Too bad we don't have Lennon's old phone number to run through a Gematria calculator, never know what may come up. If you're not familiar with Gematria it's really popular with the Xtian truther's, yup yup a couple of years back Santa stuffed all their stockings with decoder rings and ever since those fuckers have been connecting dots not unlike a square peg in a round hole.Too bad we don't have Lennon's old phone number to run through a Gematria calculator, never know what may come up. If you're not familiar with Gematria it's really popular with the Xtian truther's, yu...See more
...hit return, my bad. Anyhow, moving right along let me go full blown Xian truther on ya! Uh, you may wanna have a seat, I toss a mean word salad... Alrighty then, Lennon was shot by Mark David Chapman on December 9, 1980 around 9PM. I was in 11th grade at the time, sit'n in the living room of my parents home in Brentwood TN [fascinating I know] just doodling a Yellow Submarine cartoon think'n to myself "If one of the Beatles died, would the others attend the funeral?" The band had broken up ya know... anyhow it was on the radio while I was driving to school the following morning [not the band break up, but Lennon being shot] well, the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour LP [a vinyl disk that plays music] inside is a booklet with a photo from a junk yard showing a sign "Best Way To Go is M&D Co." conspiracy theorists all had their Mandela's effected on this one lemme tell ya... well 13 years later BANG right? OK check this, Magical Mystery Tour when put through a Gematria calculator spits out the number 1606 in Jewish numerology or some shit... hmmm, this numbers also correspond to phrases like: Follow The Numbers, Dangerous Levels Of Gematria, The Coming Beasts Of Revelation 13 [there's 13 again], Jesus Christ Second Coming, Heinrich Himmler Vladimir Putin, Jesus Christ Is Satan, Insane Clown Posse, Gibberish Has Power Too, Dam Dude You Make Me Feel Uncomfortable, and Damn So Much For Being Smart. Hey, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried but it's true I guess, and if you put in Mark David Chapman you get President Donald Trump, You Are A Loser, and In the Christian Bible Satan Is Good! Yay Satan, pretty cool eh? Nope not really, but that damn calculator is fun to use when trolling Xian YouTube channels lemme tell ya. Alrighty, y'all are dismissed....hit return, my bad. Anyhow, moving right along let me go full blown Xian truther on ya! Uh, you may wanna have a seat, I toss a mean word salad... Alrighty then, Lennon was shot by Mark David Chapm...See more
To me numerology are like tarot cards. Invariably there will be something that pertains to you. Dont put much weight into it. I'm not one for wild theories.
But here is the thing about The Beatles. They really were bigger than Jesus. They influenced a generation to take LSD and question authority. Yellow Submarine might habe been a pretentious piece of shit but the parallels were drawn.
Enter a new character to create a divide between rock star egos and the problem takes care of itself. But Lennon didn't go away. He told people to imagine anarchy among other things.
True to form the CIA did what they always do and have a schizophrenic shoot the problem for whatever batshit reason that involves a lesbian. Lennon wasn't even the biggest fish...To me numerology are like tarot cards. Invariably there will be something that pertains to you. Dont put much weight into it. I'm not one for wild theories.
The Fab Four were pulling most of their nonsensical lyrics outta their colon, deliberately stretching the limits of comprehension weaving words of gibberish while taking delight in the attention people gave in an attempt to decipher what was bogusly cryptic to begin with. I'm not saying they obfuscated all their songs, it was balanced with a measure of neurolinguistic programming although for the most part the joke was on the fans... as for numerology with its trending gematria, pfft, perception. And thank you for participating in my lil ole reality today.The Fab Four were pulling most of their nonsensical lyrics outta their colon, deliberately stretching the limits of comprehension weaving words of gibberish while taking delight in the attention peopl...See more
The Wall
But here is the thing about The Beatles. They really were bigger than Jesus. They influenced a generation to take LSD and question authority. Yellow Submarine might habe been a pretentious piece of shit but the parallels were drawn.
Enter a new character to create a divide between rock star egos and the problem takes care of itself. But Lennon didn't go away. He told people to imagine anarchy among other things.
True to form the CIA did what they always do and have a schizophrenic shoot the problem for whatever batshit reason that involves a lesbian. Lennon wasn't even the biggest fish...To me numerology are like tarot cards. Invariably there will be something that pertains to you. Dont put much weight into it. I'm not one for wild theories.
But here is the thing about ...See more