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Zach Black Owner
I decided to re-post my reply in a different forum as new forums get more replies. Also I get asked this all the time. 

Luxes orginal is this  


Sep 5

What's a "purist" Satanist believe?

By "purist" Satanist, I mean one who doesn't get their ideas and beliefs from other religions.

Strictly staying within the precinct of each of the major schools if Satanism (LaVeyan, Theistic, Self-described, ONA) is their an afterlife of any kind?

The ONA does teach of a "beforelife" which is the Acausal, to which we return when we sacrifice a male human to Satan, or committed acts of terrorism to kill a lot of mundanes in public. 

Zach Black -
Zach Black5 minutes agoWell coming from a self-styled Satanist what I personally believe that there is no actual afterlife. I believe that we and all living things have a life force. Kinda like Yoda when he talks about the force. 

I believe that or ' life force ' leaves us at death and gets put back into the whole to be redistributed back into the ' one '.. 

Although I also realize I can not prove this so....I could be wrong. Which is why I live my life as if this is the only life I will ever have. I DON'T believe in a afterlife or that our consciousness exists after the flesh dies.

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