Lucifer?.. | Forum

EdMenonymous Member
EdMenonymous Jul 4 '18

Wow.AK. Thanks for the turn on with this terminology

'Cathars" and "Neo-neo-Manichaeaism'.

So far,I gather that in the past all the way back to Sumeria and Babylonia there has always existed some rebel Chaos Magicians amongst the ranks of all thee who art restrictively spiritual and religious...

I'll keep reading..

and um.. fuk is there ANYTHING that you don't know SOMETHING about?


SamaelSwine Jul 7 '18
It's about some dude on an internet thread claiming to be a member of the illuminati? Of course, he may be telling the truth, but I'd bet my balls he isn't. I don't see how there could be anything illuminating from either the original thread or the article.

Basically the Illuminwanabe whose opinion the article is based on is just rehashing some pretty run of the mill gnosticism. I think anybody who identifies with the symbol of Satan can get on board with the basic metaphor that there can't be good without evil. How much fun is a video game with every cheat on? There has to be a struggle or it isn't fun. Also the idea that Lucifer, traditionally thought of as the antagonist of humanity's struggle is actually the protagonist, the anti-hero of our cosmic drama should be familiar to anybody on this site. I think this is also portrayed in a slightly different way in Satan's few appearances in the Bible. All he does is test humanity, like a proctor in an exam room. It isn't his fault if you fuck up, but if you want that A+ you'd better not.

But all that stuff about moving through densities and what not sounds like metaphysical wanking, or an overly elaborate metaphor for the value of struggling to overcome adversity if I'm being charitable, but something tells me there's no intended metaphor here. But I haven't read any David Wilcock so who knows? 

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