Tension Between Theistic Satanists & Atheistic Satanists | Forum

Satanachia Aug 25 '17
Lately, I've been seeing a lot of shit-flinging between theistic Satanists ans atheistic Satanists. Personally, I am a Lavey-inspired theistic satanist, so I really don't see the point of getting all uppity about the disagreement. We are all satanists - believing differently is not bad unless it hurts yourself or someone else. 

Why on Earth or in Hell would I care about someone else's (dis)belief in Satan? In my opinion, that's one of the most beautiful things about Satanism: the diversity of beliefs, opinions, interpretations, etc. I think the variety of opinions only makes Satanism that much more interesting and appealing.

What do you think?

Satanachia Aug 25 '17

Quote from Frater Luciferi What kind of shit-flinging do you experiencing?
Trash talk, mostly. Also, satanists saying that only their form of satanism is valid and other people aren't "true" satanists
The Forum post is edited by Satanachia Aug 25 '17
Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Sep 3 '17
My thoughts people... A friend of the Devil is a friend of mine. 

VenusSatanas Sep 23 '17
I knew this conversation was going to de-volve :D
Yall left out the "no true Scotsman" fallacy, my favorite one!
I don't think there's one group, organization or individual who gets to decide what "true" satanism is. All the bickering is so reminiscent of 90's Satanism, flame-wars on newsgroups and all. It also reminds me of Christians, who have been attempting to out-do each other for centuries. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
RiderOnTheStorm Mod
RiderOnTheStorm Sep 24 '17
I have to agree with OP on all points. There is WAY too much trash talking and "real"/"true Satanism is..." conversations happening. Personally, I'm atheistic, but I couldn't care less  if someone agrees with me or not. Satanism, in all its forms, stresses individuality and self-discovery. If that leads someone to belief or disbelief, right on. So long as what they are doing is beneficial and does no harm, it makes no difference to me whatsoever. People feel the need to be right far more often than they feel the need to actually listen.
The Forum post is edited by RiderOnTheStorm Sep 25 '17
Hexenmeister Sep 25 '17
wow did i just walk into a war zone?
Hexenmeister Sep 25 '17
well in that case you don't mind if i join in?
Hexenmeister Sep 26 '17
thank  you. personally i feel that the question as to which ideology is better between theistic satanism and atheistic satanism is rather pointless. i mean that's like asking which of the following ideology is better: capitalism or communism? while one person chooses one of the options and made some redundant reasoning as to why by demonizing the other option, you will also find the other person pick the exact opposite choice and demonize  the other in the same fashion. 

this is more or less the same with question of which of the following ideology is better: theistic satanism or atheistic satanism? the real answer in my view is neither.

SatanicBrain Sep 27 '17

Quote from Luxex

In real life - according to human nature - the ONA is the only Satanism: because we fucking say so. And if you have a problem: we can fight it out. You're fucking pussies. Safe behind your computers, debating shit like this. My ONA friends would fuck you up. 

Yes...Because making threats through a keyboard makes you any better than the "psudo-intellectuals" found here. 

God this thread is a shit-storm. 

I would say that, ultimately, if someone's particular flavor of Satanism brings that person peace, then that is the true form of Satanism - The true form of Satanism varies from person to person, as do their wants, needs, and personality. If your form of Satanism requires you to cry out "this is right! This is the truest form of Satanism!" then you are correct....for yourself. 

But, sincerely, we face enough backlash from both the Judeo-Christian faiths, as well the RHP. Why bring strife between ourselves? 

I believe those that wish to create this conflict among the varying forms of Satanism are truly just psychic vampires wanting to get their jollies off.

The Forum post is edited by SatanicBrain Sep 27 '17
Hexenmeister Sep 27 '17

Quote from Frater Luciferi
Quote from Dagon The Destroyer thank  you. personally i feel that the question as to which ideology is better between theistic satanism and atheistic satanism is rather pointless. i mean that's like asking which of the following ideology is better: capitalism or communism? while one person chooses one of the options and made some redundant reasoning as to why by demonizing the other option, you will also find the other person pick the exact opposite choice and demonize  the other in the same fashion. 

this is more or less the same with question of which of the following ideology is better: theistic satanism or atheistic satanism? the real answer in my view is neither.

Theism only means the belief in God (in theological sense) and atheism means the lack of that belief. Theistic Satanists creates their own belief systems. Atheistic Satanists creates their own belief systems. In the end there is no difference between theistic and atheistic Satanists because the core of Satanism is to be your own god like the character of Satan.
i would like to thank frater luciferi for validating my opinion about how pointless this argument really is.

and i would like to further add by asking the question of what justification would any satanist have of imposing their views on others? does that not go against the policy which is most common among all other satanist, which is to never proselytize your views or ideals on others?

i mean when you think about it that is the same shit that christians do.

TheMystic Support
TheMystic Sep 28 '17
Luxex, I agree with you, the Abrahamic religions have ruined everything and made so many think that every religion is on the Universalist mindset. It is so bad that as a Heathen we must refer to ourselves as Odinists or Folkish Heathens to weed out the fluffy bunny heathens that want to hold hands and have a circle jerk. My faith is of European descent only. It is not a religion of slavery either like the Christ Gods faith. My gods stand beside me and never ask me to bow..

Now as far as the O.N.A, I know a little about them as I began my studies in 1998 or 1999 and it was a true challenge to find their literature then.  I have seen the ONA grow a hundred tentacles then and accept many sheep chapters that could have never existed back them.

The ONA wanted to build the Ubermensch  of its members. What Happened?  Are they so poisoned?


Also from what I remember of their readings only the Special Forces Frontiers kind of MAN could have been a member, you needed to be a Tri-athlete and survivalist. How can so many thousands of young boys in moms basement claim such things as membership? 

