
Hi I am a lover of all things Occult I would describe my practice as Pantheistic Satanism but I always interested in learning about new practices and philosophys Hail Satan! Hail the Cosmos! Hail Thyself!


Ludwik Chapter Head
Kat Chapter Head
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Dec 29 '16
Thanks for the welcome Ludwik and the friend request I have just joined the Group UK Satanism group I am new to Satanism and my knowledge is limited I loved reading the Satanic bible though.
Ludwik Chapter Head
Dec 28 '16
Hails and welcome, if you're interested we have a group for UK Satanism. https://www.satanicinternationalnetwork.com//social/groups/153Hails and welcome, if you're interested we have a group for UK Satanism. http...See more


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