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Zach Black Owner

Ghost parody hail Santa funny as fuck 

Zach Black Owner

#v#1#v#Ghost parody hail Santa funny as fuck 
Zach Black Owner
30 hits of ACID/LSD is the most viewed video on ACID or LSD on the internet. With 7.3 million video views and averaging about 5k views a day its gonna stay that way for some time. A major pod cast ( or popular one ) mentioned the video ( my video ) a couple weeks ago with talk about also having me on as a guest ... which would be cool since I got bumped from JRE ( Joe Rogan ) back in 2020.

Since this pod cast mentioned the video I am starting to get called out on the streets again which hasnt happened since the last time the video went viral in 2018. Thankfully I am not to old to recognize yet. 


Zach Black Nov 2 '21 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 2 · Tags: 30 hits of acid video, pka 30 hits, zach black, zach black
Zach Black Owner
Just found this not long ago. My 30 hits of ACID viral video spawned a couple dozen musical tracks from the psychodelic/ music scene. Most are fans making stuff on their computers at home. But one DJ ' drip drop ' who is a well known DJ in that style and community made a track called 'might drop'  which uses my voice sampled in from the youtube video .

 Here is the original track fromdrip drop calledmighty drop.

here is a remix live at a major psychedelic music festival...skip to 15:30 minutes into the video ... samples of my voice from video again but freestyled into the song. 

i must admit knowing thousands of people world wide are dropping acid and dancing to music with my voice sampled nto it .....makes me jizz in my pants. 

Zach Black Owner
One of the best interviews I have done in years. It is 50 minutes long all off the cuff in one take. Tops range form Satanism, Music, art Magic the occult and a lot more. There is a good amount of extra clips from other Satanists and other news clips about other organizations. Its close to a interview / semi documentary with all the extra clips. Well worth the watch from a historical and sociological reflection of the last 20 years of Satanism and Satanic influences in the media. This is taken from Mouthing off a UK based magazine who feature underground and counterculture artists.

Zach Black Owner
I have been traveling up around Seattle area with the new GF. Here are dome videos of our adventures.

Zach Black Owner
I got caught up in a few things and had a sickness scare so I have not been on here for a solid 4 days or so.. But I am back. No Corona just a mild case of the shingles.. 

Chicken pox be like '' What up nigga remember me Mr. C to the P? I did not kill you last time but left form scars on your face to remember me by. Well, now that you are middle aged bitch let me introduce you to my big brotha Shingles!

Zach Black Apr 22 '20 · Comments: 1 · Tags: satanic international network, zach black, shinngles
Zach Black Owner
This is something that was never put into policy ( my fault ) but something that needs to mainly so I can enforce it without having to drop a page of explanation following.

Posting in forums and blogs 

There are exceptions but generally speaking  - 

If you post in the forum or blogs including replies and comments your posts needs to be a complete sentence with decent grammar, spelling a punctuation. 

Also if using a link in a post you need to take the time to either make a hyper link or embed the video. Please do not just cut and paste the url. Take the extra few seconds and use the boxes above the comment box to insert link into or the embed code. 

EXAMPLE ( taken form a post ) 

 If you are going to to make a post it has to be more than a url. You can embed YouTube videos and many other types. This is preferred mainly because it looks better. But, if for some reason you can not figure out how to embed YouTube videos using the buttons above this text, you can also create a hyper link again using the buttons above this text. If you still can not figure this out you might need to freshen up on your forum skills.
 Posts should really be more than a link or a sentence anyways. Things you post in the forums and blogs are listed on the front page and if the front page is filled with links and short sentences it looks like shit. Thanks. 
Example - 
Preferred  a) 
I been listening to Danzig's album Lucifuge . It rocks. 

This is acceptable unless it is done all the time by multiple people 
B)  I been listening to Danzig's album Lucifuge.

