Cigar/pipe fetish | Forum

CigarHypnos Feb 14 '22
I was wondering if anyone has a cigar/pipe fetish on this forum and if they use tobacco as an offering to  spirits?


Dusche Feb 14 '22
In many old world Native American tribes, Tobacco was and is believed to have magical properties of being able to connect you with spirits. 

600 years ago, during the slave trade, when Africans were brought to the New World, the use of Tobacco as a magical or psychic bridge between the mortal and spirit world became adopted and incorporated into their various African animistic ur-religions. 

And so, across the Caribbean Islands, you have Haitian Voodoo, Dominican Sanse, La Regla de Ocha [Santeria], and La Regla de Kongo [Palo Mayombe, Palo Briyumba, Palo Monte, & Palo Kimbisa] all use Tobacco and Cigars as a means of trance induction as well as offerings to the spirits. Usually the smoke is blown into animistic fetish relics to "feed" the fetish and dwelling spirits.  

This practice of feeding/offering tobacco smoke to spirits has now found its way into the Cult of La Santa Muerte, where such cultists who venerate La Santa Muerte will feed her statues with clouds of cigar smoke. 

In Asia - Southeast and East Asia - cigarettes are offered to gods and devas along with liquor and food. 

This video is relevant and shows the folk culture of Cuba, where you will see cigar smoke offered to African fetish relics:

The Forum post is edited by Dusche Feb 14 '22
CigarHypnos Feb 14 '22
Thank you for this!
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Feb 14 '22
Re : Her Strut

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