What does Satanism Mean To You?? | Forum

Zakkary Jun 2 '23
Satan as the antagonist in the Judeo Christian sense is the 'rebel'.... or 'protester' he who disobeyed out of a conviction he had been wronged by God. As many here have grown up within a predominantly Judeo Christian influenced Western culture, but have not fit in with the mainstream, Satan and Satanism is an obvious identity and expression of opposition. I think there is a core to what Satanism is, and it is rebellion.... beyond this essential core.... everything else is extrapolation. The pagan esotercism, the politics, magical traditions and delusions of granduer and power.... are much the same in any tradition.... although some manifestations are more the result of personality disorder and/or neurdevelopmental disorder..... ?
The Forum post is edited by Zakkary Jun 2 '23
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jun 3 '23
I doesn't even matter anymore.  

If it's a "fuck you switch" in the core of an individual then the fucking Christian Neocons are way more Satanic now. The Devil role the republican candidate is going to play is going to be FUCKING HILARIOUS. Gets to switcheroo with the woke status quo. 


The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jun 3 '23
rigo666 Jun 3 '23
This is what Satanism means today:

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jun 4 '23
It's a good oldy. I wasn't aware they were so gay acting though. Maybe they're singing in metaphors. I think they used to do that a lot back then because it wasn't nearly as ideal a time to be gay. 

You think Elton John was really singing about rockets?

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jun 4 '23
OxC Jul 29 '23

To quote Beauvoir on Hegel: “Hegel tells us in the last part of The Phenomenology of Mind that moral consciousness can exist only to the extent that there is disagreement between nature and morality. It would disappear if the ethical law became the natural law.”

Satan, as an egregore, becomes the bridge between the two.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 5 '24
Doesn't mean anything to me.  The followers are mostly fucking ugly, the meet-ups are mostly fucking painful, I'd rather go a homeless shelter potluck..

The height of pretention mostly.  

It's a group-minded herd bunch of fucks reading; German philosophy, Crowley's barely intelligible fruitcake ass, and bunch of esoteric trees of bullshit, and all this god-head shit which never actually left the church house.  Such hidden (not really) knowledge they all must have. Such superstition.

Mostly a bunch of sheep mindfucking themselves with some abstract bullshit. Mostly. Painting something black to think it's different. 

** Inherent RHP superstition test **

As I hold Satanism is a rejection of abstraction as a method of attainment. 


Because I know dipshits reading this believe in that fucktarded shit. So teach me a lesson and make this happen. Like, I think if YOU believe I can fuck up saying this, it gives it extra "secret" power or something. Law of attraction or whatever. DARK FORCES AND SUCH! 

I hereby call upon devil and the gates of hell to give me devil power. May both my parents die by the end of the year so I can take their house and sell all their shit.  That's their only use. To die and leave me their house. May the power I call on, the dark force, do magic shit and kill both my parents, and give me their house, so I can sell their shit. So they served some purpose in this world.  This is a completely real magic curse to kill my parents by 2025 and give me their house.  I really dont care. I failed when i failed to get them to divorse and get rid of Mom. Anyway. Hail Satan, Kill my parents, and start with my Mom. So my Dad dies 3 months later like all pussywhipped old worthless pansy men. Do it. I'm sick of Rent.   Hail Satan.  I'll sacrifice something? 

And that is such an honor-less thing to want too. I guess it's bad to ask for that. I think it's like if you use magic wrong the ghost of Robbin Williams cokehead faggot Genie comes and possesses you for being bad. Im sure there are several magic ethics laws too. There are laws forbidding this, there has to be. Its really taboo, I think. Disrespectful to those that take it for real seriously. To tempt totally real shit like magickxs. Come on, lightning! 

Anyone with superstition about that statement is an RHP god-minded fuck.. Go back to church, believer.  Like if you believe that can happen, you're a fucking retard, and I dare you make me regret this. Magical minded fruitcakes. If you're angry, put all your believin' power into it. 

I love what I can do here. Magicks. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 5 '24
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24

Okay, who deleted a comment? 

Don't take that off the front page, you fucking post deleting bitch. Why, can't be associated with that thread? Doing it to knock my post off?  I'm totally using "dark arts" without respect!

I piss on these superstitions. 

I feel the "annoying faggot" account had a comment that's now gone. That makes sense. That one does that. 

Hey, when you do that, it takes my post off the front page.

Stop that!


Seriously, leave this up, let this bait the cosmic bitch power everyone fears... like good little christians would and are programmed to. 

It should be still up in 2 months. Check back then.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Anna Jan 6 '24

As I hold Satanism is a rejection of abstraction as a method of attainment. 

All right. You often mention it. Who said it?

I hereby call upon devil and the gates of hell to give me devil power. May both my parents die by the end of the year so I can take their house and sell all their shit

This is funny because I was always afraid of my parents' death. I didn't want it. The mere thought of it gave me goosebumps. I feared it would leave me destitute. I even imagined myself homeless, jobless and begging for food.