This is what I really do not want to see 

c)  Danzig Lucifuge rocks!              or

Thanks for helping keeping the bar up and the sites appearance decent. If it starts to fall to low people checking out the network are not gonna want to post here or we will attract the types of people we do not want posting here. I get lazy to sometimes but as summer rolls around especially there is a influx of new users I want to encourage people to stay or register and participate. 

Zach Black Owner

There are some perks that I must say I will take full advantage of. And no no its not the hippy teenage girls it is the free drugs and beer. Yep. I wish I woulda started doing this a long time ago but it never occurred to me that I could pull it off. 

I was looking to get some psychedelics mainly LSD or DMT. Well I only know were to get mushrooms. I am fucking super Mario shroomed out. So, I was told buy some teenage kids on Reddit to jam down to Ocean Beach where the hippies and traveling beatnik folks hang out and I will find some. Well, I do not really like asking strangers for drugs especially hippies who I do not know for a drug I have no real way of testing until they are long gone. But the teenagers swore I would not need to ask that they would recognize me as ' 30 hits guy' . Well I was skeptical but occasionally someone does recognize me on the street so I figured fuck it. But, I wanted to make sure . 

So I had a couple shirts made for the 10th anniversary of the video and I decided to wear one to the beach. I had only wore one once and that was new years eve to the pub . I did get to drink most of the night for free so I went for it,.

Now, it is hard to describe the foolishness you feel walking around with your face on your shirt. It is embarrassing. Because even if people do not get the reference even kids look at you like you are retarded for having your face on your shirt. So I felt like a tool but as I walked down to the board walk I decided to sit down and watch the sunset. Sure as shit those teenagers were right. Within 5 minutes a few younger hippies walked up and asked me if that was really me and I confirmed. After answering a few questions about the video they were asking me if I would trip with them rigth there right now. 

I explained to them I was looking for a to go order and had this much money . They came back with a older hippie who said if I take drop acid with him right now for every hit I do he will give me three to go. now... this was tempting . But I passed. He ended up giving me a few and selling me a bunch at like half of what they go for so I was happy. 

If anyone is in the mode for some LSD or DMT in the San Diego area ( DE) I am your huckleberry. 

Zach Black Owner

ASU frat boys wont take my grilled cheese

Zach Black Owner
Something I coined the diabolical infestation. This video is shockingly accurate about many things..

Zach Black Owner
Every Saturday at 11pm PST on YouTube channel ' 30 Hits of ACID Guy '.  

Zach Black Owner

Zach BlackOWNERZach Black1 minute ago From what I hear it is the best yet . The last legit documentary was ' Speak of the Devil ' by Larry Weassel ( Sorry Larry ) in 1994. 

You will see Gilmore , K. Anger , Blanhe Barton and more .  Hard copies not available yet . You can purchase a cloud copy for 13.00 bucks. I will buy it tonight and tell you how it is . 

Trailer is HERE

Rent $9.00Buy $13.00Watch TrailerHave VIP access?From: Carl AbrahamssonGenres: DocumentaryDuration: 1 hour 46 minutesAvailability: Worldwide

In 1989, I met Anton LaVey for the first time. At this time in his life, LaVey was seeing only a select few people. For this film, I've met and interviewed some of them, to try and create a composite image of what he was really like, and what he meant to these people. It's a memory lane trip, filled with personal stories, dark humor, great music and never before seen material with the "Black Pope" himself.

Anton LaVey was many things to many people: musician, magician, writer, wild animal trainer, police photographer, film buff, founder of a magical group, and possibly of a new religion, and yes… He was a Satanist. With his creation of the infamous Church of Satan in 1966, and his bestselling book The Satanic Bible in 1969, Anton LaVey changed the ballgame in many ways. Here was a free-spirited San Francisco based group neither in favour of mind-expanding drugs, nor of peace & love for its own sake. Here was a group that was decidedly, outspokenly anti-Christian. Here was a group that brought dark pro-sexual psychodrama and the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche straight into American living rooms and TV couches. Anton LaVey became a celebrity scapegoat who basked in the attention, and made a successful career out of it. But who was Anton LaVey behind the public persona that so easily provoked primitive American Christians and other intolerants? Who was this enigmatic “American Adversary”?

