Uno, Dos Locos Musica | Forum

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jun 8 '19
A Slideshow video with original music to encapsulate my time here. Another thing to be ignored completely, posted off the page, or otherwise forgotten fairly quickly.  

A self deprecating acknowlegement sanity has long left my life. If I was more open to superstition it would angels instead of spies, but still completely gone.

And get checked out if you can follow this.

A previously posted song "mastered" displaying the height of my musical and artistic ability.  Made using "Music Studio 2" (available on iTunes and Google Play) and "Scoompa Video Maker".

Digital Instruments Used: percussion, jazz kit, world kit, music box, saz, grand piano, acoustic bass, juno lead pad, violin solo, violins legato, glockenspiel.

Tales of the Mentally Divergent - Uno, Dos Locos Musica

Alternate (extra harmony)

If only I didn't make it to where nobody gives a fuck. Should have done before I became a total asshole. As long as I view it that's enough.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jun 9 '19
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jun 9 '19
You are the first to do so, and the glorification of my ego outweighs my need to give you shit. Respond to whatever the fuck you want. I have no goddamn authority over anyone, anywhere. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jun 9 '19
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jun 10 '19
To be fair the originals were working bullshit.  All done in less than 4 hours as an autodidactic tutorial to the software.

Only one version had any commercial appeal for having two overlayed hooks.  

All organic.  Much of it looped 8 measure tracks written without regard for how it should sound.  "It is in D minor" being about the extent of the planning for the first complete "song". 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jun 10 '19
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jun 10 '19
I cant do Major. Everything sounds like The Offspring.

I stick to Pentatonic, Blues, Minor, Romainian Minor, Phrygian, dischord (Kerry King solo - E, F, Am, A, C#, D) Preference for D and C# and A for pentatonic or blues.  Fuck E.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jun 10 '19
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jun 10 '19
I came from guitar.  Started with E tuning, decided Blues scales sound better from the 5th fret (A blues it was) Once I found C# tuning (like Dimebag) I could never go back.  1.5 steps down is the way to go on guitar.  On Piano I transpose the metal riffs to single notes or power chords using the minor 7th interval.
The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jun 10 '19
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