that clip and other philosophical/ideological bits is from his world view, have you ever heard his interviews, or is what he says in them also just made up?
Actually, yes. Rice is a well known prankster and he has been since he was a child. One of the thing Rice loves doing best is giving it the old "Sieg Heil" in public and having a good laugh over the aftermath. When Rice appeared on "Race and Reason" he said that many other musicians in the neo-folk and industrial scene were open supporters of the Neo-Nazi movement. This drove his contemporaries mad and in order to stop him self being permanently black listed from the music scene Rice had to come clean and admit that it was all a joke. Its rather funny how since then he's been a bit calmer about the whole "14/88" thing since then. Take a moment to consider that "Pearls befor Swine" is just another appearance of the edgy fascist character Rice appears to be playing on and off for years. It's also worth noting that in the film he talks a little fondly of Nietzsche at one point, on his Facebook page a while back he said that he strongly dislikes Nietzsche and considers him to be overrated.
Rice is and always has been a Social Darwinist and an elitist but is he a Nazi? No. Is he a Fascist? No. Does he use the same aesthetics and these movements? Yes. Is he knowledgeable about these movements? Very. Is he trying to piss people off? Yes.
Quite so. Boyd, the quintessential devil in the role of trickster. I had said in the very first that it was aesthetic for him. Thinking on what you said about his taken the piss, as it were, I'm guessing his grail bloodline lineage also is a jibe at those who believe in a grail bloodline; their own as well as in general and not actually tracing his own roots to the Merovingian line? That one had definitely smelled of ham to me, but meh.