I'm not gunna get all emo or post pictures of pepe the frog hanging himself on /b/ and talk about how much my life sucks. Somehow, I still have some dignity left. I grew up watching my friends get tricked into living the way the establishment wants. If I thought that was scary I was terrified when I saw all others who rebelled get mentally and physically broken down to nothing. Did I really survive the dismal results of pushing away from the norm? I wonder sometimes. All I know is it's worth it. This is how I view the world, and some friendly advice for those who look through the glass of life and see the same things I do.
I feel like I know too much. The simple pleasures still enjoyed by people are lost to me. I don't have a family. I have few friends I've known for more than a year. I know all these things are essentially worthless. If somebody became a burden, I dropped them. If somebody became a liability, I stopped talking to them or associating. I also never explained myself when I did. I just knew they were hurting me and looked out for number 1. But more importantly, I realized most people don't live in reality.
If some idiot wants to make comments about how reality is subjective, you can fuck right off. Reality is, and has always been objective. If you think it isn't you've been eating too much acid.
I know what is true and what isn't, and it took me a very long time to get a clear picture. The schools, the church, and the establishment have hard protocols in place to control people. How else do you convince a grown man to legally bind himself to a woman, work the same job for 40 years and raise ungrateful children that leave him in a nursing home forgotten and dying? How else do you get desperately sick people to send money to a church so they will "pray for them". It takes a hard yolk to control the mind of man.
The establishment says, "Don't do drugs, you can't handle it". They don't exactly want people smoking a joint and realizing getting on disability is better than working. Drugs and drinking often puts a chink in the false reality they present, either harmful or helpful. It's my theory they invented the idea of addiction to make sure nobody used drugs or drank with a bit of discipline. Of course if you do drugs sparingly, the stupid plebs will brand you a coward. If you live for the real truth, the real reality, you will always be attacked on both sides. You will find yourself constantly alone.
Now this next bit might piss some of you off. They also invented the modern family. If you have kids, thats great. The sort of minds on this board need to breed, and I'm sure your children are a wonderful part of your life. But doesn't it piss you off when the church sticks their claws into their brain? Don't you fucking hate it when your job runs your life because although you can go without and wouldn't mind, your kids can't? You don't deserve that. It is another technique to control you, and make you a cog in a machine instead of a person. Personal independence and freedom is truly dead save for a few pockets.
I know mostly everything on the news and assbook is fake propaganda. I know god doesn't exist. I know that social structure isn't really needed and is also a form of control. I will never graduate because I'm already making good money even though I dropped out in 9nth grade. I will never have a wedding because I don't want to lose my mind after I catch chad fucking my wife, or lose my freedom to some girl's offspring who are going to talk shit about me after I'm dead anyway. You're not getting me with any of it. The question is, what do I get out saying "fuck that" to everything society expects from me as a man?
To be honest not a whole lot. I have a relatively stress free life, but a lonely one. It would be nice to have some more friends who don't mind if I get too drunk and talk about bob lazar or operation blue beam, or about how I love Michael Aquino's work but sort of disagreed with the pheonix program. I've had to be happy with what I have. In conclusion I would like to present a small guide to staying together if you made it this far.
>You are going to watch your freinds crash and burn. This lifestyle is crazy, and can be mentally unhealthy if the combination isn't just right. I recently had to stop talking to a childhood sweetheart I linked up with again, she was banging meth and had essentially lost her mind. There was nothing I could do. Every single one hurts, but remember, they aren't the person they were before. And they would want you to live well for them. Stay strong so at least one of the gang makes it long enough to pass on what we have.
>You're going to be lonely, and that's ok. The establishment and shrinks will tell you that you need the group to survive. You don't. You don't even need other people to be happy. You can do it all by yourself "in your mom's basement" if you want. The only reason you think you need other people is because the herd mistakenly believes working together to build a huge eyesore like a mall is an achievement. If you can bring in an extra pair of hands to help, go for it. But you need to be concerned for you.
>Don't trust anyone. Nobody is beyond treachery, don't make yourself available to be hurt, or scammed. If 3 people already know, it isn't a secret anymore. Even your family will betray you if they get paid well enough. Even your wife will poison you for life insurance and run away with chad.
Remember, don't try to control what you can't understand, just remember to always control your own feelings. There's nothing wrong with you. The left hand path is not for everyone, you're brave. Religion is convenient. Pleb politics makes it easy to pat yourself on the back. You chose reality. You chose to make your own beliefs, and your own goals. You chose yourself, and not the herd. Just remember to stay strong, the truth hurts.....
But it's well worth it.