Demons Pray Angel's SIN - Interview with Zach Black
My name is Zenarith Morningstar and I follow the Right Hand Path Theistic Satanist.
I am fully aware of the Devil(s) under the Earth, walking the Earth and above the Earth.
I am from Nova Scotia, Canada; and I am reaching out to other Canadians to Join together and form a Canadian Theistic Satanism Group.
I have already set up the Group Page through this Social Network, if you are interested in Joining and/or helping to Moderate it, feel free to leave a Comment Below.
Hail Satan!
Ave Satanas!
At first SIN blew up huge within the first year. I guess because it was the new thing on the block. back then I was known on YouTube as another Satanist making videos but had not yet really begun to grow in popularity yet. I used what few thousand subscribers I had and fanned the flames as much as I could.
I simply started SIN for the same reason I got on YouTube. I spent about a year and observed. After a while I saw what I liked and what I thought I could do better. So I did. I created SIN to be the premier Satanic Network just like I set out to dominate YouTube and become the most subscribed to and viewed Satanist on YouTube. And I did. I did in spades with more subs and video views that all Satanists combined.
SIN started off to be a better version of the few networks I knew of. I remember MySatan, ICOS, Goat of Mendes and a couple others. Each of those networks had their pros and cons just like SIN does. Well I wanted to be better that all of them .... together. And within a few years SIN did just that.
So nine years later where are we? I look around and I Tell you what I see. I see a few other networks sinking into oblivion. Bouncing around in a barrel like a bunch of wounded ducks. I see the haters who have betrayed my trust and set this place on fire hiding in the distance in the shadows. With no honor and to cowardly to raise a hand and take credit for being a back stabbing spineless weasel. I laugh at you as we still stand strong. Stronger than all the few left put together and I smile thinking to myself ... ' what a bunch of pathetic weakling pussies. Is that really the best you got ' ? Where are you all now? And does anyone notice or even care?
Does anyone know what happened to that fat goofy looking flat chested ugly chick that you use to hang out with in real life? You know, the one who would go to your house and and chill with you. That one who went all the way up to Northern California to visit you at the winery wearing Jason Sorrell SIN shirt. What was her name again ? .. .. Exactly.
I could go on about a few more but why bother. Nobody remembers you or cares. Nobody missed you for more than a month either.
So those cowboys and cowgirls that are still left. Pull up a chair. Order yourself a drink. This could possibly be the last carnival to pass through this town again. This world is growing harder and harder for this type of engagement. Like the traveling sideshow freaks our time is coming and I can see the horizon. So lets order a round of drinks, toss your chips in and all bets are in.
I told you naysayers once nine years ago and I will say it again....
'' SIN aint going nowhere . I am all in ''.
I am a creature more Demon than human, the concepts of the social structure built upon numerical figures and conformity, fear and morality have no meaning to me other than imprisonment . . . I am feral, predatory and primal and yet I have an intellectual intellect that surpasses the common intellect of study and learning.
I walk between the veils, among humankind and yet only in body, the true self, the Infernal Soul always drifts between domains of existence, always drawn to the dark rapturous beauty of Hell.
I journey through the Gates of the Realm called Hell, walked through the Abyss like Doorway of the Inner Mind and faced the Shadow that is myself, I did not battle with it as many do, I embraced it, gained union with it, for this Shadow is the Demonic core within all of us . . . it is the heart of the Unholy, the sacred core of Evil in its most purest form.
I - as all of my kind - walk bearing the Mark of the Beast on our Soul and the Mark of Omega unseen upon our brows, for we the Children of the End Time and the Fire that vanquishes the Son of Alpha who issued forth from an abomination in creation.
I wear the cloak of night, I bear the Crown of the Infernal, I walk among the passive throng of the social herd and feel nothing, they are a different species to me, a different Breed - I gaze upon them with contempt and at best pity, but the pity always gives way to the instinct to strike them down where they stand.
I am the one who craves knowledge, experience and that which I find is never enough, there is always another boundary to cross, another doorway to open ~ always the journey draws me on guided by the Darkened Flame of Satan who summons me to become all that I am.
I have no fear of death for in death I escape the physical shell and become my true form, the pleasures of the flesh I shall miss but they shall be tasted again when once more Satan sends me forth to carry out His Work on the realm of mortality ~ for we of the Dark Fire have to enter into the world of flesh at given times weave our Infernal Magick and disturb the putrid balance of mediocrity that the forces of Light would sew into the world . . . but this shall never occur for the True Master of this World is Our Lord Satan, and the presence of the Nazarene upon it was a cancerous scar that still needs to be fully vanquished.
I am the Keeper of Secrets, the bearer of the Hidden Keys . . . love to me is a cascade of raw emotion, hate a rapture of wrath, carnal pleasure a crescendo ~ the aesthetics of darkness in all its forms courts my Soul like a violating lover and I drink deep from its proffered veins . . . I am the Wolf who slays the Sheep, the one who sees beyond the veil, my eyes shine with what I am at times of emotive power . . . I am a Child of the Dark Fire, one of the Convocation of Hell . . . and I am a Classical Satanist!
Coexistence? No. We are Satanist. Although we do not promote religious bigotry or unneeded violence, should you choose to align yourself with a religion that is responsible for the murder and repression of millions under the false pretense of this or that God you ARE MY ENEMY.
I will not white knight around preaching coexistence. Nor will I question ' why can't we all get along' . We Satanists are not looking for acceptance or ' equality '. Make no mistake. I want nothing more than to see your religion of fear and hatred that is responsible for the deaths of millions destroyed. As long as I am alive this will be a goal of mine.