This film contains never before shown interview material with LaVey, private photographs, and rare recordings, plus in-depth interviews with Blanche Barton, Peter Gilmore, Peggy Nadramia, Bob Johnson, Kenneth Anger, Michael Moynihan, Mitch Horowitz, Ruth Waytz, Larry Wessel, Margie Bauer, Jack Stevenson, and Jim Morton.

All rights reserved © Carl Abrahamsson 2019


Zach Black Owner

Zach BlackOWNERZach Black1 minute ago From what I hear it is the best yet . The last legit documentary was ' Speak of the Devil ' by Larry Weassel ( Sorry Larry ) in 1994. 

You will see Gilmore , K. Anger , Blanhe Barton and more .  Hard copies not available yet . You can purchase a cloud copy for 13.00 bucks. I will buy it tonight and tell you how it is . 

Trailer is HERE

Rent $9.00Buy $13.00Watch TrailerHave VIP access?From: Carl AbrahamssonGenres: DocumentaryDuration: 1 hour 46 minutesAvailability: Worldwide

In 1989, I met Anton LaVey for the first time. At this time in his life, LaVey was seeing only a select few people. For this film, I've met and interviewed some of them, to try and create a composite image of what he was really like, and what he meant to these people. It's a memory lane trip, filled with personal stories, dark humor, great music and never before seen material with the "Black Pope" himself.

Anton LaVey was many things to many people: musician, magician, writer, wild animal trainer, police photographer, film buff, founder of a magical group, and possibly of a new religion, and yes… He was a Satanist. With his creation of the infamous Church of Satan in 1966, and his bestselling book The Satanic Bible in 1969, Anton LaVey changed the ballgame in many ways. Here was a free-spirited San Francisco based group neither in favour of mind-expanding drugs, nor of peace & love for its own sake. Here was a group that was decidedly, outspokenly anti-Christian. Here was a group that brought dark pro-sexual psychodrama and the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche straight into American living rooms and TV couches. Anton LaVey became a celebrity scapegoat who basked in the attention, and made a successful career out of it. But who was Anton LaVey behind the public persona that so easily provoked primitive American Christians and other intolerants? Who was this enigmatic “American Adversary”?

This film contains never before shown interview material with LaVey, private photographs, and rare recordings, plus in-depth interviews with Blanche Barton, Peter Gilmore, Peggy Nadramia, Bob Johnson, Kenneth Anger, Michael Moynihan, Mitch Horowitz, Ruth Waytz, Larry Wessel, Margie Bauer, Jack Stevenson, and Jim Morton.

All rights reserved © Carl Abrahamsson 2019


Zach Black Owner
Sources of misinformation about Satanism

Interesting. This is before I fucked shit up on YouTube.  Before YouTube (which is now the #1 source of information for ages 18 - 30 ) this was what most people were using as source information. That has all shifted now. By no means am I saying I am solely responsible for this shift but in 2009 their was not many of us making educational videos about Satanism.  I will take credit for being a major player in pushing factual information about satanism into google and YouTube. With combined total of about 55k subscribers and nearly 30 million video views I can say with confidence I put a serious punch into the spread of misinformation about Satanism and will continue as long as I am alive regardless if the source is waving crosses or pentagram.

Zach Black Owner
I found a couple fan made rave/DJ songs that I actually dig. There are a couple dozen songs that people have made using my voice from the 30 hits of LSD video. This video I made to complement the song and to try and visually explain what 30 hits ( or 20, 25, 27 ) feels like. The video editing everything is my creation. Everything but the song. Well even that is partially me . 

