I've railed against many things on this site, but it's this one I have always hated the most. To me, the psychologist is a bastard child of religion and modern academic dogma. He or she fills a role in society that is niether earned, nor understood by them in the slightest. Many long years ago, in your local village there might have been a shaman, or a wise man or wise woman. They practiced the hidden arts with benevolence and love, and helped their neighbors solve problems in a healthy way. They also used many techniques almost completely lost to us, to predict important weather patterns that would have a good or bad effect on crops.
The catholic church sought to erradicate this person in the late medieval period and replace them with a priest, who takes orders from and reports to the bishop, who reports to the pope. This way they could affect complete control over every province/people who converted, and even to this day it allows them huge influence over countries and governments.
With this in mind we can see how, the academites, in their never ending quest to dominate thought and discourse in modern nations, sought to replace the priest with their psychologists. You may ask then, what is the difference between the priest and the therapist? Which is worse? I say they are the same thing.
Just like the priest goes to seminary to learn the bible, the psychologist goes to college to learn the DSM. Academia is the same as organized religion in the sense that it does not seek to solve problems as much as control people's thinking in such a way as to prevent them. Therefore, I believe that Academia is not a huge step forward from religion, save for it's respect with the regards to objective science. But is it really that objective?
Why should I believe some 34 year old manboy whos only experience outside mom's house was college/seminary/other bullshit factories and controlled environments, when our real elders and the people we should be listening to/getting counsel from are left to die in bland nursing homes? This is a fucking crime against humanity that keeps getting perpetrated every generation in worse ways.
Real science is simply not firmly grounded. What you were sure was true yesterday might be proven wrong tomorrow. And maybe, after a few years, THAT might be proven wrong again and you might be right. The key to having an open mind is true and unfiltered scepticism, and acute self awareness. You have to constantly ask yourself these questions to be truly scientific:
Am I biased?
Why am I biased?
Does this just feel good, or is it real?
Why does this feel good if it isn't real?
Is this fake because I don't like it?
If it's real why do I not like it?
Many people will disagree with me, but I believe mankind was doing some things right back in ancient times. We need to return to a decentralized, self sufficent, and individually self reliant species. How then, collectivists, can we be a community if the members of the community have no individual value? Today we are a dependant, domestic society. Our churches and our schools don't want us to think. They want us to all be mindless sheep. That is why all free/healthy thinkers live lonely lives. But let the sheep wallow in their own filth under the crook of their negligent and cruel sheperds. When they call me crazy I just laugh harder. Whats crazier than surrendering your personality to become a cartoon character?
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Highest Cheers from Deferred Gnosis. As above, so below.
‡ Intro Musick by Shea Bilé and Ian Flux ‡ Outro Musick for this episode – Romania by Roboton
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