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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 27 '22
Everything Has A Partnership With Eternity : A Lament of Misery And Prosperity


Dusche Jan 27 '22

Quote from Cornelius Coburn  A Lament of Misery And Prosperity

A very beautiful song; one of my favorites [Highland Widow's Lament]:

Anna Jan 28 '22
"If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny." ~ Elon Musk.
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jan 31 '22
Be it not any great revelation. Innocence influenced at the horrors of torture and death, many would claim to be witches and of the Devil.


Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 2 '22
It seems to me the biggest mystery here concerning existence is regarding this mysterious 'acausal' element. All of the magic in the universe appears to resolve to its' function. The 'something' as opposed to the 'nothing', and the emergence thereof, ad infinitum.


Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 3 '22

And from the infinitely small came forth a God manifest of the infinitely large. As within, so without.



Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 5 '22
For a two-dimensional Hermetic depiction, it would be "As above so below.", but for a three dimensional it becomes "As within so without.".


The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Feb 5 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 6 '22

In order for consciousness to experience and express itself. It subconsciously creates aetheric expansions within the macrosphere - dreams within dreams, bubbles within eternal bubbles.


It's a strange existence.

Dark Enlightenment
Dark Enlightenment Feb 7 '22
Y haav ŕyttýn o nu ŕanguyg. Yhu uýŕ nyŕ ungaŕztan ýt. Yhu uyŕ tŕy tu tŕaanzŕayt but nyŕ gýt ýt anyhoau. Yhu uýŕ noua go foŕnýq'ayt uýth an honq'y. O banana yytyyn honq'y. Ýt ýz baziq'ŕy yyngŕýzh. Uýth zýŕtN ŕyttýŕz ŕyybŕayzt uýth fonytýq'ŕy zýnýŕyŕ onz. Ýt aŕzo foŕŕoz yyngŕýzh zýntaq'z. Ýt onŕy uazýz tha ŕyttýŕz:: A: AA: B: F: G: H: N: O: Q': Ŕ: T: U: Y: Ý, YY, an Z. 

Bayŕy Ŕýtuaŕ

Hayŕ Zaytan!
Ŕyt tha q'anbŕ.
Zay.. (O nagiq' forz uýŕ fŕotyq't nyy! Uýth ŕyt q'anbŕz y zunnon tha barq'nýz)
Hayŕ Ŕoŕb Zaytan!. 

I call it "Afrinochian"

The Forum post is edited by Dark Enlightenment Feb 7 '22
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 9 '22
Some quotes from long ago that stuck with me to the current day, starting with this one :

Me : Space and time began with the big bang.

Radon : The 'illusion' of space and time began with the big bang.

As time went by, it just kept making more and more sense.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 10 '22
There was this other quote too from long ago. I was talking with an engineer, and I don't remember the exact context, but I believe it has something to do with the 'nothing' phase I was going through, and emergence from it - more big bang stuff I suppose.

Primordial origins and emergence via negative existence, and how? And he said "Convergence to one", and I said "One what?", and he said "Electron".

As with the previous quote, as more time went by there was also an establishing of a more suitable context in which it could be applied, namely Qabalah, and there is also a "One electron universe" theory.

This quote has slipped to the wayside in more recent times, but it did serve its' purpose for a time, and I did write some passages regarding it.

Dusche Feb 10 '22

Quote from Dark Enlightenment honq' 

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 14 '22

Re : Nine

The top point of the hexagram is positioned at the Abyss, while the top left and right points give the side pillars their name. Their names are Severity and Mercy, respectively.

The bottom point of the hexagram is positioned at the 9th emanation. The Moon.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 14 '22
Re : Bottom Point : 9


It is the water element and its' number is nine and it shall have dominion over the oceans and the seas.


Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 16 '22
Understanding that which is beyond the realms of existence and experience is more a matter of conditioning than knowing.


Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 18 '22


From the botanical and biological to the primordial. The beginnings of time, life, and even entire universes. From the ex-seed-ingly small to the infinitely large.

A terrestrial seed becomes a tree of earth, and a godseed becomes a tree of life. Seed to tree, and tree to seed.

 - the eternal cycle

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 19 '22

Re : Mid '90s : Bush : Little Things

It's these reflections, the little things we see that can then be extrapolated into a larger narrative.



That track may be a little redundant, but it's a good fit.

Phil_Lopian Feb 19 '22
I love Bush, the hairier the better! I like this song:

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 20 '22

Re : Bush : Mid '90s Continued

Me too, for what seemed like forever, I used to be haunted by a corrupt version of this next track. It would play for like the first twenty seconds or so, and then it would just kick-out and go to the next track. I thought I'd replaced it at one point, but then it would just reappear on CD's or other digital media. I haven't heard it for a while now, so maybe I just deleted it.


Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 21 '22

Once you have reached the end of the line and basked in the simplicity of the exceedingly paradoxical, you can then take a few steps back and bathe in the complexity of the overly rational.


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