Zach Black Owner

 You know Joe Rogan is one thing . But you know you really hit the big time when ravers all over Europe are sampling your voice from YouTube and laying it down in their songs.

Someone sent me a email asking if it was me and it was. I then started googling 30 hits LSD and 30 hits Acid ..   gotta be dozens of em.

Now if only I can get them to fly me out to Holland or wherever, give me a bunch of Extacy and party that would be dope.  You may never see me again . 30 hits of LSD guy got lost in the underground rave drug scene.

A few tracks from different people off google search

Can anyone advise me on how to rip these songs? I can rip video but mot tracks



30 hits LSD

30 hits of Acid


One is Satanism... One is not Satanism . Know the difference.? 
Top right is the 9 Satanic statements by LaVey. taken from the Satanic Bible which are the pillars of modern satanic belief.

Bottom right is the 7 satanic tenants of The Satanic Temple which serves to be at the core of the organizations philosophies .

Now. I want you to compare the two. Do they resemble each other in anyway?

In fact they are diametrically opposed in many respects. I will compare them in more detail in a YouTube video later I hate to type. i

So, LaVey established Satanism in the 60's. TST came on the scene about the same time I did about 2010. Pretty sure LaVey and company have long established the definition of what Satanism is.

For the TST to come forward and call themselves Satanist and the Satanic Temple while there tenants are not even close to the 9 satanic statements is not cool. I know some of you will say ' Your organization is called Satanic international Network' ? Well this is true we are one of dozens of Satanic organizations sharing a similar name, but we are Satanists. We agree with the 9 satanic statements and although time has modified for some of us certain aspects of LaVey original philosophy nothing we promote is at odds with the foundations of what he wrote down in the satanic bible in 1969.

Now hopefully the few of you who may not understand the intentional convoluted mess in confusing the two you simply have a group TST pretending to be the other group Satanists to take from the Satanists something they felt wold help promote their agendas.

This is a old trick used when one party does not having any merit. They posture as a different party in hopes of fooling people into thinking they are with one group when they are not.and even state so much right in their own tenants on the site.

There is a reason folk why the TST documentary ' Hail Satan?' has the question mark at the end of it's title. Because they are not. They never were. It is for show, shock value and to attract a large group of individuals who are attention seeking and wish they were edgy. Large followers are very helpful in activism and political agendas.

This media hype and pretending to be satanists in rainbow Halloween costume act worked. So did the media stunts, Lucien brilliant ability to articulate such topics related to Satanism as the Satanic panic, and many others certainly did not hurt either.

As a Satanist I can say i am supportive on certain aspects of their agenda ( separation of church and state , women right to choose, ETC.) but the way they are going about doing if often completely contradicts my personal philosophy of Satanism because that is NOT what we believe in and also makes us look foolish and hypocritical.

Liberal activist using satanic aesthetics and Satanism's religious protected rights to push a left wing agenda is clever but offensive. Especially when you parade around calling yourself a Satanists. Most of you are not.

The back lash is already being seen with other groups who feel discriminated against or simply supportive of the Left agenda putting on Baphomets and getting Satanic tattoos even shouting ' HAIL SATAN' ! Most of TST has never studied Satanism and probably never nor have a desire too. This is happening big time in the LGBT community which I support and am active in. Maybe for every 100 teenage hot topic got kid or gay they get to shout ' HAIL SATAN' ....just maybe a couple of them will take the time to actually explore what that really means like we did.

Some TST supports are gonna take this as a personal attack on themselves. You should not. Look through my friends list on FaceBook there are hundreds of TST supporters. Well maybe not now LOL. i am not calling members of the TST idiots although their is no small shortage of them in there, I am drawing lite to the fact you all are not part of Satanism or is TST a Satanic organization. And there is nothing wrong with that. Just stop calling yourself Satanists if you are not. If your belief in Satanism not nearly identical to what is put down in the Satanic Bible by LaVey then call yourself something else please.

