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I've railed against many things on this site, but it's this one I have always hated the most. To me, the psychologist is a bastard child of religion and modern academic dogma. He or she fills a role in society that is niether earned, nor understood by them in the slightest. Many long years ago, in your local village there might have been a shaman, or a wise man or wise woman. They practiced the hidden arts with benevolence and love, and helped their neighbors solve problems in a healthy way. They also used many techniques almost completely lost to us, to predict important weather patterns that would have a good or bad effect on crops. 

The catholic church sought to erradicate this person in the late medieval period and replace them with a priest, who takes orders from and reports to the bishop, who reports to the pope. This way they could affect complete control over every province/people who converted, and even to this day it allows them huge influence over countries and governments.

With this in mind we can see how, the academites, in their never ending quest to dominate thought and discourse in modern nations, sought to replace the priest with their psychologists. You may ask then, what is the difference between the priest and the therapist? Which is worse? I say they are the same thing.

Just like the priest goes to seminary to learn the bible, the psychologist goes to college to learn the DSM. Academia is the same as organized religion in the sense that it does not seek to solve problems as much as control people's thinking in such a way as to prevent them. Therefore, I believe that Academia is not a huge step forward from religion, save for it's respect with the regards to objective science. But is it really that objective?

Why should I believe some 34 year old manboy whos only experience outside mom's house was college/seminary/other bullshit factories and controlled environments, when our real elders and the people we should be listening to/getting counsel from are left to die in bland nursing homes? This is a fucking crime against humanity that keeps getting perpetrated every generation in worse ways.

Real science is simply not firmly grounded. What you were sure was true yesterday might be proven wrong tomorrow. And maybe, after a few years, THAT might be proven wrong again and you might be right.  The key to having an open mind is true and unfiltered scepticism, and acute self awareness. You have to constantly ask yourself these questions to be truly scientific:

Am I biased?
Why am I biased?
Does this just feel good, or is it real?
Why does this feel good if it isn't real?
Is this fake because I don't like it?
If it's real why do I not like it?

Many people will disagree with me, but I believe mankind was doing some things right back in ancient times. We need to return to a decentralized, self sufficent, and individually self reliant species. How then, collectivists, can we be a community if the members of the community have no individual value? Today we are a dependant, domestic society. Our churches and our schools don't want us to think. They want us to all be mindless sheep. That is why all free/healthy thinkers live lonely lives. But let the sheep wallow in their own filth under the crook of their negligent and cruel sheperds. When they call me crazy I just laugh harder. Whats crazier than surrendering your personality to become a cartoon character?

TheblackestBart Feb 9 '20 · Rate: 4.50 · Comments: 12 · Tags: dogma, history, psychology, religion, spirituality

there are many times when my beliefs get shaken and I consider aligning myself with something political. The temptation is always there, but when you get down to it, no true satanist can take politics seriously. It's all just a show for the sheeple, and proves itself to be just that every time.


During the 80s, the christian right and certain law enforcement entities tried to hijack satanism with the idea of satanists in secret groups that commit murders across the country. This of course had to be quickly swept under the rug because it nearly led to government projects getting exposed due to a large amount of investigation. What all this did show, was a large amount of political corruption/cult involvement  in the 60s-80s. It was discovered that there is a large market for snuff films and other filth, some groups identifying as satanists, and as various other things. Heraldo Rivera did a whole special about it, and the cringe is so blatant it hurts. Also there was a a fake FBI raid in the film "faces of death" that implied there are satanic cults that commit occult ritual murders. All this turned out to be either fake or hugely over blown 

We can tie this into the TST, and it brings forward alot of interesting questions. I would guess that they are another instance of political interests using satanism as a springboard, but in this case it's inclusion, not exclusion at the base of the narrative. Also there is a huge element of historical revisionism on the subject of CIA operations that were going on well into the 90s, that have since been declassified/leaked. Lucien has chipped away at fake MKultra victims numerous times, but in the entire history pf the TST, I have never seen them interview or even mention one of the real ones for comparison. implying they want you to view all of it as fake although not admitting this.

Certain government/criminal groups did and still do employ satanic imagery to scare people, and to cause/cover up violence and crime. This is a prime example of revisionism being presented in a deceptive way.

They are also being used as a distraction and a strawman for the christians to attack. Who would've thought, using unironic satanism to cover up crimes you commited while dressed up as satanists. Gotta love the government, at least they keep it fresh. Here's one of Their halfway decent presentations about Ted Gunderson. Everything he says here is accurate to my knowledge. Notice they stop at Ted Gunderson though. The real Crimes that occured during mkultra are largely ignored.

Looking at this issue from 10,000 feet, It re affirms most of what I have said on here. EVERY TIME politics touches satanism it's in a scummy and exploitative way. We should simply distance ourselves from the TST, and distance ourselves from politics. Always save any real information you find, because as time goes on, I see us having less and less of the real picture.

