2. King Diamond
3. Bathory
4. Similarity with unchristianized Nordic ethos
And on that:
Which could even be described as "Backwoods"..
41% of American citizens still believe every obviously contradictory word of the Bible is truth. Meaning 4 out of every 10 Americans reject science in favor of snakes in their head.
And that's what organizes the TST. And the sheer numbers of wacky creationist museums with protestants riding dinosaurs can attest to The USA as the epicenter of retarded and preachy variants of Christianity. There's the highest chance of people organizing against Christianity under Satan here because our Christians are the loudest and dumbest.
Armenia is WAAAAAY more Christian than America, but they're actual Christianity, so it's more about pictures of religious icons with halos and calling everyone brother.
See American ones can't just hang iconic pictures and call people brother, they gotta make sure everyone's also their type of christian first.
Thinking Black Metal in Northern Europe, maybe Poland is the only place where BM can really protest against something christianitywise. BM should all go against Allah. It is just a joke here in this secular nomos to put any amount of importance to Jesus and such saviours.
Never been to America, but sometimes I dream about travelling there. Nightmares, most of the time. I think it would be similar level culture shock as it was when I first saw India.
But I guess what I say could be useful as propaganda.
The USA is great at portentous projection of superiority.
We heard it growing up our whole lives. America is the best at everything. Manifest destiny and red people get shipped to Oklahoma. We heard about our economic output topping the world. We heard about all rivals indiscretions and godless human rights violations. We heard abour evil communists. We heard about our democracy inspiring the death of the monarch and rise of egalitarian ideals. And it mostly sinks in and gets retained as indoctrinated gospel.
It's the grand illusion of America.
Reality checks us with our world rankings in, education, healthcare, standard of living, poverty rates, violent crime rates, instead of GDP, and military spending.
America may have inspired the democracy meme to be reborn and relegate the monarch to figurehead status, but many of the ones we inspired seem to do it better than us now.
And all that stagnation on our part is due to that stubborn and stupid 41% and their lockstep rural ideals calling any change that catches us up with the rest of the world as "socialist" or "leftist".
Curious question. In Germany if you have to go to the public hospital how long is your wait to receive treatment in the emergency room? Is it 9 hours until finally some underpaid CNA can treat you like shit? Take all of 8 minutes to send you on your way and then bills you $3000 for your 12 hour wait?
Curious question. In Germany if you have to go to the public hospital how long is your wait to receive treatment in the emergency room? Is it 9 hours until finally some underpaid CNA can treat you like shit? Take all of 8 minutes to send you on your way and then bills you $3000 for your 12 hour wait?
It's definitely like this in Poland except for the bill part. I mean you pay for it with your taxes but there's no extra payment for the long wait and being treated like shit. So "free" shit health-care.