Should I read Lords of the Left Hand Path? What's it about? | Forum

orange_juice Apr 6 '17
Hi guys,

I've been going through the table of contents and i see the word nazi quite a few times. I just want to ask a few questions about the book so I don't end up wasting my time reading something I know I'm not going to find interesting.

1. Is the book about theistic satanism, does the author believe the devil is real?

2. What does the book say about the nazis?

Thanks guys.

AntonDahmer Apr 6 '17

Quote from orange_juice Hi guys,

I've been going through the table of contents and i see the word nazi quite a few times. I just want to ask a few questions about the book so I don't end up wasting my time reading something I know I'm not going to find interesting.

1. Is the book about theistic satanism, does the author believe the devil is real?

2. What does the book say about the nazis?

Thanks guys.

I read that books a few years ago so I don't really remember it that well, but I am not a devil worshiper and I did find it enjoyable and useful. I'm pretty sure there were some glances over German  nationalism and different Germanic occult movements mentioned but for the most part didn't have to do with race or worshipping the devil, hope that helps some and you can also read some  of the reviews about it on ( here comes frater)
orange_juice Apr 6 '17
nice thanks guys i shall continue reading
AntonDahmer Apr 6 '17

Quote from Zoramonkey I might add that Stephen (I forget what pseudonym he used on that book has done a lot of very good research on the esoteric side of the Third Reich. He also did a great book called Fire and Ice though I think he used another pseudonym for that book as well.) has done a great deal of work concerning Teutonic heritage stuff ( Futhark and Galdabrok to name a few.) The fact is that there are several things the Nazis were into both magical and technological that are extremely useful. To throw it all out because of what happened during the war would actually be doing humanity a disservice. The Nazis and the Germans were not the only culture to attempt to commit genocide, they are just the one who got caught. The author has several interviews he did on You Tube under his main pseudonym Edred Thorsson. Listening to them you will see that he is actually a nice person in addition to being one of the most thorough researchers in the occult. I know he did a lot of stuff with the TOS...I believe the Bull of Ombos group specifically so as far as his beliefs about Satan, that should give you an idea.

Very interesting and It talks about what zora mentioned with not throwing away valuable information through either guilt or feelings of taboo.

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