I have met some legit Satanist in TST and I wonder how can you be affiliated with a organization who's core tenants are opposed to ours? Oh well. And to the rest of the TST who calls themselves Satanism but have never read LaVey stop it.

Call yourself the atheistic liberal left wing flying spaghetti cult.

That sounds way better than the dozen insulting acronym I am going to start calling you in public if you don' t. Hail Satan !!

If you agree with this evaluation please share it on all your social media. I am.

Zach Black

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Zach Black Owner

White trash cook book..

Chili -

Get you some beans.Three cans of em.. I get you some pinto, kidney and fucking black beans.. Gotta be three different beans. I know,some of you dont lime black beans... pick a color you okay with and toss this shit in a crock pot. Your neighbor never returned that shit? Or you cooking meth in it still? No problem..

Get you a skillet cause its faster. I know you got 4 kids crawling up on your ass like kittens... Better yet get you a wok... those the Chinese use for .... no not kittens for ....wok stuff.

Put all them beans in there with a can of CRUSHED tomatos...

So far if you shopping a Wal-mart( I know you are ) you invested about 4 bucks in your food stamps.. Do NOT drain this shit.... adds ... flavor and shit.

Here is where we beg to differ... get you 8 oz of sirlon...or if you a cheap bastard OR sold your stamps for crack... ground beef.... get the 80% one with 20% cow fat ass in there. Unless your kids are tubby....IDK your call.

Cook that beef seperately .. drain it..toss that shit in on the beans... let that simmer for about as much time as it takes you to beat the fuck outta your neighbor for stealing your crock pot to cook meth, Check the tires on your trailer and change some diapers . So a couple hours or maybe 6 if you high.

Oh I forgot put some chili mix ..comes in a lil envelop cost a buck at Food for less.. put that shit in there when you add the meat.

Here is where you get fucking special.. unless you are a pussy . Add you some siracha...roaster sauce for those that dont speak Asian. You got no balls or kids....a couple squirts. You got one ball.... or small balls...a teaspoons. You got big giant goat me.. two teaspoons roaster sauce , diced onion,those crushed red peppers you stole from pizza hut you fucking fuck ( and didnt tip).. and call that shit fucking done.

Sprinkle some cheese on top even a spoon full of white sour cream for color... toss a side of saltine crackers, call your Mexican friends over tell em you trade for fucking Tecate ... now you got a party!

If your worried about farts and shits... stop being a pussy! Dont worry about stupid shit! Thats why you are single or addicted to Xanax!

Zach Black Owner
The Jeselnik Offensive Where's Your God Now - Ft Zach Black - Satanism from Zach Black on Vimeo.

Check out Zach black and DarkEnlightenment on Comedy Central.Anthony Jeselnik - Where is your God now.

My thoughts on the subject of Chem - Trails as believed to be dropping toxins on the population and our broccoli.  I only eat broccoli. Nothing else. 

Zach Black Owner
After ten years I feel that it is time to redo the videos in more detail and higher quality . 
Zach Black Owner

I could be wrong. I know I am damn near to perfection in every since of the word but occasionally I do make a mistake. Usually having to do with women though . Nevertheless this did catch my eye. Seems like a jab at SIN to me. Mainly becaue of the intentional capitalization of words that should not be capitalized to make the abbreviation S.I.N.

Taken from the Church of Satan website ' Satanic Buncho' .

Now I do recall reading this a long time ago and it appears as if it has been revised  and updated. I do not recall if the original one from the 70's included this part. I do not think the term network really had the same meaning back then either.

CoS had a long standing policy not to mention any other Satanic organization. Not because they wanted to be above shit talking but because they want to give the impression they are the only show in town. Kinda like their ' you can not call yourself a Satanist if you are not part of the CoS ' attitude they only recently started to shy away from saying.

I did notice Gilmore taking shots at the Satanic Temple a few times. Likely cause we took shots at him. I say we referring to when I was a chapter head back in 2015.

