Anartchy : Satanism is totally different than the Jehovah's Witness organization, but that organization preaches a lot of the satanic philosophy and their lives behind the Kingdom Halls are much worse than the satanists'; I don't want to dig in their life style, I don't $#@/&$ care about it, I used to know thousands of them, some good some bad apples.
The organization of Jehovah's Witness is cursed by their own Holy Scriptures, it's written : " ...don't do an addition and don't take anything away from the words sf the scrolls. .." (Book of Revelation chapter 22 verses 18-19 ), they have chopped in pieces the Holy Bible, they have their own New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, they have changed a lot of puntuation in their Bible to support their doctrines , they have added the word "Jehovah " in hundreds of places where that word doesn't exist in the originals especially in the New Testament or the Greek Scriptures as they call it.
They haven't seen or hear God to say they are His Witnesses , that's a big fat lie.
They don't pay tithes to pay their ministers , but they keep insisting over and over to give offerings ( money ), all the baptized members have to contribute with an amount to support their superintendents permanent pioneers.
They keep a lot of slaves ( voluntary slavery ) in their printing shops in different parts of the world, they discipline them as an army ( they call them " Bethelites ".)
Their doctrines and prophesies are totally inaccurate; they said that Jesus was returning to earth in 1914, He didn't come, then they said in 1919, He didn't come, then they said in 1976-77, He didn't come. That's completely against their Scriptures that says : " The day and the hour nobody knows, just the Father in heaven " (Mathew chapter 24 verse 36 ).
There are a lot of books in evangelical libraries wich talk about the wrong doctrines of the Jehovah's Witness, obscourse THEY ARE ENEMIES.
If you are in the border of death, and you need blood transfusion, any person whom you don't know will gladly give their blood for you to keep you alive, but none of the Jehovah's Witness organization will give a single drop for you. That's for a misinterpretation of a verse in the Book of Acts in the Bible.
There are to many things against the doctrines of the Jehovah's Witness, read the Bible with an open and a critical mind, read The Satanic Bible, close your mouth during these next 3 years, after they are ended join your voice with the fearless and dare ones the strong and brave " I GAZE INTO THE GLASSY EYE OF YOUR FEARSOME JEHOVAH, AND PLUCK HIM BY THE BEARD; I UPLIFT A BROAD-AXE, AND APLIT OPEN HIS WORM-EATEN SKULL! ! ! "
If you're not a baptized person in the Jehovah's Witness organization, they can't stop talking to you if you do something wrong, if one day you decide to be baptized then YOU WILL BE F######$/$^$ BY THEM, if not, don't worry, just live your life and enjoy it to its fullness, be free, ......exercise your free will. ...good luck and welcome to this Satanic Site. Uppppps I wrote to much.....