1. What is a "soul?"
2. What is a soul made from?
3. What or who or how did the stuff that makes souls come into being?
4. What exactly is meant by "spiritual?" Define that word/concept precisely.
5. Where is this spiritual realm?
6. Is this spiritual realm finite or infinite?
7. What is this spiritual realm made out of. It's fundamental building blocks. Like we can say that protons, electrons, and neutrons are the building blocks of the physical realm.
8. How did this spiritual realm come into being?
6. There are two scenarios that I would consider here. The macro, and microcosmic. With the former being a bit more concrete, and the latter being a bit more semantical.
The spiritual realms would be limited according to their context, and while the macrocosm is enormously vast, it is not infinite. The spacetime medium is not a cosmological constant. It is expanding at varying intervals/velocities at approximately the speed of light, therefore it is not infinite, since expansion cannot exceed infinity, and this also reaffirms its' origin - what it is expanding from, i.e. a beginning.
And with the other. The microcosm. The subconscious landscapes of the mind, or, the dreamscape. I actually thought about this one a bit more just now, and while I first thought that the microcosmic mind might only be limited by the power of its' nocturnal imaginings and repressions, ultimately I must extrapolate the answer from its' macrocosmic counterpart in that it is also finite.
And with the latter of the above two, which begs the question - while adhering the principle of extrapolation and inferior reflection. If the macrocosm is responsible for populating its' inner world with its' outer illusion. Then perhaps the same may be said of its' conscious fragments as well - dreams within a dream, and also that the infernal creatures that rise forth and wreak havoc within our own little domain may be due a bit more substance than the old adage - you're just having a nightmare, or, it's just a dream, go back to sleep(they're waiting for you).
Who can say for certain what power be given unto thee, by will alone; vested in a living aspect of the most ancient of ancients. Do as ye will, while keeping your demons in check(my adage).
And now the eternally nagging and ever intrusive Wand Of I Bearess
If the cause never ceases to exist then neither its effects, whatever happens, will again, or would not have at all...
Eventually ALL finite things will end, but their RETURN is inevitable. The grains of sand that move through the hourglass of time are not infinite. Although they may appear ephemeral and isolated, indeed they are not in eyes of eternity.
When, yet again, time has run its course and all the finite specks of creation find themselves at the BOTTOM of the hourglass, (Chronos) the finite linear aspect of the infinite one shall invert it, again, and again, and again, for all eternity. This is the return, the eternal return, of EVERY single finite speck of individuality, of existence.
For eternity is a BEAST that will forever consume and renew ALL of existence, ABSOLUTELY!