Village Voice - Trolling Hi Hell

Seems if a organization gets enough attention like say ..... ten times more than the CoS ever got they make an exception.

If indeed it was a shot at SIN I say ' to shay ' you little evil garden gnome.

i was wonder how long you were gonna let me keep slapping you around publicly  before you put your gloves on. Clever way of doing so to not mentioning directly so that it could be denied and if I accused otherwise then I would be perceived as being ' full of myself ' ect ect.

Either way I will continue to promote the CoS as I have been for rthe last decade. My YouTube videos about the CoS have collectively hundreds of thousands of views. That is more than ALL their videos put together. Can not beat free advertising especially when they are unable to drum up the attention even though the tried. And for this I point to as true indication that Gilmore and company are clever, crafty, intelligent even after CoS crumbled following LaVey death.

That being said I will say it once again .... CoS died with its fonder the great Anton LaVey. The CoS is irrelevant and simply stands as a historical monument and Legacy of Dr. LaVey. In the mist of their internal thumb wresting over the estate they simply ignored the internet boom and technology got away from them. Only after I mentioned in a interview Gilmore was on as a live caller that their website looked like it was built on windows 95 did they finally pay someone to update it only a few weeks later.

Guys you coulda just asked me when I was a member to handle your advertising, YouTube and networking. :)

But I will give the CoS this. I have met some interesting and cool people from within the organization. It is a shame some of them though will not allow their picture to be taken with me for fear of being seen with someone on the ' black list' and being booted or demoted. Also the ' originality ' and authentic aesthetics will always be their own.

Zach Black Owner
Nine years ago on this day 02-09-10. I launched SIN solo and was the very first user. I think the only user for a couple days. I no clue what i was doing having little computer skills and no networking skills to speak of. In fact, I did not even know what a network forum really was. I remember moving some stuff from one side of the room to the other and that was progress. Luckily I sounded the horn on YouTube and a couple dozen people showed up. Thankfully Beastxeno saw that I was in trouble and offered his assistance. He was the first in a series of admin to help sail the ship. 

At first SIN blew up huge within the first year. I guess because it was the new thing on the block. back then I was known on YouTube as another Satanist making videos but had not yet really begun to grow in popularity yet. I used what few thousand subscribers I had and fanned the flames as much as I could. 

I simply started SIN for the same reason I got on YouTube. I spent about a year and observed. After a while I saw what I liked and what I thought I could do better. So I did. I created SIN to be the premier Satanic Network just like I set out to dominate YouTube and become the most subscribed to and viewed Satanist on YouTube. And I did. I did in spades with more subs and video views that all Satanists combined. 

SIN started off to be a better version of the few networks I knew of. I remember MySatan, ICOS, Goat of Mendes and a couple others. Each of those networks had their pros and cons just like SIN does. Well I wanted to be better that all of them .... together. And within a few years SIN did just that. 

So nine years later where are we? I look around and I Tell you what I see. I see a few other networks sinking into oblivion. Bouncing around in a barrel like a bunch of wounded ducks. I see the haters who have betrayed my trust and set this place on fire hiding in the distance in the shadows. With no honor and to cowardly to raise a hand and take credit for being a back stabbing spineless weasel. I laugh at you as we still stand strong. Stronger than all the few left put together and I smile thinking to myself ...  ' what a bunch of pathetic weakling pussies. Is that really the best you got ' ?  Where are you all now? And does anyone notice or even care?  

Does anyone know what happened to that fat goofy looking flat chested ugly chick that you use to hang out with in real life? You know, the one who would go to your house and and chill with you. That one who went all the way up to Northern California to visit you at the winery wearing Jason Sorrell SIN shirt. What was her name again ? .. .. Exactly. 

I could go on about a few more but why bother. Nobody remembers you or cares. Nobody missed you for more than a month either. 

