Where do you draw the line? | Forum

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Hartnell May 25 '16

For me it's all the way past the last kitty. How about you?

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 25 '16
For pet food or human food? Regardless, my answer would be the same. It's all meat. Only our perception is different according to how and where we are raised. Some places in Australia have rabbit and kangaroo steak for sale. I believe there are even a few butcher's down south that serve horse meat - it is apparently very lean and healthy. We have a brumby problem in the NT at the moment and they need culling. I would prefer them to be herded, cleansed and slaughtered for food rather than wasted - actually, they will probably end up being pet food.

Meat is meat - it all comes from sentient creatures. What concerns me more is how it meets its end. I actually think if people had to slaughter the animal themselves like we used to when I was a kid, they would have more of an appreciation for what they are putting in their mouths. 

Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez May 26 '16
I love any kind of  animal, all of them love life and they don't want to be put to death,  BUT.... if I'd have  the need to survive ,  I would draw the line at the very beginning where that very delicious cat is standing on. ...
gamerguy666 May 26 '16
I draw it EXACTLY like in the picture. I'm a P.E.T.A member afterall.






Hartnell May 26 '16
@gamerguy: Rabbits are tasty.
ManxLoaghtan Member
ManxLoaghtan May 26 '16
I don't think a line should be drawn as where ever it is would be hypocritical if you ate of any meat. The only thing that would matter to me is the welfare of all animals while alive and the most humane methods of killing in a respectful manner. I do not care that the chinese eat Dog, i do give a fuck how they are looked after and slaughtered.   
Mikitz Jun 2 '16
I'm from a rural area and I've always been a hunter. I find no objection towards killing animals for nutrition. Otherwise I find it ethically wrong. We humans are omnivores, thereby also carnivores, respectably. If you have a problem killing an animal, just don't eat meat. If you judge what I do, you're free to do so. I just don't really give a rat's ass. 

'Fresh meat!' - the Butcher, Diablo 1 & 3 

ManxLoaghtan Member
ManxLoaghtan Jun 14 '16

Quote from Mikitz I'm from a rural area and I've always been a hunter. I find no objection towards killing animals for nutrition. Otherwise I find it ethically wrong. We humans are omnivores, thereby also carnivores, respectably. If you have a problem killing an animal, just don't eat meat. If you judge what I do, you're free to do so. I just don't really give a rat's ass. 

'Fresh meat!' - the Butcher, Diablo 1 & 3 

Hey leave rats out of it ;) *comforts pet rats...it's ok babies your ass's are safe. 

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Jun 14 '16
Manx... Lol! So if I got you a pet snake and you became fond of it, that would be really disturbing for you wouldn't it?
ManxLoaghtan Member
ManxLoaghtan Jun 17 '16

Quote from ShadowLover Manx... Lol! So if I got you a pet snake and you became fond of it, that would be really disturbing for you wouldn't it?
Nope, I would breed my rats and feed the unnamed babies to the snake, no bond or connection to food ;) 

My cat just came in the house with a dead bird, yet I also keep Cockatiels, same thing really; no problem with the cat killing and eating a bird. 

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Jun 17 '16
Manx, about 10yrs ago I used to have rats and as you know they breed like crazy. I used to sell the babies to the pet store (not money in it - really just discounted the food). The fellow across the road asked if he could buy some of my rats to feed his snake. I told him he could only have newborns - I figured straight from one warm belly to another. Was still sad - I liked my rats. But when you consider that one mum had twenty five, and the second time I counted them there were fifteen, the mother was eating them anyway! And it is not like they were underfed. 

I don't have a problem with nature. I just don't like to watch it. Watching an animal fight for life within the mouth of another is disturbing. Watching it cry, seeing the mortal fear in its eyes until it finally drops into subspace... It is unnerving. That's why in a past reply I made further up I said that I wish we still lived in the days when people hunted as when you kill the animal yourself you have more regard for what you are eating. 

I myself have killed to eat, and when I was younger I also killed for sport. I don't begrudge sport hunters because hunting is an important part of our primal nature, especially in men. I just wish they would choose species which weren't endangered but each to their own I guess. But as far as I'm concerned, anyone who enjoys fishing but thinks hunting is wrong is just a hypocrite. I guarantee a bullet to the head is far less cruel than having a hook dragged up your throat before gasping for whatever the fuck they breathe. I still fish, btw. And I would hunt to eat. I don't personally hunt for sport any more because I am empathic and I don't like how it makes me feel, but I don't begrudge others who hunt for sport. I understand the rush and the thrill of the kill because I have experienced it.

The Forum post is edited by ShadowLover Jun 17 '16
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