And then it happened. In February 2017 my grandmother, who I cared for died. Finding a job took me only two weeks. In April the same year, my mother died leaving me a considerable sum of money from her life insurance. In October 2020 my dad hanged himself in his concubine's home (I guess he wanted to ultimately piss her off) leaving me several pieces of land near Warsaw and Lublin. Most of that I sold. It's not enough to turn me into Croesus but enough to let me live a pleasant carefree life without worrying I will run out of money by the end of the month.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Jan 6 '24
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
I did. Well, I am the only one that defines it right. Because the person who originally said it is a faggot dumbshit that didn't know what the fuck he was talking about apparently. Just tossing words together. 

And you gotta be pretty fucking worthless to end up begging in California. Endless social systems to use and good will to exploit. You can pretend to be an addict and get a free bed. 

But I'm glad you understand the point of that all.  I feel it's the superstition litmus test. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Anna Jan 6 '24
And I didn't use any devilish spells. My thoughts were pure. I was too chickenshit to wish anything bad upon my parents.

It's ironic, isn't it?

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Naw just inheritance. You act like that has a moral component. It's only in fucking Hollywood where nefarious wills fall apart.  That's why you keep family around enough. Tolerate their bullshit. When they die you get pieces of land. 

In all reality, their home's worth about 350k now, and that's in AZ. After the final one goes, my sister and I split the money... And then I buy a custom sprinter van and go take mushrooms at National Parks forever.

Too bad shit like this can't ACTUALLY make that happen.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Anna Jan 6 '24
Good luck.

The issue I have with all that Satanic magic is not that some wishes or spells are too wicked or dishonorable but that it removes the person from reality. I mean there's nothing inherently bad with fancying yourself the master of your fate, it's just not true. So little depends on us and our actions. Sure, you can try your best to live the best life possible, take some actions, but most of the time things just happen without you doing anything, whether you want it ir not.

I doubt you can influence your fate by invoking and ordering demons straight from hell. And why would they take orders from the puny mortal man? I think Christians are less off base when they fall on their knees and beg God/Fate for mercy. At the very least, they acknowledge they are nobodies in the grand scheme of things. Which is bitter reality.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Lol. That's sorta the point.  It's ALL FUCKING bullshit. 

Good luck, bad luck, what's the fucking difference?

My fucking Mom's weak ass heart will still beat forever just to fucking spite me. Domineering cunts like that dont die. Bitch has always been in my way. It's karma for that to continue. 

That's the point of this pretty much.

You passed the Litmus test. For having no superstition about meaningless internet words you can elevate yourself to "abstraction free".

Congratulations, you've made the cut! (Per my criteria)

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Anna Jan 6 '24

My fucking Mom's weak ass heart will still beat forever just to fucking spite me. Domineering cunts like that dont die. Bitch has always been in my way. It's karma for that to continue. 

Lol you've made my day with this one.
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
That bitch's neurotic repression makes her immortal..

But I'm glad statement of fact made your day? 

Do you also have a worthless bitch mom? 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Anna Jan 6 '24
Not exactly worthless. I owe her a lot. She was a bit overprotective. I was her treasure she was always afraid to lose. At times such attitude just sucks. But she also gave me emotional support. I didn't spend too much time mourning though. I went to work the next day after I learned about her death. Didn't even take a day off to get over it.
The Forum post is edited by Anna Jan 6 '24
Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Nice. What's this support thing you speak of?

My mom was an autistic closet lesbian that never should have had kids. I dont know how she got kids out of a castrated submissive bitch, but they did. And only did so it's fat ass could play computers, buy herself shit, and emasculate my father into being The Mom for her.  If I was a dude that would have fucked me up. 

And when the bitch wasn't ignoring us, or micromanaging our preferences, or banning name brands and trends, she was being a fat selfish bitch buying herself well made knock-offs.

Note - ALL BROKEN HOME WELFARE KIDS with their dollar spot Christmass memories hate my reasons. Mostly jealousy. 

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Anna Jan 6 '24
If this is true, sorry to hear about it. Still, no parents are perfect. On the contrary, according to what many psychology "experts" say all families are pathological. The parents are either too overprotective and despotic or too lenient or careless, or manipulative. 

It's quite pointless and counterproductive to dwell on childhood real or perceived miseries. We should let it go. The past cannot be corrected or undone. Seriously, an adult guy still being pissed with his mom. Like what's the fucking point?

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Why do you only respond when I make bullshit troll comments?

More importantly, why do you always seem to want to defuse the intention of the commentary? 

I had intended for that to stay up without people responding so everyone could guess on the pathology.  

Sorta fucked that up.

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Jan 6 '24
Anna Jan 6 '24
Canis, it's hard to say what your intent was. Clearly, you're revolting against something but what exactly?

It's possible that some forms of magic are avoided not as a result of superstition but because they are counterproductive and/or useless. Per your example, a person can break the taboo of cursing his mom but he himself is cursed if he stays in this mood forever. At some point the mommy has to be gone from the individual's head completely so that she no longer interferes with his life. Hard to achieve that if one continues to cherish the grudge therefore keeping the mommy's image and memory alive.

And c'mon tell me. Have you signed up for the ONA funclub that you're suddenly on a quixotic crusade against abstractions? I don't know who and what you're getting your "wisdom" from but you're all over the place on this one.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Jan 6 '24
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