landscape is redundant and sparse in spicy neo-flavorings. I suppose I've garnered and gone through music like a newborn goes through diapers, and still pushing back while teetering at the precipice of the inevitable, if that's what it is, or just being overly dramatic.
Fuck it, I just get in the car and drive. Lots of driving.
Within Temptation is cool too. I also find some Iron Maiden songs OK too but not all of them.
Tongue of Thorns
A dying romance
bleeding for my sensation
Would death unmask
the azure of the creation
Oh stay far
from my crown of certainties
A dying romance,
the blindmans' torch of ideals
Men of stories,
don't try and robe
my morningstar
Cause it will never shine
in your eden
Dimensions of Existence
Typically when it comes to dimensions of existence it's always the same four that take front and center unless you're talking about some string theory bullshit, but if "dimensions" are to be defined using parameters of depth and measurement then other avenues of existence suddenly become worthy of mention, albeit of a slightly different context, but nonetheless, and fuck it, it ain't like radio stations never play the same song more than once...
"U know I'll be honest.... I don't remember stuff well! Why you asking?"
You know, when I'd ask my girlfriend a question ninety nine percent of the time she'd also reply with a "Why?", and eventually I started replying to that with "Why ask why?" which is kind of like an eye for an eye.
And the answer is just because I felt like doing something different at the time. I guess that's over now, but I won't be "dreamin'" it
Among Two Storms
@The Truth ain't so Bad
Mind conjured faerie lore
angels conquering death
lingering ever-present fear
one final breath
None beheld such fantasy
nor lies comforting soul
just truth plain and simple
served cold
Discarded archaic forms
oblivious the norms
false sense the shelter
Among Two Storms
Boz Scaggs@LidoShuffle
is my beginning
yet I am eternal
is my individuality
yet my diversity bears no limits
is my permutation;
my qualities are infinite
I am all things, and
I am
"One more for the road"