1. Superficial charm & good intelligence.
2. Absence of delusions. Rational.
3. Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations.
4. Unreliable.
5. Untruthfulness and Insincerity.
6. Lack of remorse and shame.
7. Inadequately motivated antisocial behaviour.
8. Poor judgement and failure to learn by experience.
9. Pathological egocentricity and incapacity for love.
10. Poverty in affect.
11. Specific loss of insight.
12. Unresponsive in interpersonal relations.
13. Fantastic and uninviting behaviour (with or without alcohol).
14. Suicide threats rarely carried out.
15. Sex life impersonal, trivial and poorly integrated.
16. Failure to follow any life plan.
Psychopath. I've developed my own test for this. I'm highly empathic and even though I grew up in the country in a family that hunts and killed livestock, this film got under my skin. Actually, it traumatised me for months. It is cruel... I hate PETA now. In the country we weren't cruel. But, I figure this would be akin to psychopathic porn so if you can watch it and get off on it you could possibly be a psychopath.
1. Feeling others' emotions and taking them on as your own.
2. You experience things like chronic fatigue, environmental sensitivities, and/or unexplained aches and pains.
3. Huge strides for truth.
4. You find routine, rules, or control imprisoning.
5. You know stuff without being told.
6. Sensitivity to TV, videos, movies, news etc.
7. Being in public places can be either very overwhelming or very stimulating.
8. Strangers are attracted to you and find you easy to talk to.
9. You can be the life of the party but you can also get very quiet.
10. Emotions can be confusing.
I am an empath. I like being an empath. I do break some of the rules though. eg. They say empaths don't like horror but I enjoy a good macabre thriller (so long as it has context). Actually, I get a kick out of them! But I know the suffering is pretend or a re-enactment. Real suffering like in the movie above traumatises me. And as an empath you have to learn to separate what is yours and what is not and let go of what is not. eg. That person is sad - I can feel it but it is not mine. I am not sad.