Sinister Works | Forum

Discordia Member
Discordia Aug 31 '19
Our blog Sinister.Works

The Forum post is edited by Discordia Aug 31 '19
Anna Aug 31 '19
I share AK opinion. A very decent and well-written blog. I liked the essay about success. Most people really associate it with the money and prestige but that's not the crux of a happy life.
Discordia Member
Discordia Aug 31 '19
Thanks Plastmotic and Anna, I really appreciate the kudos! It's a new project so we're still tweaking the layout and of course developing content, but I'm glad people are enjoying it so far.
Tkwilliams Member
Tkwilliams Sep 1 '19
I like it! I have a lot to read:)

Discordia Member
Discordia Sep 1 '19
Glad you're liking it so far Tkwilliams! I'd love to hear your thoughts after you've read a little more.
Discordia Member
Discordia Sep 9 '19
New blog post from Antix (assuming you're not all tired of us already )


Discordia Member
Discordia Sep 9 '19
You may note that nowhere in the article does it say that Satan is not an external force, or that people who think he is are wrong. Doesn't say they're right either, but certainly Antix is not one to scoff at someone merely for speaking as if this were an external force. Only for much of the solipsism that tends to follow. 
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Sep 10 '19
Dare I say, a Satanist that chooses Satanism despite believing wholeheartedly in a God, has far, far more by way of kahoonas than any atheist.

You don't have to respond, but that is actually the majority in my opinion. Any claim to atheism flies right out the window as soon as shit gets causeless.

For all the theatrical copouts there seems to be a prevalent genuine belief in magic, laws of attraction, or whatever you want to call it.

It seems to me a complete, I swear this word used to get tossed around more, abstraction, the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events.

I have tried to make it logic compatible, but it can't be made as such. Consciousness must have an existence outside space-time for this to be possible, but it produces electromagnetic waves, so wtf?

That could mean either the above, or a god form to act as an operator to give you number nine. And then other options equally as faulty. Even now i have drifted into worlds of fallacy. 

In anycase, by qualified manner of thinking, those not wired for superstition (in some form), is a rather small group. 

And I can't even say my Koyaanisqatsi (properties of homeostasis in nature) believing ass is one of them. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Sep 10 '19
Discordia Member
Discordia Sep 11 '19
I agree DE. I think we're wired that way. Our brains are constantly seeking patterns, logical rules, short cuts, ways to fill in information to reduce the amount of actual thinking it has to do. It has to in order to make sense of the world and the insane volume of information we receive. But it makes it one want to see patterns, want to impose order and logic on the world. To project causality where it may not actually exist. We're all unreliable narrators. 
Wolfhook Sep 23 '19
I love the blog. Very focused.  
Discordia Member
Discordia Sep 23 '19
Thanks wolfhook! Always nice to hear positive feedback :)
May 16 '20
Thank you for such a well written blog! Ned
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