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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 20 '24
Mindstuff : What is Real

It is extremely difficult to believe in the old Hermetic axiom that "All is mind."

when everything in this reality looks and feels so real.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jan 20 '24
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 23 '24


They dipped their toes into the primordial waters of chaos and revealed a truth concealed by reason,

and when seen dancing were thought to be insane by those that couldn't hear the music

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 24 '24

Crazy Train : Occult Madness

It is without question that existence arose of madness; the difficulty is in distinguishing the reasonable madness,

from the unreasonable madness

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 1 '24
This Moment is Eternity

In the absence of time all of eternity is but a single moment

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 1 '24
Been there done that, who gives a fuck.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 4 '24

Paraphrasing : Dead Men Tell No Secrets

The only way to keep a secret between yourself and one or more other people is if they're all dead,

although trust in swearing anyone, if that is the case, to "secrecy", in the first place,

is unforgivably fucking stupid

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 10 '24

The Strange Magic of the Electric Light Orchestra

Relative to Earth and given the precise location and thermodynamics of this colossal fireball suspended in the aether within an arena of most convenient stability, one can only conclude...

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 14 '24

The Anomalies of an Evil Circus

From Hitler to Captain Spaulding these ferocious clowns by way of some bizarre and twisted reality lay waste to an exponential and existential nightmare

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 17 '24

Occams' Razor

There is a complete and total negation of all existence in the style of an Occams' razor, but there is obviously something else which is basically the crux of the matter

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 23 '24

It's Not Even a Side Gig

If Satanism is uncovering the truth of reality, then I'm a Satanist.

And it's not even really a path or any other main course in life, but more like a code that you crack and be done with it. It's truth plain and simple. It's the metaphorical pearl that you carry around with you, take it out, and shine it up from time to time.

Its value is really of no more worth than any other authentic pearl.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 8 '24


Drink of her

become drunken

her waters of transcendence

and beg of thee

to not become tolerant

and accustomed

but only to thirst for more


To eternally traverse

this sea of forgetfulness

and savor the pleasures

while enduring its curse

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 9 '24

Rotting Christ

If it was anything important

it's probably been reiterated many times already

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 15 '24

Won't Get Fooled Again

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...and...and...

...we're not gonna get fooled again!!

— George W Bush

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Mar 17 '24

What's the Difference Between Causation and Correlation

Diabolo@Post Ergo Propter Hoc

Back around 2000 there was this new user that appeared on a philosophy forum. His username was Satan and he had the avatar to match. I remember one of my first thoughts was "Wow, I can't believe Satan wasn't already taken.".

This user created only one thread that I recall titled as above where the gist of it was distinguishing between actual cause and effect and correlation of events. The regulars at this place were definitely not slouches, and there was a handful that were pretty fuckin' smart; not that it did much good.

This argument went on for like 20 - 30 pages until one day I logged on to find that user had been banned for "thinking he was smarter than everyone else". The arguments covered pretty much everything including observable cause and effect scenarios that would normally be cut and dried e.g. like how flipping a light switch and the light coming on might not necessarily be a condition of actual cause and effect although it wouldn't be argued that there is definitely a "correlation" between the two - only on a philosophy forum.

Anyway, I did comment in the thread a few times, and there was this one user named Zetetic that replied once and there was a line within his reply that I thought was kind of cool and I ended up using it off and on as a standalone quote right up to the present day pretty much. I did paraphrase it a couple times but I think this was the original:

"There is no way of knowing that the future will resemble the past(or vice versa), it always has, so we think it always will, it is a matter of convention and unavoidable."

I wouldn't say that I'm crystal clear as to the precision or magnitude of what he was referring, but nonetheless...

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