TheMystic Support
TheMystic Sep 28 '17
" The reason why the Order of Nine Angles' Satanism is the only genuine one is because we say so. That's Might, and that makes us Right."

Words mean NOTHING. Action means everything. Do you think that our puppet masters care what the sheeple think?

Think before you speak, talk is empty and meaningless. And to be offended by the bleating of a sheep shows weakness. Polish your armor and remove the flaws in it. Always remember. Wolves do not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. You are losing powerful energy you could direct someplace else.

ManxLoaghtan Member
ManxLoaghtan Oct 9 '17
I just wanted to chuck my opinion in the cake mix...

At a dinner party, several friends were all sat down having great discussion about religion... an hour or two later...One person said that "Xtians were the true followers of God" the table went quiet for a short while, then another replied "But that is  against all other faiths, would God not love all?" Someone else jumped in at that point " No, God can not love all, because not all show their true vulnerability in faith and trust in his word" ... at this point I got up and declared my immediate absence was due to over eating, needing a walk in fresh air. 

It was wonderful summer evening, clear skies, gentle breeze, crickets chirping ...then yelling... "Get out you fucking bigot" and with that a door slammed. I did not let that concern me on such a perfect evening. I started to walk back toward my friends house, then more shouting from the same direction; this time a female, but I could not make out what was said. 

On my return to the house and entering, my friend was clearing the table... "where is everyone?" I asked...he proceeded to inform me of the events that unfolded after I took leave. 

He and I have been friends many years, and still are... I am also great friends with all the others, but he has had nothing to do with any of them, and none of them have had anything to do with each other. 

If you are a Satanist, and others are also Satanists, and people all start arguing about who the fuck is a real Satanist due to X,Y and Z; go for a walk... you won't regret it ;) 

TheMystic Support
TheMystic Oct 9 '17
Very well said Miss. Very well said. It is in all groups, Pagans, Satanists, Wiccans, Baptists, Catholics, Skinheads, Communists. No one is capable of seeing the bigger picture anymore.
Quote from VenusSatanas I knew this conversation was going to de-volve :D
Yall left out the "no true Scotsman" fallacy, my favorite one!
I don't think there's one group, organization or individual who gets to decide what "true" satanism is. All the bickering is so reminiscent of 90's Satanism, flame-wars on newsgroups and all. It also reminds me of Christians, who have been attempting to out-do each other for centuries. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

The Forum post is edited by TheMystic Oct 9 '17
OxC Oct 10 '17

Quote from ManxLoaghtan I just wanted to chuck my opinion in the cake mix...

At a dinner party, several friends were all sat down having great discussion about religion... an hour or two later...One person said that "Xtians were the true followers of God" the table went quiet for a short while, then another replied "But that is  against all other faiths, would God not love all?" Someone else jumped in at that point " No, God can not love all, because not all show their true vulnerability in faith and trust in his word" ... at this point I got up and declared my immediate absence was due to over eating, needing a walk in fresh air. 

It was wonderful summer evening, clear skies, gentle breeze, crickets chirping ...then yelling... "Get out you fucking bigot" and with that a door slammed. I did not let that concern me on such a perfect evening. I started to walk back toward my friends house, then more shouting from the same direction; this time a female, but I could not make out what was said. 

On my return to the house and entering, my friend was clearing the table... "where is everyone?" I asked...he proceeded to inform me of the events that unfolded after I took leave. 

He and I have been friends many years, and still are... I am also great friends with all the others, but he has had nothing to do with any of them, and none of them have had anything to do with each other. 

If you are a Satanist, and others are also Satanists, and people all start arguing about who the fuck is a real Satanist due to X,Y and Z; go for a walk... you won't regret it ;) 

Out of curiosity, what does Satanism mean to you? I would like to think it was clear skies, gentle breeze, and the crickets chirping because why not?
The Forum post is edited by OxC Oct 10 '17
Henry Letham
Henry Letham Nov 16 '17
I love getting yelled at. LHP theists are usually yelling at each other, and generally I don't see any Satanic apologists. "Satanism" is just as loaded as "Theism". Needs God-specificity, or a philosophical pretense. If someone wants to copyright "Satan" it needs more depth than "Satanism". COS wants me to be a "Pre-LaVeyan Pagan" or "Non-Luciferian Theistic Warlock" or "Sumer/Babylonian Mythos Adherent" or "Chaos Magician" or "Illuminati Cultist" or "Psychic Vampire" or "Tiamatist" or even "Mormon". Lots of LaVeyans are very fast to point out Haight-Ashbury Satanism is the only "real" Satanism. Lots of LaVeyans are content to leave me alone- I'm better at yelling at "Post-WW2 Nazi Role-Play Satanists" anyway. With few exceptions, I can take another Theistic Satanist to school no prob. LaVeyans aren't so easy, and debunking the Satanic Bible is impossible. Why would I do that when I can just point out complacency and lazy Satan-pimps? I hope to see the end of "Gay Cupcakism" and "Social-Justice Warrior Satanism". But, I really believe if SIN, TST, SOTHG and COS watched me and some fellow "Crazy Cthulu Psychos" debate some opposing "Demonology Experts" or "Lucifer-worshipers" YOU WILL LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF. The more emotional reaction meeting with straight cynicism- the more laughter. So I'm an insane "Satanist" until someone challenges it. And I love intellectual elites, I'm allowed to blurt out voodoo mantras and curses- intellectually honest. Satanic Bible says "don't do that". So a LHP Theist throws a chain of words back at me. Yay! Decipher, unpack, translate, then put it in context- and call it out if its BS. Its better than Jesus vs. Hitchens and Dawkins. If I'm not a "Satanist" then I'm "MC666 OG Satanic Gangsta-Rapmaster". Thug Life representing the suburbs.  
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