While I'm not in the business of mincing my beliefs down into microscopic classifications for the sake of labeling myself, I do still read into the existing subsets of Satanism to better understand where my beliefs and practices fit into the grand scheme of things. I'm not searching for a single hook on which to hang my hat, but instead I'm examining all schools of Satanic thought to see what similarities they share with my own beliefs. I'll collect those parallel aspects in the entry below, and update it as necessary. -K45
Esoteric Satanism
"When we refer to ourselves as esoteric Satanists, what we are saying is that the kind of Satanism we practice differs substantially in style and content from not just the major Western religions like Christianity, but from ‘orthodox’ Satanism as well. Most Satanists are strictly rationalist. The Satanic Temple’s humanist Satanism, for instance, rejects anything that could be considered “superstitious”, this includes divinatory (or ‘fortune-telling’) practices like tarot, astrology, palm-reading, scrying, or pendulum-reading, as well as any sort of magickal practice whatsoever. Furthermore, they also reject any interpretation of Satan that isn’t strictly rhetorical, including not just a traditionally theistic Satan, but also any metaphysical Satan such as Satan-as-Void, Satan-as-Dao, or Satan-as-Spiritual-Self. As esotericists, most of us practice some kind of divination and almost all of us practice magick. I would argue that in this way esoteric Satanism is necessarily non-rational.
Most esoteric Satanists do not have a strictly rhetorical understanding of Satan. We believe that Satan is ‘out there’ in reality.We are substantially different from theistic Satanists in that we do not believe that Satan is a deity, like a bat flying around in the ether. Rather, in most (but not all) cases, Satan is a metaphysical principle equated more closely with darkness, void, magick, or something that mediates between being and nothingness. However the individual esotericist or coven of esotericists decides to cash this out, it will not involve conceptualizing Satan as a literal entity even if we concede that Satan does in fact exist on some level."
-Evyn Aytch, Satanhaus
The entire idea of a religion without a god and cult of personality around a leader, is so foreign to some people, and scary to the establishment, Extraterrestrials and nuclear war have to take a back seat to it. Theistic ideology is a tube that always leads to the same dystopian garbage dump. The whole Idea of worship has been proven to be as dumb as kneeling in front of a T rex and saying "please don't eat me." If you don't get devoured, you'll for sure get crushed and trampled. Only two outcomes, unless you're smart and you just shot the bastard. I bring this up on a satanist website because to my understanding of true satanism, it is the first truly ANTI theistic religion. I believe anti theism is what MAKES satanism a religion.
The difference between a satanist and just an atheist is obvious if you know where to look. I don't just doubt the existence of god, but I abhor the idea of worship. Just your run of the mill christ denyer might for example claim god doesn't exist, and then run off and go worship something even dumber. Is it a certain feeling of superiority over the natural and supernatural?or is it a realization of equality? Is it hypocritical to say god is a load of horse shit and then worship your favorite actor or politician? I say yes. I can also prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt.
It takes a special kind of person to completely deny any authority but their own, and these people tend to have awful social skills and do not actively recruit. That's the simple reason why the idea hasn't really caught on. Maybe that's by design, but if it is, it doesn't really change anything. The conclusion is always the same, and the procedure for dealing with the thought process is the same. You simply stand on a hill and crow, "nothing is above me". If a piano doesn't crush you suddenly you can be reasonably assured there is no supernatural force which governs the universe, or you.
To those who refer to themselves as "theistic satanists" I have only one statement. Dumbass. The theistic satanist tends to fit a disticnt profile. The former christian or other uninformed person who believes in satan as a personal entity and Identifies as a servant of satan.
The true comedy in this, is if you research the biblical beginnings of satan within the abrahamic realm, satan himself is a servant. Aside from his first cameo as a snake tempting eve to poach apples,(there is contention if this was even satan at all) he shows up in the book of jobe. In this instance, satan is employed by god as a judicial prosecutor of sorts. The entire epoch describes satan torturing and tempting jobe IN SERVICE of god. So if we are to view theistic satanists in the frame of them believing in the biblical satan, the biblical satan is a servant of god, so therefore theistic satanists are chirstians. whoops.
I am not however, unaware of the luciferian aspect. Satanism did not start with Anton Lavey, or general Aquino, and it will not end with Lucien griefs and the triggered snowflake temple. The history goes back 100s of years. To think that moral freedom and the rejection of dogma is anything recent is pure lunacy. We remember names like Alleister Crowley, Albert Pike, and even further back, John Dee and Edward Kelly, all impotant figures who set down what later became things like the left hand path, and pioneered the concepts that have become modern magick and science, even psychology.
The simple and disturbing fact is, "going where no man has gone before" is often an either suicidal or homicidal journey. Very few great expeditions in history have been legal or bloodless. The freedom we have today IS something new. Just 100 years ago, for example, if you were caught doing anything but christian rituals, or fucking anyone but who you're legally married to, you could be fucking executed. So yes, the occult has been underground for many years. I put in for consideration that satanist thinking and theory has also been under ground for much of it's history. We should Honor the people who gave us what we have today, even if they did think there was a lucifer who was a bearer of light.
It's a step forward from the bible.
The billionaires in the owl cult aren't really satanists either in my opinion. I also don't think they take the owl cult as serious as christians think they do. Everybody saw Alex Jone's video of the cremation of care. And people that were using their brains noticed that it was a statue with a speaker in it. I believe we had something similar at one of the cub scout meetings I attended growing up. I'd be embarrassed if somebody saw a video of that, and I'm sure bill clinton or whoever felt similar. That being said, the owl cult shouldn't be confused with satanism. I'd join if invited though, they seem to be doing something right given their level of wealth. Most likely it comes from math skills and a fraternal closed lips policy. Copying the catholic church seems to be much more lucrative than black magic, but don't listen to me.
In conclusion, I'll make a simple statement. We as satanists, should not let the church, or the mundanes, project onto us an image that they make. Because when you believe any of the things said about satanism by people who have no idea what it is, you become just as religious as they are. I reject god, therefore I reject his texts, and his servants. Why must we be so defined by our naysayers? I find myself ironically waving a pentagram and saying "the power of logic compells you" when somebody tries to invade my psyche with dumb propaganda. Im an anti theist. God has no power because there is no god. I don't care about the president because hes just a fat golfer. I don't care about Kanye West because hes just a bad rapper. I don't really care about anything but myself. It's taken nearly 500 years for scholars to admit nothing is wrong with this.