Religions, that is to say all religions are not in fact based on values that god characters promote. Sikhism for example, then there's Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology and so many more that I can name but can't think of just now. You don't "care with my original ideas because I seemingly don't have any letters after my name.
See, to say that I am not a Satanist simply because I am "not religious in nature", is creating the category of true Satanist (religious in nature) and a false Satanist (not religious in nature). I thought you said Satanism isn't about one true wayism? that doesn't debunk my claim, it only bolsters and adds credence to it.
Where do you think Christianity came from? Christianity has Hebrew roots and so Ha Satan figures into Christianity, an offshoot of Judaism in it's beginnings and just because Christianity ignorantly, or perhaps influenced by Manichaeism denigrated Ha-satan to fiend status, he was not originally and still is not as Christianity mistakes him as. In Judaism Satan is still an Angel, along with a particular class of angels who has a very specific function and is seen as still being and doing what he does in the service of Hashem. As for Sammael, in first century Judaism he was seen as merely the angel of death. Basically in Judaism, there are no fallen angels as angels have not the will to 'fall", they all remain in the loyal service to YHVH, despite what Michael ford have to say on the subject, apparently he doesn't know what he's talking about either. Ha-satan's role is to test and prosecute as per Judaism, ever hear of the phrase devil's advocate? Well, it's derived from Judaism's Ha-satan concept. <---- ^^ real knowledge.
Angels and gods are different beings all together- angels are beings dependent on the worship of and who remain loyal to YHVH, gods on the other hand do not have such a relationship with their chief who is not exactly an infinite God as YHVH is understood in Judaism. Again, real intelligent knowledge. From the actual roots of Satan, I already know about the character of satan and the basic values of Satanism what is and always will be based in Christianity's perversion and misunderstanding of Satan from within their Hebraic/Judaic roots divorced from it's Manichaeism influence among other influences that hybridized and eventually became what we now know as Christianity.
Are you starting to see now what some one who actually knows what they are talking about look like?
What are these values you keep mentioning? If a corruption of a corruption is supposed to be about "being your own god", then the more or less only value it would have is the value of the Great Work. Try as you might to divorce the corrupted concept of satan from it's corrupted Christian roots it can not be done. Satan can not be polished from the perspective of that myth, that would be like Clyde Barrow being made into a saint, or something because some one who think they know what they are talking about start a religion centered around Clyde Barrow, only to say, "Clyde isn't the villain law abiding citizens made him out to be, they are actually stupid primitive creatures who presume to know Clyde who is actually the paragon of values and virtue, who just got a bad rep by the ignorant public." Sound familiar, as the spiel of Satanism of all stripes?
So, if you, or anyone call yourself a Satanist, then that implies the dreaded two words in Satanism, particularly modern/Laveyan, Devil Worship and if not worship, then still all about the Devil, as the devil has been painted by Christianity and cultures all around the world who have wickedly diabolically fiendish characters in their myths and none of them white washed, nor able to be white washed and as that mythologically implies on the psychological level the shadow. Either way you look at it Satan is still the Beast so to speak, the penultimate not such a nice guy, despite the attempt at being white washed by Satanists who are more or less just repeating what ASL said.
Being empty minded isn't a pejorative, just go ask Buddhists, particularly/especially those of zen, then go ask the hindus, then the Jains and the Sikhs and many others, what includes Scientologists. Talking about values, empty mindedness is a huge value in those traditions. What is acting like a troll?