Born In The Wrong Body? | Forum

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ol' grimey
ol' grimey Apr 23 '16
In regards to these "trans" people, what exactly is it that is being born in the wrong body, especially seeing as how these kooks are often times atheist materialist inheritors of the 19th century scientific model?
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Apr 23 '16
Sexuality has such a broad spectrum, and being involved in the bdsm scene for a lot of years I have seen quite a bit of that spectrum. 

I knew one bloke that said he was a lesbian, so he got a full sex change and now has now been living in a long term lesbian relationship for several years. I found him attractive which says he still has a man's energy and I can't even think of him as a woman even though he now has tits and a vagina.
Another lesbian I knew, I swear was in the wrong body. She was Italian and had that strong Mafia energy. She dressed as a bloke and worked in construction and provided for her family. When I sat next to her I swear she was a bloke (whereas her girlfriend had girl energy). She smelt like and had the energy signature of a bloke, even though she didn't entirely look like one. She wanted a sex change but she couldn't afford it. Even my boyfriend looked at her as a bloke and he was a misogynist.
I actually don't mind how people choose to live out their lives, but I don't like the in-your-face bullying that a small portion of the lgbt community is engaged in - don't force your gender issues down my throat. If I can tell its a bloke, I don't want it in my fucking toilets! If I can't tell, then she is probably in the right place. 

ManxLoaghtan Member
ManxLoaghtan Apr 24 '16
Sexuality and sexual urges are all controlled via chemicals/hormones released by the glands in the brain and those affect other glands in the body. Brains of transgendered people have been studied after death by science and the pituitary gland which is in the brain and is the main drive for sexual hormones; testosterone and estrogen, is slightly smaller and a different colour and much more estrogen stimulating hormones released in Males who felt they were female, and more testosterone releasing hormones in females who felt they were actually male. 

So it is the brain that is controlling sexuality that may not match the physical gender of the body. 

It is impossible to have  brain transplant to be in the right body, so to be happy and complete in life, a transgendered person takes hormones and has surgery to change the body. 

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Apr 24 '16
Knag, I also read something once where scientists were contemplating that people were homosexual because of the way they were perceiving pheromones (which might kind of be what you are saying). A bit like colour blindness - somewhere in the brain paths are crossing over or not connecting where they are supposed to.

Joshua, I have no doubt that a small percent of transgender people are emotionally damaged or mentally ill. ...But only a small percent. I guess that is why pre-ops have to endure so much counselling before undergoing any major changes.

ol' grimey
ol' grimey Apr 24 '16
Okay. Let me begin by saying that both Kmag's and Frater's explanations both are plausible; though Kmag speaks as if he cornered the market on the truth of the phenomenon. With that being said, the equal plausibility of both Kmag's and Frater's model aligns with what Shadow said in her description of the individuals she mentioned, in fact I can even attest to that by mentioning a really good friend of mine who is male, dresses male... yet he has a very distinct feminine energy that I can pick up on, so much so that I can easily picture him as a woman. Now these are individuals that are an extreme rarity; they are a phenomenon that are few and far between for sure. However, there are then the majority of trans identified people; think the likes of "Caitlyn" Jenner who obviously are mentally ill, or what have you and these are the ones I referred to as kooks, in agreement with Joshua. So on the one hand there is a very tiny rarity that have some genuine legitimacy as a phenomenon, while on the other hand there is a majority of individuals identifying as trans that are clearly round the twist in some way or other.
The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey Apr 24 '16
ManxLoaghtan Member
ManxLoaghtan Apr 24 '16
In all walks of life you will have genuine and un-genuine people who identify as something that they are not; but agreed some people who think they are transgendered could be mentally ill, as could anyone in any situation. As for ShadowLover remembering something she read about science looking into the possibility of homosexuals perceiving pheromones differently... possibly, who knows, I have not read anything about that about homosexuality, but we were talking transgendered, not homosexuality, two completely different things in my opinion. Joshua if someone despised the penis that was on their body as they did not associate as being male, then having it removed and what have you... " mold it after something else" would not warrant as mentally ill but as mental freedom, possibly, for that individual. Frater's theory of the chakra's is interesting and I can not say nor anyone else if any of these are 100% right or wrong as I do not know the truth of the phenomenon...had no intention of coming across as such, but that is what my opinion is after my own research on the matter over years of study. Chemicals/hormones seem to rule all life forms from tiny algae to trees, from fish to mammals, dictating behaviour... seems the most logical assumption. Everyone has different gender traits that make up our personalities; a hetrosexual male could have feminine traits that could be picked up on by friends, but that does not make them transgendered. Gender could be seen as something different to sexuality for instance a mother and wife who acted more masculine and worked in a male environment for example could be seen as "butch" even lesbian, but does that make her so? As for people like the "kooks" as ol' grimey calls them, yes they could be mentally ill, or maybe will do anything for publicity and money... there was a man I recall who was hetrosexual and for a bet had breast implants put in, he kept them and made thousands in the porn industry, ill or clever?    
MisterOwl Apr 25 '16

Now, given that we all begin in our development as females, before the developmental process makes us definitively male or female; and given that intersexed people do exist -- is it not at all possible that though the body develops as one, the brain develops to lean more toward the other?

As for being born in the wrong body, sure, many might associate their gender identity as such, but many of these people are "spiritual" people. Those who do not believe in such nonsense might even describe their gender as such just to give people an idea of what it is like... something so that those who would never understand, might have a basic understanding of it.

MisterOwl Apr 25 '16

I never said it's not an actual feeling. I said that people who feel or proclaim to have been born into the wrong body are spiritual people, meaning, possess some sort of spiritual belief including, but not limited to, belief in a [traditional] soul. Of course by soul I am referring to the commonly accepted thought that the soul is an ethereal copy of the physical human body.

Children are often brought up to believe in such a soul, so it is not a surprise that trans children would also feel they were born into the wrong body.

Atheistic people who do not accept the traditional version of the soul are not likely to state they were born into the wrong body because it would be a silly affirmation coming from someone who does not believe in the soul.

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