Anabolic Steroids | Forum

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FallenAngel Dec 26 '24
I've heard a lot of bad things about steroids over the years. I believe they can be used safely though. I have a back injury and needed to build muscle but the swelling and inflammation was bad enough on my best days with the least amount of pain I would experience. After workouts it was insane the amount of pain and sensitivity. I did some research and decided to give steroids a try. Medicinally of course. Let me be very clear this is Dr approved. There's a process and for some it might be costly depending on your area but it's worth it.
It’s all bs. Low dose test is amazing and basically 0 side effects
FallenAngel Jan 10
Agreed. I'm feeling amazing second go at it. Lifting more less inflammation. Have to space out doses so I don't have any side effects but other than that it's really helping.
Dantalion Jan 21
I’ve thought about getting on TRT. I’ve heard they can extend your life. I don’t know the validity of those claims though, because I also heard that testosterone is a destructive hormone.
FallenAngel Jan 21
TRT is supposed to be a safer option. They do blood work and prescribe a dose based on your individual levels instead of just taking something without knowing what your levels already are. TRT was popular amongst UFC fighters until Vitor ruined it for everyone. Donald Cerrone used it, Rampage Jackson did. Never heard anything bad about it because it's medicinal and monitored.
Cornelius Coburn

The Cowboy Don Cerrone has always been one of my favorite fighters, and I've always liked Vitor Belfort. He's a really good striker for a BJJ guy (unlike Royce) and usually didn't waste any time putting on a good show.

I haven't really been following UFC/MMA as much these days though, but I did see Vitor got beat pretty bad not too long ago.

FallenAngel Feb 8

Quote from Cornelius Coburn

The Cowboy Don Cerrone has always been one of my favorite fighters, and I've always liked Vitor Belfort. He's a really good striker for a BJJ guy (unlike Royce) and usually didn't waste any time putting on a good show.

I haven't really been following UFC/MMA as much these days though, but I did see Vitor got beat pretty bad not too long ago.

I like Vito but he abused the TRT system. I just started a MMA group on here if you want to check it out it's on my profile under groups 
Cornelius Coburn

I'm not familiar with the "TRT system" terminology, but I recall a dude from like over forty years ago. We started working out together at this place called The Iron House, and he was friends with some of the weightlifters there and occasionally he would talk about "the juice".

I've never sought out steroids of any kind myself, but I've been doing circuit training now for about fifteen years, and I do it basically just for the health benefits.

Steroids are probably like some other drugs that can be beneficial if used properly, but there's always going to be people that abuse shit and/or do it for the wrong reasons.

I first started watching UFC when it aired sometime around the early 90s I think it was, but so much lately. I'm a lot more familiar with the older fighters than I am the newer ones.

I was a bully and troublemaker in my teen years. I was into Tae Kwon Do at the time and I had a heavy bag, speed bag, and weights in the basement. I was into different weapons and even made a few of my own. I had a friend who was a wrestler at school that I used to spar with. I was getting into a lot of fights at the time, and even some years after it wasn't uncommon for me to get into scraps when the bars were closing.

FallenAngel Feb 8
Right on. Im rehabbing and injured back so I started to build muscle fast enough and cut inflammation and get off opioids see what I mean lol. Now that I've tried it I'm cool if done properly but the downfall is I'm not monitored. My testosterone and estrogen levels are not monitored like with Testosterone replacement therapy. Also I need to be careful with what chemical compound ms I use. Testosterone is ok, trenbolone is terrible for your organs. Why, I'm not sure honestly but I trust my website and the article is online say the same. As far as vintage UFC I love them. I have UFC fight pass and it's well worth the 10$ a month but I actually don't pay for it anymore. I've been receiving UFC fight pass free for over 3 years and I contacted customer support to ask why and they called it a anomaly meaning a fluke or accident. Anyways I weight train as much as possible at least twice a week unless I have a cold which messed up my entire last cycle of testosterone cypionate and nandrolone but I've still built muscle and gone up in weight it's actually crazy!!! I went from curling 15-20 each arm depending on how much sleep I had to curling 25  no problem. Im lacking on bench press though, that's my biggest weakness. My boxing workouts are getting way better. I sparred 3 two minute rounds my first try without stopping and honestly my shoulder was already raw so I'm amazed I lasted. Without juice I would be diminished but I don't believe it's because of the juice I take while performing. I believe it's because of the strength I have built because of it. And just for the record if I start competing Im not going to be taking anything out of respect for the sport. I fell in love the moment I started sparring! Thanks for the input bro Hail!
Dantalion Feb 8
@Fallen Angel<br />
What do you think of Henry Meds? That’s the website I was looking at when considering TRT. It’s like 120 bucks a month for TRT. I want to take the leap, but not break the bank doing it.
The Forum post is edited by Dantalion Feb 8
FallenAngel Feb 9

Quote from Dantalion @Fallen Angel<br />
What do you think of Henry Meds? That’s the website I was looking at when considering TRT. It’s like 120 bucks a month for TRT. I want to take the leap, but not break the bank doing it.

So I looked at reviews on Reddit and someone said it was expensive but I don't believe it is. Where I live a clinic costs 500-1,000 just to start the evaluation and labs not including the actual meds itself so I think it's a fair price. Also no one complained about the labs or potency from what I saw. I suggest maybe looking them up on the better business bureau website and doing a little more digging into reviews just in case but honestly now you got me thinking about going through them for my stuff. Thanks for the post!!
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