Re : The Matrix : Rules
Understood. Tempering the following with a bit of caution.
Re : The Matrix : Rules
Understood. Tempering the following with a bit of caution.
Re : The Satanic Testament
"In the void of pure nothingness something suddenly came into being from nowhere. This is fact. We know this to be true by our very existence. What if it was not from nowhere, but a point outside of nothingness in the realms of space-time?"
If "void of pure nothingness" is to be equated with negative existence (the Ain, or Ein), then the term "void" actually creates a self-contradictory statement, as "void" at least implies a spatial construct. Negative existence is akin to Occams' Razor on steroids. It is absolutely nothing, not even a void.
There is nothing outside of negative existence. You have either a spatiotemporal construct or you can have 'nothing', but you can't have both simultaneously, i.e., "You can't eat your cake and have it too." (T. Kaczynski). I am the one, Orgasmatron...
I just wrote a small piece on another forum that is somewhat relevant to this. Eternally recurring, or eternally existing, and why?
The main reasons for the "eternally recurring" as opposed to alternative scenarios is to adhere the laws of parsimony and avoid "infinite regression". Time must have beginning and ending parameters, so the "recurring" is akin to a 'resetting' back to zero, ad infinitum, as a perpetual 'starting point', as opposed to an infinitely regressive stream that never began, so here, there needs to be a distinction made between these finite linear segments (or universes), and eternity itself, which encapsulates these.
"One very good analogy is the surface of a three dimensional sphere. Since you only need two coordinates (latitude and longitude) to locate any point on its surface, the surface can be thought of as a two dimensional realm."
A sphere is a three-dimensional object and cannot be navigated in only two dimensions. Even if only navigating the surface, the third dimension would be required to get from the front to the back, or : "Back to the front!".
"What caused the big bang? And what was present before it?"
The short answers are acausal and nothing, and it is important to emphasize "acausal" in this context. This is a root acausal function, and there is nothing that is more fundamental. This 'root aspect' very clearly defines the terminology - that which emerges without cause. If there is nothing that exists, then there is nothing to cause anything.
Some would rather liken this "acausal" element as synonymous with a "first cause", and make no further distinction, although I prefer an elaboration of this particular function. This acausal may be equated with a 'self-begotten' aspect of the primordial which is okay as it at least differentiates between the two.
And as for a "void" in contrast with "nothing". There is this...
Okay, so that last bit just came to me at the end as an excuse to post that track.
Edit : yes I edited, and it's because the forum is fucked up, not me.
Probably one of the most difficult aspects of these theories to apprehend is exactly how 'nothing' can even exist, and moreover, if it did, then how could anything ever come from it?
One could entertain the scenario of an eternal nothingness, but that is obviously not the case, or one could entertain the concept of an eternal god and simply ignore the problem of time and infinite regression; an atheist might even presume a spatiotemporal chaos to be eternal.
But what does the madman presume? The madman presumes that the only thing that is eternal is eternity itself, but what does that mean? It means that it is impossible for 'nothing' to be eternal, and likewise, it is also impossible for 'something' to be eternal.
It does appear as though the universe itself even appreciates music, but not just any music, the music to accompany the never-ending dance of creation and destruction.
Der Tanz Der Schatten : Obumbratio Saltare
- I was just reminiscing
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Life IS music and would not be possible without it.
- Anonymous (some lunatic)
“In heaven, all the interesting people are missing.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.
- Friedrich Nietzsche