So those cowboys and cowgirls that are still left. Pull up a chair. Order yourself a drink. This could possibly be the last carnival to pass through this town again. This world is growing harder and harder for this type of engagement. Like the traveling sideshow freaks our time is coming and I can see the horizon. So lets order a round of drinks, toss your chips in and all bets are in. 

   I told you naysayers once nine years ago and I will say it again....

                      '' SIN aint going nowhere . I am all in ''. 

Zach Black Owner
Here are some of the  various versions of modified sigils I have been working on for the Goetia Demon Shirt collection for  Satanic Fashion. All 72 sigils will be going up on shirts . All 72 will be the style as they are a complete set. I  will make the  others available of course as  I  assume no one here needs  all 72 shirts in their closet.  

Kind of a strange blog but google indexes in searches very well the blogs. So,here are the various styles of sigils I  have made. Would  like  to  here which are your favorites.

Fire Sigils  - 

Most likely the collection I will go with .. or maybe the one that follows this .

Neon Sigils

Blood sigils



Now until 2019 20% off EVERYTHING at . If you had your eye on something it does not get any cheaper. Most shirts are $16.66 so you are only paying like 12 bucks a shirt. I have some shirts like the one with the logo on it marked down already so that shirt is $8 bucks. If you order in the next couple days you should get it by X-Mass if in the USA. We got about 100 designs in many colors and most sizes and styles. In fact I will mark down a handful of shirts for the holidays like the traditional stuff ( Baphomet, Lucifer sigils ect. so that with the coupon it will be 10 bucks. That is like 35% off. Check it out. I am working on it now the coupon code is active use it at checkout SATANCLAWS20 for your 20% off. Once again the coupon code is 


Zach Black Owner
These are actual pictures of the shirts I design. I wanted people to see the different between the computer generated examples ( mock ups ) and the real deal. Also I had to test something out in the blogs do here it is ... 

Compare for yourself. 

Most shirts cost  $16.66 USD. 90 designs to choose from Men Women colors and styles. Check us out atSatanic Fashion

Zach Black Owner

Another bump ... You can help and make 200 bucks.!

You can maybe. Youtube suspended my account for violating community guidelines. It is fucking bullshit. All I did was talk about my drug past and youtube after years decided that those videos are encouraging illegal and dangerous behavior.

I have tried to appeal and contest my suspension with no luck. Should you desire it cant hurt to contact youtube and google and tell em that is fucked up and that you are a long time subscriber and have learned lots ( education ) from my videos.

Go to youtube/ help /send feed back... You can find help link at the bottom of most youtube pages. If you can find a way to contact a real person , email or phone on google or youtube that will listen to you that is the best. Please let me know I got like three links and have tried em all. I am willing to pay someone 200 bucks that can get youtube to restore my channel. channel was satanicinternational. Email attached to it was

Here are the links I have tried. There is a way but they hide it. Tons of blogs and videos about ' how to contact youtube' and ' How to get your account restored' ect ect..

Remember my account was not suspended for copyright violation. The method for that is different and will not work. Mine is for violating community guidelines.

Here are the three links I have tried and I get ignored or a auto message saying I have already appealed and I can not appeal again.

Have a go at it. It can not hurt. 200 BUCKS IF YOU CAN GET YOUTUBE / GOOGLE TO RESTORE MY CHANNEL. It can be done. I have done it before.But seriously though these links are common . Best bet is to find a email or even send snail mail to the right people .. Good luck and if you know someone who WORK AT GOOGLE that would be golden. Here are the links I have tried.

▼The link to the form you will have to fill out▼


Here is a good video about it.


Zach Black Mar 19 '18 · Comments: 4 · Tags: suspended, zach black, youtube, satanicinternational
Zach Black Owner
Obviously I do not know what happens. But, I would like to thing we leave our fleshly bodies and get pulled back into the fold or the one to be push out again in some cosmic way.

This is a remake of one of my very first videos. Basically the same video in HD.

If I could conceptualize this thought into a music video it would be something like this.  

