Online abuse for dummies
a guide to winning online arguments
Some people have had a wonderful and wholesome experience on the internet so far. It's true that if you're good looking and very normal, you'll mostly get a positive response if you make sure to stay within the confines of facebook and well modded subreddits. Others however, know all too well the hurt that has been caused by simply typed sentences. Some have even killed themselves over it. Some have also fought, and been successful at it.
This article is about how you can troll, argue, and rebel rouse without damage to your personality. All the subject matter I will mention here is for your benefit, I'm not trying to start a fight, I don't start shit as much anymore out of apathy and having a life nowadays to be honest. I however think SIN would get a lot from this knowledge.
A bit about me for reference, I came from a certain culture on the internet that is as old as it is dark. At 15 I scrolled limewire in the twilight years of the free internet. I was there in the early 2000s, before google came in with facebook and their army of regular plebs, hell bent on doxxing us all, and clamping down on our freedom. We fought to the last, but we were defeated, and became social outcasts (If we weren't already at this point).
I heard the call to arms again in 2015, and at the indignation of seeing the internet suddenly flooded with shitty propaganda, I stood side by side with some rednecks, the lolbertarians and others that didn't like being told what to say. I've never given up on my anti censorship and anti corporate views, and I've never backed down from a fight. I'm no hero, but I've had just about everything you can think of typed to me at some point.
Like a true satanist, I don't really care about following leaders or ideology, I just like to make fun of people that do.
The first things to do if you want to win arguments are simple
1. Be actually right. this goes a long way for obvious reasons
2. Do your research on the topic
3. An enemy of your enemy is not always your freind.
4. Speak clearly
5. Write well and avoid typos
These may be simple but the process is a deceptively hard one. To be one step ahead of the enemy consistently is always essential in intellectual warfare. If you give them and inch, you'll lose a mile.
Start by making a solid statement you know to be correct, in a place where you know people will argue with you. Christians like to come on here all the time and try this, and luckily Zach has a sense of humor and lets them stay and get their beliefs slaughtered in the forums. This is a solid way to start arguments when you're first getting started.
However there are other, more devious methods for sure. This is a classic I like to call, the troll in sheep's clothing:
step one: select cringy online community that will have turbo nerds who aren't used to confrontation.
step two: find what boards they post on, what games they play, try to discover where they congregate in one place.
step three: post there as a new member. Be engaging, make them feel superior to you. Make them think they are mentoring a like mind. Before too long there will be many responses and people watching the post.
Step four: slowly start to argue and refute them. Tell them why you don't like things and why they are weird for liking it.
Step five: When everyone is enraged, start posting porn and gore, until you get banned or bored. Alternate to step four if you don't wanna talk to them but just piss them off.
pandering and impersonation
another controversial form of attack is to pander to the enemy while also making them look bad. This has alot of uses when fighting antifa or the Nazi wanna betards (I hate both) You can actually cause them to defect from their cause by at first befreinding them online as a fellow radical, and then indirectly showing them how cringy they are. They think they defected with a freind, but were actually swayed by an enemy.
Impersonation is a technique people have been using to start wars for centuries. It works like this, conspiracy buffs know it as the "false flag":
dress up like the enemy and attack yourself to justify war. Or, alternatively, you can also infiltrate your enemy and suggest they attack you for real. either way, always a good technique for starting a good row anywhere.
people think that being a keyboard warrior is easy. That's why they fail and look like idiots. Intellectual warfare is one of the highest and most potent means of establishing your own views, while providing healthy counterweight to the status quo. SIN is now well armed with the fun and interesting tactics of basic online psychological warfare. May you have victory in your online engagements, and bayonet the survivors with an evil glint in your eye.
Recently, some douche joined the “sinister” facebook group spamming it with the bullshit and trolling the hell out of it. There would be nothing unusual about it (after all, there are plenty of such types in the cyber space) if it wasn’t for the reaction he caused. As much as I love the online arguments and flame-wars, this time I decided to sit back and watch. To each their own, but debating a person more ignorant than me doesn’t really turn me on. It’s a ROI thing. There is nothing to gain from such experience. You educate the stupid but learn nothing in exchange. There is also no satisfaction from winning the discussion. It’s like smashing a mouse against the wall.
But who am I to judge the kids playing in the sandbox, especially that I enjoy throwing sand myself? It’s all nice and dandy provided all kids have fun. This time only one kid had fun, the others… Well… here is a problem. The guy could have been banned, ignored, laughed off or responded to in a cold, pedantic and unemotional manner. Instead, the “sinister” types threw a tantrum, calling the guy names, telling him how much they hate him, crying he’s destroying the group and leaving one by one in the epic display of butthurt.
I nearly choked on my popcorn. It’s really funny to see the wannabe Satanists or sinister folks stand beside themselves with fury and show self-righteous indignation. And the guy… despite being weak in a fight on arguments, is a master of manipulation, knowing how and when to push people’s buttons. Because psychological warfare is a game to be played without any rules, except one; making your opponent leave the ring with the blood dripping from his nose or his sore butt. The arguments be damned.
Are our ideas and beliefs the fancy hats that we wear and change when the mood strikes us? Or are we like the fat chick trying to squeeze herself in a tight swimming costume? Sometimes, you’re trying too hard to fit in this or that identity label, this or that belief system, this or that peer group. Ideas and beliefs are the mere tools you use to progress and to expand your mind. The time comes when these ideas are no longer useful, you discard them and move on. Just like you throw away the old clothes. You are not your ideas or your beliefs. It would be a folly to cling desperately to an old party dress and scream “No, I won’t throw it away! It’s me! This dress is me!”
There is so much talk in Satanism about an adversary and herd-conformity, but one would be surprised how many people need the approval of others, the praise and respect of their peers and belonging to some exclusive and elitist club. It’s nicer and easier this way, because everyone, without exception, prefers praises to criticism. It’s very hard to thrive when confronted with opposition and loneliness. But how illusory are the temporary laurels you get from your fans.
Should I bend to your standards? Should I conform to your house rules? Should I satisfy your expectations? Yes, of course, as long as I live in your hotel/motel. But when I check out, damn you and your rules, and your expectations. Your hotel or motel is one of the many I’m passing by on my way home.
So coming back to our little motherfucker. He knew whom to troll;
people who worship the tools, who think they are special snowflakes
because of that, that they are the elite. If you worship a pentagram or
an O9A sigil, then you can as well go to church and prostrate yourself
before Jesus. Does it really matter where you sing your Hallelujah?