I have personally never encountered anything paranormal or inexplicable in my entire life. I've never seen or experienced anything strange and I don't know what to believe right now. I'm thinking the world can't be as simple as people say it is. There is plenty that can't be explained. Things we can't explain might be real. Maybe magic is just the word for what is not yet covered entirely by science, but is still very real? I've heard electricity was at first considered magical, dark and "satanic". Philosophically thinking: there could be something out there.
I'm open to the idea of magic being real. Occultism is clearly a place where very smart people go do dispense information. Not religion, not TV etc. I'm just skeptical right now. What they say it sounds quite crazy though for me as I've never experienced any of these crazy things.
However, I'm completely not open to any of the beliefs of right-hand path religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam. They are obviously all wrong. They are obviously manifestations of subconscious human ideals and archetypes.
Anyway, I've been reading Uncle Setnakt' s Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path. I'm enjoying it and finding it very interesting. However, I can't really tell if the rituals are just symbolic or more literal and theistic maybe.
I'm thinking of giving this stuff a try. If rituals work, I want to use them.
What are your experiences with occult magic? results? problems? Did they affect the outside world or just your mindset/psychology? Do you believe rituals harness mysterious forces or that they just affect your mind? Do you know if the writer of this book is talking about symbolic or theistic rituals? Is there a mysterious force not yet fully understood? DO THEY WORK?
Thank you.