Zach Black Owner
Yep just like SIN but for drug users. Big market for it. Several of my drug youtube videos are getting millions of views. Wonder what the liability is though 
Zach Black Jan 4 '18 · Comments: 5 · Tags: zach black
Zach Black Owner
So I am working on a business arrangement with the owner of  Sigil of Baphomet company which sells quality Satanic stainless steel jewelry and other stuff like medallions . rings, pendants and more. 

Starting now until 01/07/2018 the owner Xerxes is giving SIN users a one time 25% discount off whatever you are purchasing. Take advantage of this people . Check out the website. They have medallions like the Lucifer sigil, symbol of brimestone , LaVey personal sigil and more. At 25% off I can not think of anywhere you could buy cheaper of the same high quality. 

So, if you got something on your wish list now would be the time to take advantage. When you make a purchase you will get 25% off your entire cart. You HAVE to use this promotional code. It HAS to be exactly as shown here...     ZachBlack-SIN

In the future there might be some sort of discount for SIN members but that is to be determined later. For now we get 25% off your cart purchases until 01/07/2018. Enjoy folks. 

I highly recommend you go to the website SigilofBaphomet.....


Regrets... yes I have my share I am not proud of. But my main regret is not the things I have done but the things I did not do. This is our only life live it the way you want.

I regret listening to all the naysayers that told me it was not possible and I was being foolish. I regret most listening to them and believing them.. I regret not having the backbone and strength to march forward.

Great men/women overcame this issue. Once you let go you have everything. This is a dangerous philosophy and the powers that be will do their best to make you believe you will fail and are wrong. Simply a pipe dream.

Live your life as it is your only one because it probably is. Go across the world to someone you feel for. Start a army or spread chaos. What is the worst that will happen if you fail in your pursue your desires? They may laugh at you? You might fail but if you do not try you already failed.

They are gonna laugh anyways and if you succeed they will try and take it apart. Your biggest success is living the life you want without them. They know this and will hate you for it. They might even murder you for it. But, you are gonna die anyways.

Let your success kill them internally. They will envy you for doing what they did not have the courage to do as they rot in a a wasted life.

Hail Satan. ZB



Regrets... yes I have my share I am not proud of. But my main regret is not the things I have done but the things I did not do. This is our only life live it the way you want.

I regret listening to all the naysayers that told me it was not possible and I was being foolish. I regret most listening to them and believing them.. I regret not having the backbone and strength to march forward.

Great men/women overcame this issue. Once you let go you have everything. This is a dangerous philosophy and the powers that be will do their best to make you believe you will fail and are wrong. Simply a pipe dream.

Live your life as it is your only one because it probably is. Go across the world to someone you feel for. Start a army or spread chaos. What is the worst that will happen if you fail in your pursue your desires? They may laugh at you? You might fail but if you do not try you already failed.

They are gonna laugh anyways and if you succeed they will try and take it apart. Your biggest success is living the life you want without them. They know this and will hate you for it. They might even murder you for it. But, you are gonna die anyways.

Let your success kill them internally. They will envy you for doing what they did not have the courage to do as they rot in a a wasted life.

Hail Satan. ZB......

Zach Black Owner
So it has been announced the LHP consortium will be in ST.Lewis about April 2018. Prices and exact location to be determined. 

In 2016 I was a presenter and gave a ...presentation ....about modern Satanism. This coming year I have been invited to do the same. I guess I will come up with some new material or maybe jack Dreads ADM. Not sure. Joking Dread...maybe you should come and speak it. 

Here is my presentation last year. I was hoping they would put the LHP consortium somewhere cool that people might actually want to go. Say ...  Las Vegas, LA or NYC. Not my money though I am just a guest. 

If any of you are serious about attending hit me up in private. We might be able to pull a discount SIN thing. If it is anything like last year it was fun. A 3 day weekend of partying and rubbing elbows with occultniks. 

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