TheblackestBart Dec 2 '19 · Rate: 5 · Tags: conspiracy, history, politics, satanism

Oh how I have always hated it. It wasn't nearly as bad when I was growing up. I guess events in the late 2000s-2013 convinced the establishment that independent thought was bad for it's health. They no doubt wanted to avoid the US erupting like Chile and Hong Kong. This was accomplished shiningly well. But how was it done? How did the powers that shouldn't be prevent the people from rebelling against a proven to be criminal government? How is it that we have protests in the US asking for MORE government control/censorship? The answer is rather simple. Propaganda.

You see, the whole thing started when people who are now in their late 20s were teenagers. You have to of course get to them early. It began with them strategically exposing a few things. Like a fleeing general sacrificing 700 infantrymen to cover the escape of the artillery, they allowed a few secrets to come out in the 2000s. Individuals were marked when they spoke out over the internet and the process began.

Just under the surface was the building blocks for radicalization in different key directions. Tired of Nazis for example? thank the prison system and the church. heres the two most common ways the governemnt and the church creates neo nazis:
> White kid learns about the deep state at 16
>sell dope for free dope  
>"hey do you guys know about the deep state?"
>yah dood it's literally just joos  
>thats ridiculou-*punch/rape*
>ok it's just joos

Or vice versa, you have the radicalization coming from the pentecostal/evangelical christian side of things.     
>White kid learns about the deep state at 16
>church goer
>one day pastor starts talking about illuminati and satanic pedo cults
>everybody eats it up because it's more interesting than the usual crap the guy talks about
>hey jimmy, you know who really hated satanic pedos? Hitler!
>Did you know joos are satanic pedos and hate jesus?
>no I didn't... wow joos bad.     

I'm sorry if that's insulting to some. If you're a history buff then you know alot of what is said about world war 2 is bullshit, and germany did get a pretty raw deal. But does dwelling on the foolishness of people in the 40s really help us now? The only difference it really makes is if you realize three things. 

1. It was american propagandists and business men who trolled the US population into entering the war. They pocketed the profits and said nothing.
2.Corruption in England and russia are to blame for world war 2 happening. capitalists in london, and communists in moscow. All working in their own best interest and not that of Europe. jewry sold them another war, because European governments/business interests wanted one. They wisely accepted their payment in realestate.

AKA people getting tricked by their own government. This is a perfect segway into the reasons people get propagandized into leftism/communism nowadays. The process for selling this to people is much simpler, given the demographic it is sold to generally is working with less information to start with. These are often people who have 0 knowledge of the deep state.

>be POC, gay, or female
>live in poor area
>conservatives don't like you because of hedonistic behaviour/drug use
>they also live in a better part of town
>they must be doing something to undermine you

>it's just them, nobody else. 
>Let's undermine them
>powa to da ppl

Often true revalations about the actual deep state and secret projects/history aren't even needed here, so they aren't brought into the picture at all. Most college leftists were very sheltered growing up and for many, college is one of the first places they get to interact with others unsupervised. For example, the fat girl gets made fun of kinda hard one day, 2 weeks later you got a full blown marxist. Sometimes it goes the other way as well. Some white soyboy from the suburbs goes downtown for some drinks with his buddies, gets mugged/jumped for the first time by some dark skinned folks. Bam. 2 weeks later, you got a /pol/ nazi. Bonus if his parents are liberal, now it's edgy.

The simple truth is that no politician has your best interests in mind. This is because most people do not have the interests and safety of others in mind when they make a decision. To some people, this is common knowledge. But others chose to buy into the lie of human decency. They trust blindly. Inevitably, they will all be pushed to one side and marginalized so that they don't become a threat to established interests. Personal/mental freedom for the population is bad for business.     


The order of the day is divide and conquer. I put forth that the fence is a great place to sit. If you are in the center you can play both types of idiot against eachother, and remain safe from the rabid pleb. There is no saving the pleb. They have the attention span of a hamster and their brain is even smaller. They have unmovable, irrational beliefs sold to them by propagandists, and past a certain age they cannot be salvaged.

What is a pleb you ask?

>Low IQ
>little to no life experience outside of controlled environments
>believes mainstream media, subscribes to main stream beliefs and ideology/religion
>Little knowledge of history/science. No desire for knowledge on these topics, it doesn't matter, can't wrap their head around it.
>loyalty towards authority figures.
>strong need for outside leadership, lack of ability to plan and calculate.
>non confrontational, can't argue, gets emotional easily.

If you see all of these Qualities in a person over 25, they aren't likely to change. The problem with the people who aren't plebs, is our silence

"the loudest voice gets heard first!"

I think people should be louder about how stupid this situation has gotten. I hate having to live with people like this. I say form circles with people you like, don't be a social climber. Be vocal about how you feel. So what you'll probably get called names. What is this, 5th grade? fuck them. Propaganda has now become a greater threat to the instution of liberty and freedom than war itself.

I'll close with this. Jesus said "the meek shall inherit the earth". This was a forboding prophecy, but not one that takes divine knowledge to make. Over centuries of blind obedience, it is has been made real. But it doesn't have to be the future

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