Call to arms | Forum

Zach Black Owner
Zach Black Oct 30 '15

November 2nd San Diego Ghost plays . And all over the USA in the next couple months.  Join us in this celebration. This is not just a rock band. It is a push in the right ( left ) direction. Even if you do not like the music you should participate in any way you can if you support what they are about. I will be there with several others including thousands of fans to show support and help move the wheel forward.

We are ALL is a position for the first time in known history openly support and do something on this caliber. All of us in someway or another have the ability to DO something. Lets do it.

Vital Remains plays at the Di Piazza in Long Beach California Halloween night. And all over the USA in the next couple of months. We will be at the Long Beach show. And at many of the shows accross the country. 

Capitalize on this opportunity to not only support these bands but also to meet other Satanists in your area. All of us can push. If you believe in the laws of magic it takes only a few pushes in the right places at the right time to put motion into action. That push could be a private ritual. Or a mass ritual at a event such as mentioned above. This is a call to arms, a reminder not to let this opportunity pass by. See you there. 

I and several others will be at 

Ghost - San Diego November 2nd North Park Theater

Vital Remains- Long Beach CA Halloween night Di Piazza

Contact me for meeting spots if you plan on going. 

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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