What's your favorite form of 'devil worship'? | Forum

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Shawn Oct 14 '15
Does anyone play Dungeons and Dragons or any other tabletop RPGs?
Shawn Oct 16 '15
I didn't always worship demons, but when I did, I preferred to worship them with Steve Jackson Games GURPS. Stay frosty, my friends. :)
Margaret96 Nov 17 '15
I don't necessarily worship them. I have had my fair share of issues with them, however, knowing that I'm not extremely religious and are currently considering converting back to satanism (yes, I was a satanist at one point in time for a good few months) I would like to believe that just by focusing on living your life abiding by the guidlines given by his majesty (Whom I haven't had the pleasure of meeting or even talking to) himself. I have noticed that some have stated on here thst they have been able to meet with him and believe that he's a wonderful being. But, I have trust issues for everything so I will believe it when I see it.
Hartnell Nov 17 '15

This thread is about old school roleplaying games. The reference to devil worship is a geek in-joke: Back in the 1980's, fundamentalist Christians were often accusing Dungeons & Dragons of being a form of devil worship.

"At various times in its history, Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) has received negative publicity for alleged or perceived promotion of such practices as Satanism, witchcraft, suicide, pornography, and murder. Especially during the 1980s, certain religious groups accused the game of encouraging sorcery and the veneration of demons.[1] Throughout the history of roleplaying games, many of these criticisms have been aimed specifically at D&D, but touch on the genre of fantasy role-playing games as a whole.
The concept of Dungeons & Dragons as Satanic was linked to the concept of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA), in that both presumed the existence of large, organized Satanic cults and societies. Sources such as the Dark Dungeons tract from Chick Publications portray D&D as a recruitment tool for these organizations."

Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Nov 18 '15

Quote from Margaret96 I don't necessarily worship them. I have had my fair share of issues with them, however, knowing that I'm not extremely religious and are currently considering converting back to satanism (yes, I was a satanist at one point in time for a good few months) I would like to believe that just by focusing on living your life abiding by the guidlines given by his majesty (Whom I haven't had the pleasure of meeting or even talking to) himself. I have noticed that some have stated on here thst they have been able to meet with him and believe that he's a wonderful being. But, I have trust issues for everything so I will believe it when I see it.
Satanism is not something you are one day or a few months and then not. And then are again. You never were a Satanist. You just fancy the name. You should look elsewhere. 
pyro Nov 25 '15
I do have D&D but i have to reinstall it
thejefffrye420 Oct 25 '16
I kind of had the on again off again relationship with this game, Passing interest? But more into WoW but havent played in awhile
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