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Inquisition - Triumphant Cosmic Death
Inquisition - Luciferian Rays
Inquisition - Those of the Night
Inquisition - Empire of Luciferian Race
Inquisition - Desolate Funeral Chant
Inquisition - Hymn to the Absolute Majesty of Darkness and Fire
Yes - Fly From Here
Ghost - Spillways
Ghost - He Is
Amorphis - Silver Bride
Amorphis - The Bee
Amorphis - Sky Is Mine
Amorphis - Bad Blood
Amorphis - Amongst the Stars
Quote from Brother_Telluric Megaton caffe radio station
Heart - Tall Dark Handsome Stranger
We Didn't Start The Fire
Steely Dan - Do It Again
Ghost - Waiting For The Night
Ghost - If You Have Ghosts
Eiserne Menschen(Iron Men)
What do you think? Was that him?